It seems to be called——

Ancient dragon blood...

109, crush

Mu En's face was pale.

Under the terrible external pressure, the magic circuit and alchemical matrix behind him had already started to operate autonomously, and the slight heat constantly stimulated his nerves, as if he was roasted by charcoal fire.

But he could not feel the slightest warmth, but felt as if he was in an ice field with a biting cold wind, freezing to the bone.

Ancient dragon blood.

Thinking over and over again, the only thing about him that could attract this natural disaster was the dragon blood that came from the same kind and had been used by Teacher Meila as one of the materials and completely integrated into his body.

Damn it!

Meila cheated me!

Although he had been cheated by that old loli more than once or twice, this time Mu En really wanted to go back and grab her baby fat face and vent his anger.

But the premise is that he can survive.

"No, the book says that dragons are not creatures that are extremely indifferent to their own kind? Are they also attracted to the blood of their own kind?"

"Besides, the ancient dragon's blood was condensed to that extent by Teacher Meila, why is there still a trace of breath left?"

One question after another came to Mu En's mind, but he no longer had the time to think. The majestic golden eyes stared at him, like the brightest searchlight, as if to see through his entire body.

——It was indeed looking for something.

Calm down.

Be calm.

Natural disasters are different from evil gods. Although they are demon beasts, beings of this level should be able to communicate.

If it just wanted to kill me to vent its anger for its own kind, it would have taken action the moment it appeared, and I would have no chance of being spared. There was no need to delay for so long.

Mu En took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart. He dared not look into the golden pupils. He lowered his head, squeezed out a low voice from his lungs, and asked respectfully:

"... the awe-inspiring natural disaster, the dragon of death, respected Lord Hamrein, may I ask you--"

But before he finished speaking, Mu En's greeting was interrupted by the sound of the wind.

That was not an ordinary wind, nor was it the sound of the storm that the priest had said before.

It was as if the winds of the whole world gathered here, and then were violently torn apart, and on the edge of dissipation, a sound like a wail of wind was emitted.


In the buzzing of the death warning in his brain, Mu En raised his head in astonishment, and saw a trace of mockery flashing in the majestic golden pupils of the natural disaster.

It seemed to be mocking a mere ant, who dared to call the dragon by its name.

So, the natural disaster raised his ferocious forelimbs, held them in the air, and a finger popped out from it... No, it would be more appropriate to describe it as a claw.

Then, this claw, which was still too huge for Mu En, aimed at his head and fell gently.

The reason why it was light was that the claw fell very slowly, so slowly that Mu En seemed to be able to count every scale on it.

But immediately, Mu En coughed up a lot of blood, as if there was an invisible mountain, which slowly and desperately crushed every inch of his flesh and blood, even every cell, in a terrifying posture that made him nowhere to escape.

"Damn it!"

Mu En's face suddenly became ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood in his throat.

He naturally couldn't sit and wait for death.

Even if the difference in strength was so great that it made people despair, he still held the blade in his hand tightly.

Then, without hesitation, he swung!

Thunder roared!

Twenty folds!

The dazzling knife light, wrapped in Mu En's strongest power at the moment, slashed at the claw that fell like a play.

The alchemy matrix was pushed to the limit in an instant, but it was not enough. Under Mu En's forced urging, the second alchemy core that Teacher Meila had engraved on his body in advance and temporarily sealed gradually lit up.

Like a bright morning star before the dawn.

Sixty times.

Seventy times.

Eighty times...

One hundred times!

The time delay of a hundred times was stimulated without reservation.

And under the blessing of a hundred times, the knife light was like a galaxy hanging down, even more dazzling!

The knife light separated the invisible mountains with a sharp posture. Mu En was like an arrow about to leave the string, ready to go. As long as he slightly cut the invisible terrible pressure on himself, he would escape quickly with his own speed.

He was not so stupid to fight with a natural disaster.

But... it was still not enough. Even if it was his strongest attack that broke through the limit in history, he still couldn't shake the giant claw that fell easily.

He couldn't even slow down its movement.

The golden eyes were still full of mockery.

More terrible pressure enveloped him, and Mu En was soaked in blood.

"Holy Light Protection--"

Suddenly, a warm current flowed through Mu En's body. Under the blessing of the holy power, the sword light, which had just begun to decline, expanded instantly like a flame poured into hot oil.

The invisible mountain that was pressing down was finally cut open by the sword light. Mu En felt relaxed, but he didn't care about the joy of regaining his freedom. He followed his instinct and rolled on the ground in a mess. Finally, at the last moment, he avoided the falling claw.

From the perspective of the dragon, he just slightly pressed down one claw in a small arc.

But in front of Mu En, a bottomless pit that looked like a meteorite impact was formed instantly. It was dead silent and deep, and even the extra dust was not raised.

Mu En felt cold all over. It was conceivable that if he had been a little slower just now, he would have turned into nothingness like the soil and rocks in the pit that disappeared out of thin air.

But he didn't care about these things at all. Instead, he looked to the other side and asked hoarsely:


Over there, the girl with a white skirt held the holy light in her hand, trembling all over, with fear and determination in her eyes:

"I... I don't want to escape."

"It's useless for you to stay, go!"

"I know--"

The girl's cute face was pale, but facing the dragon named after the natural disaster, she never took a step back.

"Maybe I'm useless, maybe I'm weak, but...but...but I don't want to run away again. I'm Leah Angel, I'm the future saint!"


Liya looked at Mu En with trembling and beautiful eyes, and whispered:


[Hum. 】

At this time, a cold hum sounded, and the black fog covering this place suddenly became violently turbulent.


The holy light shone brightly, but soon withered and dissipated. The girl groaned in pain, as if she was hit in the chest by a giant hammer, and flew backwards.


Mu En's eyes were bloodshot.

Silly woman!

His expression suddenly became ferocious, and the red flames that had not yet fully recovered gushed out of his body without reservation. At the same time, his figure flashed and appeared in front of the giant dragon in the air.

The angry eyes met the majestic golden eyes without fear, and the knife in his hand was wrapped with the world-burning fire from the evil god, aiming at the thing called natural disaster, and suddenly fell!

The giant dragon stared at the ants flying in front of him, and his mocking eyes condensed, as if he recognized those flames and became a little serious.

So, the single claw became... three.

The three claws covered Mu En, like a cage, gradually...closing.

The red flames were still burning, but they could not stop the claws from approaching. Mu En made countless low sounds, like the explosions of burning bamboo.

At that moment, he didn't know how many bones in his body were broken at the same time.

The severe pain tore at his nerves. No matter how angry and ferocious he was, he could clearly feel that his strength was gradually being drained away.

He had no power to resist.

Is this a natural disaster?

Mu En's eyes showed despair.

The dragon did not completely grasp him in its palm, allowing him to fall decadently from the gap between its claws.

At the last moment when his consciousness dissipated, Mu En turned his head with difficulty and looked at the girl not far away.

The blood stained the white dress on her chest, and the girl's closed eyelashes trembled slightly, like a butterfly with broken wings.

I seem to... I still implicated her.

Mu En smiled bitterly, and his consciousness fell into darkness.



The forest fell into silence, even the sound of the wind stopped, as if it did not dare to transgress in the slightest.

The dragon was high above, overlooking everything.

But its majestic golden eyes didn't care about the disgusting girl with strong holy light, but kept falling on Mu En.

It was waiting for something.

Mu En was covered in blood at this moment, and his internal organs and bones had been broken into countless pieces. If it weren't for those equally disgusting flames supporting his last bit of life in the deep, he would have died long ago.

For Mu En, this was a desperate situation.

So it was waiting.

Only when it was desperate enough could it force out what it wanted to find.

As for the faint ancient dragon aura on him, the black dragon didn't take it seriously at all.

Just a fellow tribe.

It also killed a lot of them.

Nothing to care about.

But as time passed quickly, the sky was getting dark.

Mu En's blood seemed to be almost drained...

Still nothing happened.

A trace of doubt finally flashed in the dragon's golden eyes.

Could it be... guessed wrong?


Not far away, there was an awkward crow cry.


The dragon withdrew its gaze indifferently.

It was ready to leave and end this boring farce.

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