But at this moment, it seemed to have discovered something, and its cold eyes swept towards Mu En again.

On Mu En's chest, as his clothes were torn, a piece of paper was exposed in the close-fitting lining that had clearly experienced such a fierce battle, but there was still no trace or wrinkle.

It was a letter.

It looked very ordinary.

The majestic golden eyes flashed, and the endless black mist surged and retracted, wrapping the huge dragon body and turning it into a black giant cocoon.

The world became clear, the sky was dim, but the stars were bright.

Then, footsteps sounded from the cocoon.

A tall figure walked out of the cocoon.

The black long skirt dragged on the ground, hanging layers of thorn-like exquisite patterns, and the red long hair spread out, like a burning maple forest in late autumn.

The exposed shoulders and neck, scattered with one or two delicate scales, made the skin look even whiter, and the hands and bare feet that stretched out from the black skirt were faintly charming jade under the starlight.

The face was unclear, only a pair of eyes that were no longer as dazzling as the sun, but still as if cast in gold, made the boundless night succumb to it.

It was a woman.

The "woman" who was named a natural disaster.

The woman walked to Mu En's side, and her majestic eyes never glanced at him again. She just leaned over slightly, stretched out her hand, and reached for the letter.

"That letter is not for you."

The childish and playful voice of a child suddenly sounded in the forest.

The woman raised her head, and her cold golden eyes just met a pair of clear amber.

110. The cheating teacher

The starlight was scattered, and the world was silent.

It was as if time had stopped.

Even the leaves blown by the breeze did not dare to make the slightest sound.

And in this clear night, only gold and amber looked at each other coldly, like glaciers colliding, sparks splashing.


Finally, on that blurry face, there seemed to be a sharp eyebrow raised high, like a cold sound of a sword being unsheathed, echoing in the dark night where everything was holding its breath.

It seemed to be regretful.

"You are not dead yet."

"Hehe, you old female dragon who likes to play is not dead. I am young and beautiful, in my prime, and always seventeen years old. How could I die?"

The white-haired, red-eyed old loli in strawberry pink pajamas crossed her arms, raised her white chin proudly, and pouted:

"Also, call me Mela."


The night air seemed to suddenly become a few degrees colder.

"It's a pity, it's just a projection."

The majestic golden eyes suddenly moved slightly downward, looking at Mela's petite body hidden in the slightly loose pink pajamas. I don't know if it was an illusion, and the blurred corners of her mouth faintly outlined a sarcastic arc.

"You have become smaller again, Domir."


A few degrees colder.

The pink nightgown fluttered slightly, scattering star-like light particles. The little feet that stepped on Mu En's face left, and Mela floated up until she was at eye level with the woman, no, a little higher.

She raised her head, pushed her chest up hard, and looked down from above.

"It's still small." The woman sneered.

"I used to be bigger than you."

Mela stared at the bulging chest under the woman's black skirt and sneered.

"It's just temporarily surpassing me, what's there to be proud of."

"It's still small."


The baby's fat cheeks twitched, but Mela's amber-like red and clear eyes turned, and suddenly revealed an extremely kind smile.

"Oh my, look at me, so rude. I haven't seen you for so long, and I don't even know how to say hello properly."

Mera paused, and in a sweet voice, like a friend who hadn't seen you for a long time, she greeted you very gently:

"Good evening, the famous natural disaster, the dragon of death that everyone fears - Ham. Lei. En."

"Boom -"

The endless black fog suddenly exploded, the woman's fiery red hair fluttered, and her golden eyes were majestic and indifferent, as if the world would surrender to her.

She stared at Mera, and the gold was coated with a layer of frost.

"Shut up."

She said:

"Don't call me by that name."

"Oh, do you really still hate this title?"

Meira still hugged her flat chest with both hands, shaking her head and said:

"Hamrein, in ancient language, it means 'the one who brings destruction and despair', isn't it quite cool? If I had such a cool nickname, I would let others call me that every day."

"Shut up, I don't like this kind of name that humans give me without authorization!"

"Haha, I don't."

Teacher Meira raised the corner of her mouth in contempt, not caring at all about the distortion of the space. The murderous intention:

"Hamrein Hamrein Hamrein, I called, what can you do to me?"

"I'll kill you."

"You can't kill me."

"Then I'll kill him."

The woman lowered her head and looked at Mu En at Meila's feet:

"You can't stop me with just one projection."


Mela shut up, looked down at her own disciples, and then looked up again. A trace of struggle appeared on her face. After a long time, she finally squeezed out a sentence from her teeth:


"Each other."

"What's the point of threatening someone? If you have the guts to come to my academy, you'll definitely end up in trouble!" Meila snorted.

"Why don't you come here with your real body? After a thousand years, I really want to see if you have also regressed in other aspects."

"I can't leave the academy."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Coward, is that all the natural disaster is?"

"Hehe, the strongest great magician of mankind is just like this."



Gold and amber stared at each other fiercely again, like icebergs colliding, sparks flying.


The majestic golden eyes took the lead in ending this meaningless waste of time. The woman lowered her head and her eyes fell on Mu En for the first time.

"Is this your disciple?"

"How is it?"

Mera put her hands on her hips and said proudly:

"Excellent enough."

"...Based on the average level of the human species, it's okay."

The woman's eyes flickered slightly.

Mu En's eyes were closed at this moment, his face was pale, but the messy blonde hair and bloodstains still couldn't cover up the handsome face that could be said to be at the top of male humans.

But for her, the so-called appearance of humans is meaningless.

She just suddenly remembered that this person, even in a desperate situation, facing herself, a natural disaster that he could never defeat, he still had the courage to draw his sword.

I killed many people and destroyed many existences. This situation... is rare.

As for those strange abilities on him...

The woman's narrow eyes suddenly narrowed and looked at Meila:

"You haven't given up your ridiculous plan yet?"


Mela also narrowed her eyes slightly:

"Compared to me, you are more ridiculous, are you still looking for [her]?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Since we are all beautiful girls, I advise you to give up."

Mela restrained her smile and her face became indifferent:

"It is impossible for you to find [her]."

"It has nothing to do with you."

"You don't know [her] where she is at the moment, you don't know [her] current form, and you don't even know whether [she] is a person or something now.

With [her] nature, even if she appears directly in front of you, you can't detect it, so you have been hiding in this forest for so long, right?"

"I just hate humans."

"Hehe, maybe."

Mela crossed her arms again:

"You are still as stupid as before."

"Each other."

The woman's majestic golden eyes were calm, As if she couldn't stand this meaningless chat, she turned around and left.

The dark crack opened up again in front of her.


"Take care."

"Tsk tsk."

Watching the swaying figure in the black skirt gradually disappear, Mela held her chin and suddenly muttered in a low voice:

"What do you mean I've become smaller? Thousands of years have passed, and you haven't changed at all."


The woman's bare feet, which were about to step into the crack, suddenly stopped.

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