No more sound.

"Is this...pissing yourself to death?"

After watching carefully for a while, and making sure that the priest was really dead and not playing any tricks, Mu En approached carefully, lowered his head, and looked at the priest's dilated pupils that still had despair.

"I haven't even started talking yet, and he's vomiting blood and dying?"

"This is the fate of following the wrong idol."

Mu En sighed and shook his head:

"Young man, those evil gods are more despicable and cunning than each other, you can't control them."

To be on the safe side, Mu En reached out and flipped the priest's body casually, but nothing came out. He didn't even have a space magic device except for the robe that was almost washed white.


As if he had discovered something, Mu En twisted the part of the holy book that the priest cherished so much that was not stained with blood, and flipped it back and forth.

Occasionally, there was a flash of fire on his fingertips. After a careful investigation, Mu En quickly confirmed it.

This is really just an ordinary broken book.

It is not the remnant after the god of love swallowed up the grace of God, but from beginning to end, this is a book that can be bought on the market for less than ten Emiles, and it is usually a blank book used by clergy to copy dogma.

There has never been any holy book.

There is no holy oracle.

Everything is his pathetic imagination.

And this imagination eventually brought real disaster.

"Is that so."

Mu En closed the book, stuffed the "holy book" into the arms of the priest, and said with pity:

"It's just a mental illness."


"So... it's finally over?"

After digging a hole and burying the priest casually, feeling the long-lost peace, Mu En sat on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

When the priest started praying without saying anything, he thought he was going to have another heart-pounding "beautiful" encounter with a new evil god.

He was almost scared to pee his pants.

The result was the god of love.

Fortunately, it was the god of love.

As expected of the God of Love.

This kind of caution that he would never make a move unless he was more than 80% sure, this kind of decisiveness that he would retreat and run away when the situation was not good, this kind of carefreeness that he would take care of everything and not take any responsibility at all, if you change to other evil gods, who can do it?

They would definitely feel ashamed and say that it was not possible.

"It's just that some of the consumption was too great."

After a self-examination, he confirmed that Chi Yan had repaired most of his injuries, but feeling the emptiness in his body as if it had been hollowed out, Mu En couldn't help but sigh.

If you count carefully, he has been fighting continuously for a long time.

And every time he had to use all his strength to fight against the enemy.

It's outrageous to think about it.

When the protagonist meets the enemy and pretends to be cool, he follows the logic of the plot and sends them one by one in a ladder-like manner. Why is it so cruel to me?

Think about who they are, each of them is a super-powerful person whose realm is much higher than mine. For a dandy nobleman like me whose biggest ambition is to be able to live and hug the thighs of beautiful girls, is it really that serious?

What level is he at? He is just a third-level warrior who can't even use magic. How can he win? A few months ago, he was still a delicate and beautiful boy who was not as strong as a maid!

"But... compared with the crises I encountered before, you are still far behind."

Mu En raised his mouth, not knowing whether he was mocking or self-mocking.

The violent divine grace just now cleared the large trees around and the deep humus layer under his feet, so Mu En lay comfortably on the soft sand, looking at the blue sky and the gradually gentle white clouds.

As they came all the way to the south, the temperature at this moment was already very pleasant.

"Next, should we continue to move in the direction where Leah disappeared, or wait here?"

"The enemy is so eager, it should be not far from the edge of the forest. If Leah escapes successfully, it will only be a matter of time before we can bring people back."

"As for Patton... a fool like Patton should not give up so easily, nor come back so quickly."

"Anyway, take a good rest first... you have to recover your strength as soon as possible."

As his eyelids became heavier, Mu En slowly closed his eyes.

Drowsiness came over him, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

Just before the darkness completely fell, Mu En suddenly caught a glimpse of mist from the corner of his eyes.


Something's wrong!

A certain sharp intuition suddenly jumped in the depths of his mind, causing Mu En to wake up instantly.

He stood up suddenly, widened his eyes, and looked around.

The surroundings were still very calm.

Very calm.

The mist just observed can also be regarded as the aftermath of the previous dissipation of the grace of God, and it doesn't seem to be abnormal.


I always feel like I forgot something?

Mu En held his head and fell into deep thought.

The bad feeling became stronger and stronger. Mu En's expression was slightly gloomy. He took out Elizabeth again, crossed the blades, and gently hit it.

The alchemical field of the arc spread out and enveloped him.

The alchemical field can isolate the breath, but it is not just to isolate the breath.

The field can also isolate some negative effects.

If there is any.

"... Wait."

As the field took shape, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Mu En's mind.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he bent his fingers.

"The priest and the hyena are dead, and Barton went after Leah.

But there should be one more person, they belong to four people, yes, four...

The remaining one is the magician...

Magician Flair! "

Mu En suddenly raised his head.

As he remembered that name, the faint clouds and mist in the forest suddenly surged and piled up, as if being blown by a strong wind.

But there was no wind in the forest at this moment.

What drives those clouds and mist... is magic!

Huge, gradually building into a powerful magic, but Mu En has never been able to detect the magic!

At the same time, a voice sounded in the rolling clouds.

"Oh, sure enough, have you still been discovered?"

"But it's pointless to notice now, it's too late."

"Are you ready for your last words, Moon Campbell!"

There was a trace of hatred in the voice, as well as the joy of revenge. Mu En's eyes continued to follow the voice, but the voice was erratic and it was impossible to determine the exact location.

"That was... also magic?"

Mu En's face was gloomy.

He was indeed too involved in fighting the priest before, but he couldn't be so careless that he could directly forget about a living person!

Therefore, it must be some kind of magic, and the time when he was attacked should be the time when he was sure that the priest was completely dead and relaxed his vigilance!

"Yes, it's magic."

Seemingly not in a hurry to take action, Flair said:

"The magic that eliminates the sense of presence is a very special kind of magic, right? Although it doesn't work at all in a head-on confrontation, as long as your attention is completely attracted to another person like just now, this magic is very good. What a magical skill!"

"...It's really, really careless."

Mu En looked gloomy and clenched the blade.

Due to the fact that Flair was temporarily disabled by him at the first moment, coupled with her current performance, she was not very present among the four people, and the previous fierce confrontation with the priest, the effect of this magic was greatly reduced. ...good things fly.

So much so that during this period of time, Flair's sense of existence completely disappeared from her subconscious mind. She was constructing magic under her nose like this, and she didn't even notice it at all!

Sure enough, no matter what kind of situation, the first element of team battle is to kill the magician first?

It's still a pity.

At that time it was almost...

"But, do you think you can deal with me this way?"

Mu En's eyes narrowed, he turned to look in the direction where the new voice came from, and sneered:

"You should have clearly seen the scene where the priest and I were fighting just now. Do you think you can be my opponent even if you have the upper hand?"

Red fire light lit up in his eyes, making his expression full of majesty at this moment.

In any case, Flair's threat level should be far inferior to that of the priest...

But Mu En only heard laughter, sarcastic laughter.

"Yes, I saw it, I saw it very clearly."

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that the rumored son of a good-for-nothing Duke would actually be a favored one by God. We have really been tricked by our employer."


Mu En narrowed her eyes.

"Haha, but so what, God's Favored Ones are not invincible. On the contrary, due to their fixed abilities, it is easy to find a way to target them with just a little observation."

Flair sneered a few times and continued:

"For example, judging from your performance just now, you don't have any long-range attack methods. Your terrifying flames also need contact, or close range, to be effective.

Even if you can burn anything, without a goal, you can't accomplish anything! "

"...Aren't you afraid that I have other unused moves?" Mu En was silent for a moment and threatened in a cold voice.

"Of course I'm afraid."

Flair's voice was still vague, making it impossible for Mu En to confirm her position.

"So whether it's magic for attacking or magic for escaping, I'm ready."

"I will test it first. If you really have other terrifying tricks as you said, I will run away without hesitation."

"But if you are just a lion whose blood is almost drained, and you are already at the end of your rope..."

Flair's voice changed with a biting chill and excitement:

"I'll keep that billion for myself!"

"Don't worry, I will avenge my previous revenge. You are not the only one who will use despicable tricks to sneak attacks!"


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