"That's it."

Mu En finally felt relieved.

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Adolf."

"It should."

"Can I go visit her now?"


Thinking about the famous engagement of the young master of the Campbell family in front of him, and thinking about some rumors, the teasing and gossipy look in Adolf's eyes became more intense. He stroked his beard and smiled:

"Wait a minute, I'm going to make some arrangements."


After Adolf left, Mu En finally had a chance to calm down and start to think about what happened before.

"I actually survived."

"Obviously we are also facing a natural disaster, and Liya's own holy light cannot automatically heal her, but my injuries have been fully recovered."


He stretched out his hand, looked at his slender fingers, and then slowly squeezed them.

"I feel like my physical strength has increased a little. Why?"

"What's this weird feeling?"

From just now, an inexplicable but not strong feeling of heat has been suppressed deep in Mu En's lower abdomen, but no matter how much Mu En's perception explores, she cannot identify the true identity of that strange feeling.

Fortunately, this strange feeling did not have any real impact on Mu En for the time being.

The black book remained silent.

"Then who saved me?"

Mu En touched her chin in confusion,

"Is it possible that the natural disaster really just came out for a walk after waking up?"

Each mystery is more puzzling than the last.


Mu En, who was deep in thought, suddenly started groping around on her body.

The tattered shirt had been replaced by softer underwear. In terms of texture, this piece of clothing could probably keep Ariel eating brown bread for decades.

But that's not what he cared about.


"Fortunately, I didn't lose it."

After taking out the letter from his pocket, Mu En wiped a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the person who helped him change his clothes was quite attentive, otherwise it would have been a lot of fun if this letter, which was related to whether his subsequent trip to the Holy City would be a comedy or a tragedy, was lost.

"Huh? What is this?"

Mu En found that there was a note attached to the letter that had never been seen before.

There was nothing special about the note, except for one sentence:

"Keep up the good work, young man~"

Completely meaningless.

But for some reason, Mu En shivered inexplicably when looking at those cute fonts in this already warm weather.

A miserable feeling of being tricked by someone somewhere, suddenly came to mind.

Mu En's eyes widened and she looked around cautiously.

Damn it, who wants to harm this young master?

112. A strange combination of circumstances

Under Adolf's arrangement, the speeding team stopped temporarily for repairs.

Mu En also exchanged greetings with the leader of the cavalry team, a border officer named Elle Campo.

"Thank you very much this time, Earl Ayler."

"No, it's my honor to serve you."

Although Aile has the title of a noble, his every move reveals the vigor and resoluteness of a soldier.

"My Campbell family will always remember this matter." Mu En said with a smile.

A flash of excitement and enthusiasm flashed in Eller's eyes, and he straightened his back even more.

After a brief conversation with Eller, Mu En went directly to the carriage where Liya was staying.

"Ahem, you guys talk, you guys talk."

Adolf coughed meaningfully, then pulled another accompanying magician who was hidden in a large robe and left quickly. In the spacious carriage, only Mu En and Liya were left alone.

"What is this old man talking about?"

Mu En couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

From the beginning, I always felt that he had misunderstood something.

The relationship between him and Liya is pure!

"And how can we talk like this? Talking to ourselves?"

Mu En glanced over and couldn't help but sigh.

In the dim space, the girl was as quiet as sleeping, without her usual cuteness and shyness.

His face, which was often stained by red clouds, had no color at all at the moment, and was pitifully pale.

Mu En sat down opposite the girl.

There was a curl of green smoke floating in the carriage, carrying a delicate fragrance, which seemed to be some kind of medicine that could calm the mind.

Mu En looked at the girl's pretty face through the green smoke.

Suddenly there was nothing to do.

It was said to be a visit, but the girl was still not awake, so it could only be a visit.

Therefore, Mu En's thoughts returned to that time.

At that time, the girl who faced natural disasters but still refused to back down, even though she was as fragile as a flower about to wither in the strong wind, still bloomed with her own beauty in the end.

How much courage and determination does it take for a person who is timid by nature to choose to face despair when he knows it is useless?

"Speaking of which..."

Mu En held her chin and murmured:

"I obviously planned to make you owe me a favor, and then use it to help me dissuade Ariel at the critical moment.

But I didn’t expect that in the end, I would owe you more and more. "

The hardships and dangers that Liya has experienced cannot be compensated for by a mere 500,000 or 1 million.

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but smile in distress.

"Now, how should I compensate you?"



The girl's sudden moan made Mu En subconsciously turn his attention to her.

But Liya did not wake up.


"Wuwu... no... I'm not... I didn't..."

The girl still closed her eyes tightly, her delicate body under the thin quilt kept twisting, and occasionally outlined an extremely thrilling arc:

"Liya...is not that kind of person...wuwu...my goddess...you must...believe in Liya..."

"It's just sleep talk."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on his face.

What kind of dream could it be that would say something like this?

Could it be that the girl, who has always been pious, did something to disgrace the goddess in her dream?

Mu En was suddenly curious.

Unfortunately, there is no succubus setting in this world, and he cannot pry into the dreams of beautiful girls.


"Since I can talk in my sleep, there shouldn't be any big problem."

Seeing the familiar blush on Liya's pretty face, Mu En finally felt relieved.

"Get some rest, Leah."

Pulling a thin quilt over Liya and covering her up, Mu En prepared to leave.

"Mu En..."

At this time, in a series of sleep talk with unknown meaning, his own name suddenly appeared, making Mu En pause as she prepared to leave.

The world became quiet, and he turned his head, silently staring at Liya's lips as tender as cherries, waiting for the follow-up.


Keliya's lips moved slightly, and after she uttered the last word, no sound was heard again.

Mu En waited like a wooden man for a long time, but until Liya's lovely wrinkled face became extremely quiet again, she couldn't hear what was said behind her.


Mu En grimaced:

"You are just as disgusting as those bad writers who like to break chapters."

With nowhere to vent what was being held in her heart, Mu En could only scratch her head vigorously.

He couldn't shake Liya awake and ask her what she wanted to say.

And after waking up from the dream, she probably wouldn't remember what she wanted to say.

The so-called dream is such an irritating thing.

"Ah, it seems that I have gained the ability to spy on the dreams of beautiful girls..."

It's not that I want to do something inappropriate for children, I just want to teach those nasty out-of-context dogs a lesson.

Mu En let out an unrealistic wail.

At this time, the carriage suddenly jolted slightly. Regardless of the fact that Mu En was still alone with an unsuspecting beautiful girl and could easily do whatever she wanted, the convoy began to move forward at high speed again.

"That old guy..."

No need to think, you know who gave the order.

With no choice, Mu En could only sit back down again.

Out of boredom, his eyes inadvertently fell on the girl's face again.

This is not a carriage specially made by the Duke's Palace, so it is a little bumpy and noisy.

But in this dark and small space, looking at that pretty face that seemed to brighten the surroundings, Mu En felt her heart calm down quickly.

"It's really... very cute."

The face is round, with long eyelashes fluttering, and the lips are as fresh as jelly.

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