
Liya lowered her head and slid her toes on the ground in a somewhat shy manner.

Her hands were secretly behind her back.

She made another empty grab.

“What are you doing?”

Liya looked curiously at Mu En, who was squatting down and busy with something. He was touching Fular’s ​​body at the moment, looking like a pervert with a fetish who could be caught by the Empire’s law enforcement department and locked up until death.

“Of course it’s the fun loot collection session!”

Mu En’s eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands excitedly and said:

“The dungeon is over, isn’t this the most anticipated thing?”

Just like the protagonist in a novel, after experiencing a fierce life-and-death battle with the enemy, he collected enough loot from the enemy for the next upgrade. It’s really a plot that makes people feel refreshed.

But soon Mu En was disappointed.

“Why are you so poor?”

Mu En looked at the things in his hand with disgust.

Apart from the only space ring that looked a bit expensive, there were only some low-quality ornaments that were only suitable for decorating door panels in the Duke's Mansion.

The magic wand beside him had been thrown away by him a long time ago, because he couldn't use it at all, and... the quality was also very low.

"That's it?"

Mu En said helplessly:

"How can this make people feel good?"

After fighting the BOSS for a long time, you just dropped some worthless inorganic garbage. If this was put in the game, it would definitely be criticized as shit.

In the end, his expectations could only be kept on the space ring.

After thinking about it, Mu En took out Elizabeth.

Although brute force cracking is likely to damage the things inside, it can only be done this way.

The kind of "Dragon's mind moved one day, and the spiritual mark in the ring was erased" in the novels of the previous life did not exist at all on this space magic device made of special magic and alchemy.

If there is no specific magic release frequency, it can only be cracked by force, just like a lock without a key. Even to say that it is difficult to crack by force, at least his unlocking level 8 is completely useless now.

Fortunately, it was not a difficult task for Elizabeth.

As the blade swung down, the hard magic device collapsed instantly.

The things inside also scattered like flowers scattered by a fairy, and then fell down, drowning Mu En.

"Mu En..."

Liya's slightly cold voice came:

"This... is this the spoils you said?"


After a short silence, Mu En took away the thin piece of cloth covering himself.

Well, purple, with lace, although the taste is far worse than that of the senior sister, but it is still enough to make men have wild thoughts.

Feeling the girl's gaze at the scumbag, Mu En's mouth twitched.

Damn, I forgot that there must be such intimate things inside.


Mu En's breath moved, shaking away the things around him, and coughed dryly:

"You misunderstood, I am not interested in such things."

"... Really?"

The girl's distrustful eyes swept over Mu En.

Thinking of something that happened before, Mu En changed the subject with a guilty conscience:

"Anyway...anyway, if you have anything you like, just take it. It's also a little compensation for the things you lost before."

After saying that, Mu En turned around like he was escaping and rummaged around on the ground, but he didn't see anything he liked after rummaging for a long time. He could only mutter, "Novels are really all lies." He picked up a relatively pure magic crystal and began to restore his magic power.

Liya blinked, and finally moved her eyes away from Mu En, scanning the items scattered on the ground.

Unlike Mu En's disdain, she soon found many valuable things.

Magic devices with sophisticated techniques, scrolls with strong magic power, and magical beast cores with a high degree of purity...

"It's not as bad as you say."

After all, it was a collection of a genuine fourth-level magician, which was actually enough to make many people jealous. In terms of the richness, Li Ya had already regretted not taking off Barton's space magic device before.

Could it be...

Liya secretly glanced at Mu En's profile.

He said that on purpose again.

The girl started to think wildly again.

In the end, she said nothing and quietly put away some things that were very useful to her.

"Hmm? Book?"

Suddenly, Liya's eyes lit up and she picked up the inconspicuous black book on the ground.

The book had no name, but on the cover, a charming female figure was vaguely outlined.

A magician's collection of books... Could it be a book that records some rare magic?

The girl who likes reading books was suddenly excited. She didn't care about anything else and opened it on the spot to read.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.


The girl suddenly closed the book, her pretty face flushed.

"What, what is this?"

The text and patterns of this book are so explicit.

And there are some skills and things like that. Isn't that kind of thing like instinct?

"How... How could it be..."

How could there be such a shameless book.

Thinking about the blushing content she just saw, and then thinking about the piece of cloth that couldn't cover anything at all, Liya cursed in her heart. Sure enough, this magician is not a good person.

But, but...

Liya glanced at Mu En again, making sure that he was still concentrating on recovering his magic power and hadn't noticed, and breathed a sigh of relief.


Liya looked around again.

After making sure that no one would notice her little move at this time.


Secretly hide the book in your arms.

"I...I just wanted to find a safe place to destroy it later..."

The girl's cheeks were still bright red, she clenched her fists earnestly, and said to herself:

"That's right, just to destroy..."

"I don't know how to read it!"

"Absolutely not!"

PS: Sorry, I forgot to post again. I was tortured by a naughty kid from a relative for a whole day last night. I was in a bad state at night. I’m really sorry.

PPS: There will be more later.

107. Hitomi

"It's almost recovered."

As the magic crystal in his hand was consumed and turned into rubble, the magic power in Mu En's body finally recovered.

I couldn't help but sigh. I only needed a high-purity magic crystal to almost restore my magic power. Compared with Flar's powerful magic power that almost caused a small-scale "magic tide", it was really a world of difference.

I remember Teacher Meira said that a person's magic capacity is determined from birth.

What follows is just a difference in the degree of development and condensation.

So although knowledge and hard work are very important factors in the growth of a magician, do you still need to have enough talent to become one?

Well, forget it, it seems that with the name of Campbell, he will always be a salty fish who can only wield a knife.

But if you can't be a magician, it seems to be a good thing to be a magician killer.

Mu En weighed Elizabeth.

The next time you face the magician, you have to be more precise with your cuts. You can't let what happened this time happen again.


Then take it as a warning.

It was the words that were engraved in his heart when he gave the two knives good names, and every word was stained with blood.


Pushing useless thoughts out of his mind, Mu En looked at the sky.

Above the hole created by the previous battle, the blue sky was dyed crimson by the setting sun in the distance, and clouds like fish scales spread out, making it breathtakingly beautiful.

"Is it that late already?"

"I wonder if I can get out before dark."

Mu En touched his chin and looked aside:

"Liya, you... hmm?"

The questioning voice paused.

In the place where the debris was piled up, the girl lowered her head and was looking at something furtively.

He looked fascinated.

This attitude of letting down one's guard due to being too obsessed is extremely rare in a girl who aspires to be a future saint.

"Is there anything good?"

Mu En asked curiously:

"Looking so intently?"


Hearing Mu En's voice, lines like electrocardiograms flashed quickly on the girl's back. The girl suddenly hid the thing she had just secretly opened into her arms again.

"No, it's nothing!"

The setting sun illuminated the girl's cheeks crimson, like a ripe apple, so fresh and tender that it could drip water.

"I can't even look at it?"


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