Does God love the world?

Of course.

Before that, I was sure of this.

But a seed of doubt still took root in my heart.

I want to know whether God really loves the world.

It is not the love woven by the scriptures and imagined by the believers.

I want the gods to answer me personally.

Whether it is love.

I began to worship the goddess more devoutly.

But no matter how hard I tried, no matter how devoutly I gave everything I had, the goddess did not respond at all. She just gave me the holy light.

But I don’t want the holy light, I want an answer.

Is it because there are too many believers, so I don’t care about the answer?

So, after the morning class one day, I prayed to other gods.

I was still very devout, still very sincere, and still gave all the offerings.

But even those gods with very few believers did not answer me.

They are still like the goddess, just constantly responding to my power.

Various powers.

But I don’t want power.

I just want an answer.

God, does he love the world?

So, one by one, and then another.

I began to believe in new gods.

Until that day.

What kind of day was that? I forgot.

I only remember that on that day, with my help, I finally realized my wish, and next to the girl who blossomed with a little red flower of joy, I really heard the answer of the Lord.

He said to me.

[Love. ]


Mu En frowned suddenly.

Because the priest in front of him suddenly became wrong again.

"It's not over yet! I still have a trump card!"

"I still have... the last Lord!"

It's hard to tell what the priest's expression was at the moment, just like a pot of hodgepodge, fanaticism, madness, sincerity, piety, and several completely opposite expressions, constantly mixed on his face.

But no matter how his expression changed, Mu En only read one meaning.

He wanted to make trouble.

And it was too late to stop it.

[Prayer. 】

The solemn reading sounded, and the whole world fell silent.

Mu En's breathing stagnated, because he could clearly feel that when the priest said those two words, there was already a terrifying gaze from a higher level, falling here.

Damn, this familiar plot, this strong sense of déjà vu...

A bad sense of crisis filled his mind, and Mu En had already begun to think about kneeling down and begging the black book for help in that posture, so as not to appear too embarrassing.

[With all my faith power, with all my divine grace power, I beg for your grace]

[Please give your love to this ignorant person in front of you. ]

[My most honorable Lord, the great... God of Love. ]



Mu En's eyes widened, and just as he was still digesting the content of the priest's prayer, with the end of the prayer, changes began.

On the priest's complex face, the flesh and blood began to wriggle violently, and finally, on the side of that face, a new face emerged.

That face was exactly the same as the priest's, except that the meridians were wriggling, as if countless earthworms were running under the skin, full of hideous malice.

At the same time, a misty hymn sounded, and white feathers fell from the void.

Gulp. Gulp.

That face swallowed the grace and faith of other gods with a satisfied expression, and still not satisfied, opened his dark eyes and looked at another delicious lamb.

Then He saw a silly face.

A familiar silly face.

Staring at each other.


After a short silence, Mu En, who finally came to his senses, almost jumped up and said in shock:

"God of Love, why is it you?"

What happened?

How come the God of Love appeared during the fight?

This plot doesn't seem to have much coherence.

Or has the priest's faith been played so much that he doesn't even let the God of Love go?


In the dark eyes, the appearance of the ant in front of him was rarely reflected. The previous memory emerged, and through the will of the priest's body, he instantly became angry and ferocious.

It's you again!

It's you again, the ant who messed up my business!

This time, this time, I won't...


The dark eyes suddenly condensed.

Because he saw the flames burning on Mu En at this moment.

The alchemical field naturally couldn't block his sight, because he recognized the origin of those red flames at first sight.


Once again, they stared at each other.

"Haha, I feel it, I feel the love of my Lord!"

The priest, who was completely unaware of this strange atmosphere, opened his arms and shouted enthusiastically:

"Ah, God really loves the world! My Lord, my noble Lord, please kill this damn guy in front of you, please show me more of your love!

Please... eh?"

The priest's shouting stopped abruptly.

Because he noticed the change again, and for him, it was a bad change.

As if time was going backwards, his face moved again, his dark eyes closed, and the malicious face moved and merged back into his flesh and blood.

The feathers dissipated, and the holy light disappeared.

And the overwhelming feeling that made him feel the love of the gods disappeared without a trace in an instant.


Slip away.

Sliding away without any sloppiness.

As for the things he just swallowed, it is naturally impossible to spit them out again.

As a result, only the priest, who had completely transformed into an ordinary person, was left standing there with a look of despair on his face.

"Eh? My lord?"

"Where is your love?"

PS: It’s really burned out.

PPS: I have something to do tomorrow. I may need to take leave, but I may not.

105. Why are you so skilled (two-in-one)

"My most noble and supreme Lord..."

The shrill wails were like the whimpers of ghosts, echoing in the forest that had returned to peace.

The priest's eyes were dull, and he knelt on the ground slumped, as if all his soul had been drained out.

"My Lord...why did you abandon me? Why did you withdraw your love for me? Did I do something wrong? Did I not be pious enough? Could it be..."

"It's very simple."

The indifferent voice sounded, but like bells and drums, it struck into the priest's heart:

"Your Lord does not love you."


The priest's trembling body suddenly froze. He glanced at Mu En with an empty look, then lowered his head and stared at the holy book in his hand.

Originally, the sacred scriptures contained the oracles he had heard from the gods over the years. They were proof that the great, supreme, and noble gods loved him and loved the world.

But now, there is only a blank space on the yellowed pages.

Was it taken away along with divine grace?

" like this."

The priest rubbed the blank pages.

——The Holy Scripture is no longer a Holy Scripture, it is just a useless and broken book.

He has nothing left.

God doesn't love him at all.

God does not love the world.

"It turns out that I was deceived by the Lord I have always worshiped devoutly."


At this moment, it seemed that not only the priest's faith was broken, but also his heart.

Hot blood spurted out from his throat in large mouthfuls, staining the holy book in his hand red and taking away the last glimmer of light in his eyes.

For an extremely devout believer, what could be more painful than being abandoned by the god he worships?

This kind of pain and despair is a hundred times more terrible than death.

The priest's body weakened and he fell to the ground.

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