Especially when he puffs up his cheeks in anger, he looks like a little pufferfish holding his breath, so cute...


Mu En was slightly startled, stopped her meaningless murmuring, and quickly moved her gaze to the window.

Through the gap in the curtain, he could see the rapidly retreating scenery.

"At this rate, we should reach the Holy City soon." Mu En whispered to himself.

That's the end.

The saint who ascends to the throne with the help of her childhood sweetheart and the son of a duke who will cuddle up to the laps of princesses and seniors and wait to die are not mutually exclusive under any circumstances.

Mu En held her chin and looked at the increasingly unfamiliar scenery.

Somewhat sleepy.

So he closed his eyes and began to doze off.

But suddenly, he opened his eyes, glanced quickly around him, and frowned slightly.

"It's strange, obviously this incident is almost over...but why do I always feel...

Forgot something? "

Mu En touched her chin and said thoughtfully:

"What did I forget?"

"Heaven... natural disaster!"

In the dark space, Ariel crossed her arms and shivered hard:

"Why...why? Why did the natural disaster wake up?"

"have no idea."

The master's solemn voice sounded in her ears:

"But it shouldn't be for us."


When the natural disaster appeared not far in front of her, Ariel was almost scared to death. Although she was about several kilometers away, she felt that the natural disaster could wipe her out with just a wave of his tail.


"I'm so lucky to have found a cave to hide in."

Ariel used the lighting technique and looked around.

The pitch-black cave was devoid of the exotic snakes and insects that were common in this forest, and the silence was suffocating.


Ariel seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed.

"How come there are traces of artificial opening of this cave?"

"It really doesn't look like a natural cave."

Master Ariel’s perception also spread:

"And I can feel the faint magic lines. This place... is not simple."


Ariel had a thought.

In a forest dominated by natural disasters like this, finding an artificial cave is not easy no matter how you think about it.

So she continued deeper.

After passing through a narrow passage, the space in front of you suddenly opened up.

"This is……"

Magic illuminates the place, and in the empty and deep space, a bronze gate carved with ancient texts and murals stands majestically.

"Ancient ruins?"

Ariel's eyes lit up.

"It is indeed an ancient ruin!"

The master's tone in my ears was filled with uncontrollable excitement:

"Judging from the text and content on the mural, it should be something left from a civilization or country that was destroyed by natural disasters. It contains the last legacy of that unknown civilization or country!"

The master's words made Ariel's breath hitch.

How rich the legacy left by a civilization or country must be...


Ariel's eyes flashed slightly.

No, I have to do it first...


Master's voice sounded again.

"This door seems to have been opened."


Ariel was stunned.

Someone actually got there first than me?

She subconsciously put her hand on the bronze door, and her perception spread...


Ariel's eyes suddenly widened, as if she had discovered something unbelievable.

"The aura above Liya! Yes, it's definitely Liya!"

Ariel's heartbeat suddenly accelerated:

"Could it be that Liya is the one who opened this door?"

"There is no other aura, it should be her, and judging from the time, it can match."

"So, Liya entered this ancient ruins?"

"Nine times out of ten, from the perspective of being chased by a powerful enemy, entering this ruins and escaping through other exits of the ruins is indeed the wisest choice."

Ariel’s master analyzed:

"But that little girl Liya surprised me. She was able to open this door by herself?"

"Can I happen to bump into you like this?"

Ariel was immersed in excitement and clenched her fists hard:

"Sure enough, there is an invisible bond between Liya and I!"

With the help of her master, Liya quickly opened the bronze door.

She looked at the deep darkness behind the door, and the excitement in her heart turned into worry again.

"Master, it's very dangerous here."

"Of course, these are ancient ruins."

"Then Liya..."

Ariel closed her eyes, and the image of Liya just emerging from the tiger's den and entering the wolf's den again appeared in her mind, trembling alone in the terrible ancient ruins, helpless and pitiful.

At this time, what the girl longs for is naturally the arrival of a hero!

Handsome, brave, and strong, he can withstand all storms for her!

"Wait for me, Leah!"

Ariel opened her eyes, with firm flames burning in her pupils, and walked into the boundless darkness without fear.

"I'm here to save you!"

ps: I'm a bit busy during this period, so the updates are few and late, I'm really sorry.

I will have more time to code words after probably the 7th or 8th of this month. I will update more at that time, and I will also enter the final climax of this volume.

pps: Thank you for your company and love during this period. As usual at the beginning of the month, I will ask for a monthly ticket. Thank you.

113.New undercurrent

"The pigeons are back."

The robin raised his head and looked at the white dove falling from the sky.

He put down the wine glass rolled up with his wings, took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, smiling at the white tiger across the long table:

"It seems to bring good news."

"Oh, are there any other possibilities?"

Bai Hu leisurely shook the red wine glass, looking extremely confident.


The robin did not doubt that he was there, picked up the letter brought by the white dove, opened it and said:

"Speaking of which, I recently got a batch of new wine. I wonder if the Speaker is interested?"

"Oh? Even you can show off the wine?"

"It's a new type of drink called champagne, which is gradually becoming popular among young people."

"Is there anything special about being appreciated by you?"

"It is said that when the bottle is opened, a large amount of foam will burst out, which is very spectacular, and the flavor of the wine itself is also very good."

"Interesting, it sounds like a perfect wine to open during celebrations."

"That's right, I'm going to give a few bottles to the old lion Campbell, and let him open them at his son's funeral. That scene is really exciting just thinking about it..."

"Haha, that's a good idea, very exciting indeed."

Bai Hu laughed and said:

"I will definitely support you then... huh? What's wrong with you?"

The white tiger suddenly frowned and looked at the robin in confusion.

Across the long table, Robin's eloquent talk came to an abrupt end. He looked at the contents of the letter in his hand, and it seemed that he could no longer imagine the scene of humiliating the Campbell family, and his humane expression of joy dissipated little by little.

Instead, his body was constantly trembling, and even the stand-in puppet made of magic power became a little blurry under the wavering of his mind.

" is this possible?"

Robin murmured like a madman. He guessed that he must have read it wrong, or that there was something wrong with the stand-in puppet. He rubbed his eyes and read the letter over and over again.

But no matter how you look at it, the information above has not changed at all.

But it's so... unbelievable.

"What happened?" Bai Hu asked in confusion:

"Could it be that those people didn't do it cleanly and let people get some clues? Well, although it may be troublesome to leave any clues, as long as Moon Campbell..."

"...No, it's very clean, very clean."

Robin interrupted White Tiger: "It's so clean that no one seemed to notice that Moon Campbell was being brutally hunted in the forest."

"What does it mean?"

Bai Hu's frown deepened.

"meaning is……"

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