If this incident spreads, I'm afraid his old face will be completely disgraced.

But, no matter what, he had to find the boy from the Campbell family as soon as possible. Otherwise, let alone whether he would really lose his life later, he would not be able to tell the lion king of the Campbell family, or even the entire family, about this matter. Imperial confession.

"How about... venturing into the forest to search?"

Adolf stroked his beard and began to think about the feasibility.

Although this forest is indeed forbidden to those who wear the crown, if you restrain your aura and act quickly, it might be possible.

after all……



In the dense forest, a swarm of flying birds arose, covering the sky like dark clouds swept by a strong wind.

As if he had noticed something, Adolf, who had always been calm, suddenly stared in the direction of the forest with a look of shock on his face.

"Your Excellency Adolf!"

Elle tried his best to control the inexplicably frightened horse and asked:

"what happens?"


Staring into the distance, Adolf didn't even notice that a few strands of his beard were pulled out, and his voice trembled:

"How can this be?"

"It's obviously been silent for hundreds of years...why is it suddenly moving at this time?"

"That... natural disaster?!!"

108. Natural disaster

"what is this……"

In the forest, Mu En, who was like a wooden man, had an uncontrollable tremor in his tone.

That extremely dazzling golden eye reminded him of the time when he first saw the King of Blight on that piece of red soil. It was like a huge sun hanging in the sky, looking down at everything mercilessly.

But the two are completely different.

The King of Blight is indeed the image of a giant eye, but it is full of violence, ferocity, despair, and the aura of destruction that is about to burn the world to the ground.

But this golden eye is very pure, extremely pure, with only the nobility and majesty escaping from those golden rays, like a golden throne standing on the top of a mountain.

The extended line of sight of the golden eyes swept across the entire forest, like an emperor inspecting his territory.

But suddenly, the golden pupil disappeared.

After the crack there was only darkness.

But Mu En clearly felt that something huge was moving in the deep darkness, and the shadows of the mountain peaks suddenly collapsed, and the ethereal virtual image was the night that shrouded the world after the sun set, with a suffocating sense of despair, coming across.

The crack expanded rapidly as if it was about to split the entire sky in half, and black mist spread out from the crack.

Soon, a new sun rises.

The golden vertical pupils appeared again, this time... for two rounds.

A majestic silhouette poked out from the darkness.

The huge head reveals a ferocious beauty. The long neck is like a giant snake that swallows the world in legend. It is covered with cold scales, like steel intertwined. The wings break free from the constraints of space, almost tearing apart the sky and the earth.

That is……


The majestic, terrifying, ferocious, and ferocious black dragon!

The giant dragon just spread its wings, and countless strong winds responded, lifting it up in the air like a humble minister.

The clear sky was covered with dark clouds at some point. This was not a local change in the celestial phenomena that the priest had used his divine grace to achieve. Instead, in every corner of Mu En's field of vision, the entire sky had completely turned into an icy iron curtain. .

Black mist filled the gloomy woods, drowning the two small figures. Even the giant trees not far away were somewhat unclear. However, no matter how thick the mist was, it could not hide the terrifying figure of the giant dragon.

"This...this is...a dragon...the Dragon of Death."

Liya's trembling and unbelievable voice echoed in Mu En's ears. From the little hand he clenched, he could feel the shake and panic in the girl's heart at this moment:

"This is...the natural disaster."


In the inexplicable silence, the sound of swallowing saliva was so clear. Mu En did not realize that her voice was also trembling, and she retained a trace of luck to ask:

"Really...sure? Is it possible that it's just an ordinary dragon passing by?"

"How can an ordinary giant dragon be so scary?"

Liya shook her head with a pale face:

"Moreover, this forest is the territory of that natural disaster. Other dragons don't even dare to come close, let alone pass by."

Hope broken.

No, there was no hope of this from the beginning.

It’s just self-deception.


"Why... hasn't that natural disaster been silent for hundreds of years?" Mu En said to herself incomprehensibly.

Those who wear the crown are not allowed to enter the forest because it will be considered a provocation.

This is nature. It is impossible for any beast to allow other predators to enter its territory.

But would even the most ferocious beast care about the ants that accidentally stepped into their territory?

Of course it's impossible.

But his previous battle with the priest was nothing more than a fight between ants for the natural disaster that was the ceiling of this world's combat power.

Although the God of Love came to intervene halfway, the God of Love did not use any power at all at that time.

That kind of expressiveness didn't scare even Mu En himself. He didn't think that this alone could wake up the natural disaster that had been sleeping for a long time.

"Could it be..."

Mu En's eyes lit up and she said to herself.

Are natural disasters just passing by?

It's like sleeping for too long, suddenly waking up and taking a walk in your yard. You didn't notice these little bugs at all. Is it purely an accident that they appeared here?

But... Soon, Mu En's innocent thoughts were shattered.

Because above the infinite black mist, the huge head of the black dragon was rising slightly, as if a person who had just woken up stretched and then slowly lowered it.

The vertical pupils emitting golden light, like ancient brass lamps from time immemorial, penetrated the thick black fog and fell on... Mu En.

In an instant, all the luck disappeared, Mu En's blood stagnated and her body became cold.

Staring at that cold and majestic gaze, Mu En felt a tremor coming from her soul.

He had received many terrible looks.


The Blight King.

Silent Moon.

But no matter which time, this time never made him fearful and shaken.

It's not because the evil gods are inferior to the natural disaster in front of them, but because no matter how terrifying the evil gods are, their true form cannot truly come.

But now,

Being called a natural disaster, just its dissipated aura can cause a completely different evolution of the ecology of an entire forest. It once destroyed an ancient civilization in the past who knows how long ago——

Hamraen, the dragon of death, watched him.

So close.

"Go quickly."

Mu En let go of Liya's hand.

"It seemed to be targeting me."

The majestic golden eyes clearly fell on the ant Mu En, who seemed not to care at all about the other little ant beside him.

"I'm leaving...what should I do with Mu En?"

"I have a solution."


Liya bit her lip. She didn't dare to look directly at the natural disaster. She could only use the corner of her eyes to carefully spy on the ferocious scales.

But even so, it was very difficult for her to even stand, and she almost fell to her knees.

That was a natural disaster...

Mu En... what can he do?

"I really have a way."

Mu En repeated it again, trying his best to show confidence and push Liya away.

"Let's go!"


There was silence for a moment, and Mu En did not look back, but she seemed to be able to feel the girl's breath away from him.

The dragon ignored it.

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, a fierce light flashed in his eyes. At this critical moment when his own strength was useless, he did not hesitate to use his last trump card.

You forced me to do this!

watch out!

——[Black book save me! 】

The extremely sincere call resounded in Mu En's heart, longing for Doraemon to take action again to save Mu En from despair at this critical moment.


This time, there was no response.

Why do I say it again? Because this scene seems to have happened more than once.

No matter how Mu En called, Black Book didn't respond at all.

Even the layer of ghostly light around it has shrunk a lot, and its body has been hidden deeper into Mu En's consciousness.

Extremely skilled at pretending to be dead.

It's like being afraid of being discovered by the natural disaster in front of you.

"No way, so unreliable?"

Seeing this, Mu En's mind suddenly sank and the corners of her mouth twitched.

This situation reminded him of Black Book's almost identical reaction when he met Teacher Meira before.

However, Teacher Mela only had tentative thoughts at that time, but what thoughts did this natural disaster have?


Mu En seemed to think of something, and her face suddenly turned as pale as paper.

Speaking of Teacher Meera...

When she was carving the magic circuit on her back, one of the most important materials was what it was made of.

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