As the flames poured in, the hyena began to struggle and roar violently as if it had suddenly suffered some kind of torture.

It was as if all the pain in the world had gathered in its body. This monster, who had few pain nerves and would not frown even if stabbed by countless sharp knives, was struggling and roaring with all his strength at this moment.

He wanted to get rid of the red flames, but those flames, like maggots on the tarsal bones, attached to his skin and flesh, and kept burning! Burning!


In the end, the despair of death, or the desperate madness, the hyena locked its red eyes on Mu En, and with the red flames all over its body, it pounced on Mu En ferociously.

The extreme pain had made him abandon fear long ago, and he no longer cared about the terrible breath emanating from Mu En at this moment, and wanted to tear the guy in front of him into pieces!

But just when the hyena's claws were less than an inch away from Mu En's defenseless neck, his movements suddenly stopped.

Because, his eyes, inadvertently, met Mu En's.

At this moment, there was a bright fire in Mu En's eyes, which were as calm as a lake.

So, there was also a fire in the hyena's eyes, spreading outward from the pupil.

The fire was still red, but it was no longer substantial. It came out from his mind, his thoughts, his consciousness... the depths of his soul, swaying strangely.

Then it burned.


Burn everything!


The hyena widened his empty eyes and tried to squeeze out those few words from his throat:


But in the end, he couldn't say it.

Because Mu En had already pinched his neck, stretched out his index finger, put it in front of his lips, and whispered:

"Shh - it's better not to say that name."

"And, good night."

Mu En's palm suddenly exerted force.

But the touch from the palm of his hand was no longer from a living creature.

Like a stone sculpture that had been decayed for a long time, it finally came to an end at this moment.

With a crackling sound, the whole body of the hyena turned into countless scattered ashes in Mu En's palm.

The ashes scattered and merged into the raging wind, completely disappearing.

In just a few dozen seconds.

This powerful fourth-level monster was burned to ashes.

From the inside to the outside, nothing was left.

Only the cluster of red flames was jumping strangely, and it seemed to burn more excitedly.


At this moment, the field fell into a dead silence, as if even the sound of the wind had disappeared.

And in this dead zone constructed by storms and giant trees, the priest looked at Mu En, and looked at the hyena beside Mu En that turned into ashes and dissipated. His always calm expression finally... became gloomy.

Even if his eyes were blind, even if he was separated by a field that blocked all breaths, he finally recognized the true form of this terrible power.

That kind of unreasonable burning at the rule level is definitely not something that any magic or props can do.

That is... the power from the gods.

"So that's it... Is this your trump card, Muen Campbell?"

"Interesting, really interesting, who would have thought that as the son of a dignified duke, a genius with the world's top resources, I didn't expect you to go down this path."

After a short silence, the priest suddenly laughed, and that smile was extremely mocking:

"You are actually... a clergyman?"


"Is it the God of Fire, or the God of the Furnace? Forget it, I don't think you will tell me, but it's really surprising, can the son of a noble who is high above also endure the path of abstinence of the clergyman?"

The priest looked at Muen, looking incredible, and was amazed:

"I have been a priest in the church for so long, and I have seen countless false believers who only want to get favors from the gods, but can never be truly pious. , I didn't expect you to be able to do it. I have to admit, Mu En Campbell, people like you are rare, really rare. "

"I can't do abstinence... But forget it, just treat me as one."

The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched, but after thinking about it, he didn't argue, just shrugged casually and said:

"Since my power has been seen through by the priest at a glance, why don't you accept my proposal?"


"Just like you said just now."

Mu En pointed to the empty side and smiled:

"In order not to become a hyena, how about you surrender? In this way, I can also mercifully let you die without pain."


The priest listened to Mu En's familiar proposal, and suddenly froze for a moment, then his palm suddenly touched his face, covering his expression, and his shoulders kept shaking.

"Puchi...Hahahaha, Moon Campbell, you, you are such an interesting person."

The priest laughed, then removed his palm, revealing the reappearance of...sarcasm on his face:

"I admit that you are indeed beyond my imagination, but...why do you think that just relying on the gift of a god, just relying on killing that hyena, that waste, can make you nonsense to me?"


Moon said seriously:

"I am making this suggestion sincerely. After all, if possible, I don't want to use that kind of power casually."

"How arrogant you are, if that's the case...

The priest suddenly raised the Holy Scripture, and the majestic power of faith emerged from him.

He stared at the sky with a fanatical look on his face:

"Then let me show you, my noble lords, the true power!"

The Holy Scripture flipped.

The bright light bloomed, sacred and majestic.

The priest pointed with his hand.

Countless giant trees shook, and the dozen people could hardly hug them. The extremely thick branches of the giant trees suddenly twisted and intertwined flexibly, turning into layers of nets, covering Mu En, who was as small as an ant.

The giant trees twisted and rubbed against each other, like a group of snakes in estrus, leaving no gaps between the entanglements.

It is difficult to imagine how a fragile flesh and blood body would survive in it. The priest seemed to have heard the sound of Mu En's bones being crushed one by one deep in it.



The sound of the swaying flames instantly shattered the priest's fantasy.

The red flame spread from the center of the intertwined giant trees, like a bonfire jumping from a neat pile of firewood, and burned in an instant... extremely fierce!

"Ha, setting fire to the mountain will lead to a life in prison."

In the flames, Mu En slowly appeared and said helplessly:

"Can you use some moves from the mortal world?"

"Didn't it work?"

Looking at the flames that instantly burned countless giant trees, the priest's expression remained calm.

This result was expected.

After all, using the grace of the forest god to deal with the flames was not a wise move.

But he did this only because this grace was the most handy power for him.


to create opportunities for his next move.

As if he had finally accumulated enough strength, the priest's outstretched fingers turned into palms, and then pressed down.

The strong wind surrounding this area stagnated instantly.

After countless branches and leaves were swept away by the strong wind, above the sky that finally appeared in the forest, a large number of dark clouds hovered, rotated, and shrank, and then formed a vortex like the arrival of the end of the world.

Then, from the vortex, a real storm descended.

Unlike the airflow that was only used to trap and suppress Muen before, at this moment, terrible thunder, hail, and blade-like steel were poured into the storm together, interweaving into this torrent of destruction.

This is not just the power of a single divine grace, but the combined power of several divine graces, which consumed a lot of the power of faith accumulated by the priest over the years.

Under this torrent of destruction, the priest is confident that as long as there is an existence below the fifth level, there is no possibility of survival.


"It's over."

Seeing that the torrent of destruction accurately enveloped Muen, the storm and thunder would destroy everything, and the priest once again showed that faint calm smile.

Muen Campbell is indeed a very scary guy.

Unfortunately, he met the wrong enemy at the wrong time.

"I will erect a tombstone for your grave, and I will carve your name on it."

The priest bowed his head and prayed.

But just as he looked up and found one or two pieces of things that could make a simple grave in the ruins after the torrent of destruction, a light laugh suddenly sounded.

"Forget it, cough cough... leave it to my future son or daughter to build a grave for me. You are not worthy of it."

The voice came from the debris and dust blown up by the remaining wind, mixed with one or two weak coughs, but still... incomparably clear.

So clear... that the priest almost had a cardiac arrest.

"What... what?"

The indifferent smile disappeared without a trace, and for the first time, the priest's eyes showed that kind of incredible horror.

"How is it possible? How is this possible!"

The wind howled again, sweeping away all the dust and debris that blocked the vision.

Then, the blond man's appearance at the moment was revealed.

He was not unscathed. Several divine graces left several hideous wounds on his body, deep enough to see the bones.

But that was all.

He was still alive and could still stand up.

Even the red flames were wandering around his body, helping him recover from his injuries.

"So that's it... I understand, I understand!"

Staring at the flames, as if he had discovered something, the priest screamed excitedly:

"That's not divine grace, not divine grace, that fire... is divine favor!"

That's right, this kind of divine power that is like living water, can be consumed endlessly and at will, is definitely not a dead thing like divine grace that will be used up as much as it is used.

It is divine favor, the power of favor bestowed by the gods on those they love, and the manifestation of some of the laws of the gods in the human world!

Muen Campbell is actually a divine favoree!

What a joke!

I have never heard of such a thing!

Divine favorees are so precious that almost every appearance of a divine favoree will be registered with the church.

But in those records, there was never the name of Moon Campbell!

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