The girl puffed her cheeks and protected her chest tightly, looking very determined.

"All right……"

Mu En scratched the corner of his mouth.

It seems that I was really disliked just now.

But just like the previous time, it wasn't his intention.


Sure enough, it is impossible for a person like him to be treated as a protagonist.

"You...what did you want to ask just now?"

After making sure that Mu En didn't see anything, Liya patted her turbulent waves, breathed a lovely sigh of relief, and changed the subject.

"Ah, right."

Mu En lightly hammered her palm:

"I would like to ask, does Liya know how long it will take for us to get out of the forest? I guess we are not far from the edge, but I am not sure. Before Liya..."

"I saw the exit of the forest." Liya answered.

"Really?" Mu En's eyes lit up.


The girl nodded and counted on her fingers:

"If you walk a little faster, you can walk out in about two hours."

The previous half hour was her fastest speed.

Now that the enemies are all dead, there is no need to use such an escape speed.'s not bad either.

"Two hours?"

Mu En looked into the distance. Although the setting sun was still spread out, a small half of the sun's disk could still be seen on the outline of the giant tree.

It should be a while before the real sun sets.

"Two hours should be enough for us to get out."

Mu En thought:

"And it doesn't matter if we can't make it in time. The edge of the forest shouldn't be that dangerous, so a little night walk would be a cost-effective option."

"It's better than spending another night in a place like this..."

"I don't think it's okay to spend another night..."

In the breeze, the girl's very low murmur came.


Mu En couldn't help but frown.

I don't know if it was because he absorbed too much magic power at once, but he seemed to be hallucinating.

After all, I hate snakes and poisonous insects, and I hate a pretty girl who can't take a bath. How could she say such stupid things about spending another night in the forest?

"let's go."

Mu En decided to ignore this harmless illusion and said to Liya with a smile.


Liya still made a habitual hum, quickened her pace, and grabbed the corner of Mu En's tattered clothes.

Look, how could such a timid girl agree to such a dangerous thing as sleeping in the forest at night?

"rest assured."

Mu En took out Elizabeth and opened the way in front as usual, while smiling and comforting:

"The enemies are all dead. There should be no danger in this forest."

"……I know."


"Then...are you injured? If so, as a gentleman, I can reluctantly help Liya."

Mu En glanced at a place where Liya's presence was still strong, and said seriously:

"Based on visual inspection, I can still afford this weight."

"I don't want it."

The girl could see through Mu En's little thoughts at a glance. The afterglow still lingered on her little face, and she pursed her pink lips and muttered:

"Bad, scoundrel!"

"Tsk, damn it, how on earth did you find me..."


Mu En, who was walking in front, was halfway through his joke when he suddenly stopped and Liya, who was caught off guard, hit his back.

" hurts."

With tears in her eyes, Liya rubbed Qiong's nose and glared at Mu En's back with a groan, and punched her in retaliation with her pink fist:


Isn't it because I didn't agree to your bad intentions? If you come and ask me nicely...

"Did you hear anything?"


Mu En's suddenly serious tone made Liya pause, and then she also became serious.

She pricked up her ears and carefully discerned the noise around her.

"I didn't hear anything, except the wind and..."


The shrill crow of a crow interrupted the girl's words.

The two of them turned their heads together and looked at the flock of crows flying from the branches not far away.

Those crows followed the dead bodies and had been waiting here just now, waiting for Mu En and the others to leave before enjoying the feast delivered to their door.

So Mu En was too lazy to bury Fular, as he would definitely be dug up again by these smart crows.

But now for some unknown reason, the crows didn't even care about the feast that was so close at hand. They spread their wings and fled into the distance in a hurry.

"Something's wrong."

Mu En's face was gloomy, and he skillfully held the girl's hand:

"Let's go!"

Mu En pulled Liya up and ran away.

Liya was also very sensible and poured down a ray of holy light, making the speed of the two people increase to another level again.

At this speed, let alone thirty minutes, I am afraid that the two of them can walk out of this dangerous forest in less than fifteen minutes.


Click click click.

As the sound Mu En was looking for became clearer, Mu En finally understood what the sound was.

This is……

Something, a cracking sound.

But the question is, in this forest full of giant trees, vines and soft humus, what can make such a crisp sound when broken?

"Mu En."

Liya's voice sounded in Mu En's ears, with clear panic:

"look up!"


Mu En, who had been focusing on the road ahead, then raised his head.


His pupils shrank suddenly.

Following Liya's instructions, he finally saw the source of the strange sound.

Right above the two of them.

On the clear sky.

A dark crack slowly appeared from top to bottom.



Crack, crack, crack.

In this forest, whether it is giant trees, vines, the ground, or rocks covered with moss, it is impossible to make such a crisp sound like glass breaking.

So the sound was made.

It was space.

Gradually broken space.

Unlike the small fights caused by the space magic before, the space itself was like a fragile piece of cloth being violently torn apart, revealing the deep black behind it.

The crack was so huge that it seemed to divide half of the sky.

Then, in Mu En's horrified sight, from the crack behind it, it seemed to outline the deep black land of high mountains, and suddenly, a blazing sun rose up, looking down on everything.

But Mu En soon discovered that it didn't seem to be a sun.

It was an eye pupil.

A golden vertical pupil that seemed to have all the majesty in the world!

"What is this...?"

Mu En's voice trembled.



"Sir Eller."

At the edge of the misty forest, Adolf, who had circled the entire forest again, fell from the sky and looked at the serious middle-aged man on horseback and asked:

"Have you found any trace of the Campbell kid?"


Eller tightly grasped the reins, and the veins on the back of his hand were throbbing because of too much force. He shook his head and said:

"The people sent out have not responded yet."

"What about the search range?"

"This forest is too big. Even if the army searches all night, it can't reach even one-fifth of it."

Eller reported this information, his eyes becoming more gloomy.

"Besides, it is a border stronghold after all. Even if it is the son of that lord, I can only allocate half of the army to search for him. Please forgive me, Lord Adolf."

"No, I am not blaming you. On the contrary, I am very grateful that you can help me find him."

Adolf laughed bitterly at himself.

As one of the elders of the Adventurer's Association and a famous crowned master on the continent, he actually lost his employer when he was completing the employer's mission in person.

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