The robin raised his head and said word by word:

"Moon still alive."


The expensive crystal goblet was crushed in an instant. Bai Hu's eyes turned red instantly, staring at the robin, and asked in a growling tone:

"What did you say? Say it again?"

"I said... Moon Campbell is still alive."

The robin repeated it again with a voice so cold that it almost froze the air.

Bai Hu suddenly calmed down. He glanced at the letter in Robin's hand coldly and asked:

"Where are those people?"

"have no idea."

The robin answered:

"According to the news, the people from Eller Border discovered Moon Campbell and the little girl accompanying him at the edge of the forest. They are currently escorting them to the Holy City. There is no trace of anyone else. It is very possible... "

"What fairy tale are you talking about?"

Bai Hu became furious again. With a loud noise, the expensive antique nanmu long table in front of the two people instantly turned into a pile of useless debris under Bai Hu's palm:

"That's an ascended magician, two fourth-level warriors, and an invincible priest below the fifth level!

These few people join forces and can surround and kill even the real fifth-level warriors. Don't talk about him. They are all exposed to Moon Campbell and defeated by this little second-level warrior! "

"Of course I know this is impossible. Not long ago we were analyzing various possibilities together!"

The robin waved the letter in his hand and roared in the same extremely gaffeful manner:

"It's not me who tells you fairy tales, but this letter conveying information! Have you ever thought that it was wrong?"

"Impossible! The intelligence cannot be wrong. No matter how stupid my subordinates are, they don't have the guts to tell such lies that will be exposed immediately."


"What does the letter say at the end?"


The robin was startled, and then he realized that the letter paper, which had always been used to convey concise information, actually had more than one piece of paper this time.

The initial information shocked him so much that he didn't even notice.

The robin's eyes quickly scanned the second piece of information, and then...

He was even more shocked.

"Natural disaster..."


"Information says that the dragon that is entrenched in the Forest of Death has awakened."


Deathly silence fell here. These two big figures at the top of the empire's power looked at each other, somewhat speechless.

No matter how ingenious or far-reaching their plan is, it is not worth mentioning in the face of an event like the awakening of a natural disaster that will cause huge waves across the entire continent.

After a long time, Bai Hu came back to his senses and asked:

"Are these two things related?"

"Whether there is a connection or not, I'm afraid only the kid from the Campbell family knows, but from a reasonable perspective..."

The robin closed his eyes and did not continue.

But Bai Hu already knew what he meant.

According to their previous analysis, it was impossible for Moon Campbell to survive this carefully planned siege on his own.

Unless he really becomes a believer of an evil god... No, even if he becomes a believer of an evil god, he may not succeed, because if he wants to exchange enough power from the evil god, he must pay a sufficient price, and even if he, Moon Campbell How could the price that the son of a duke could pay in such an isolated and helpless situation be compared with that of a priest who possesses several divine gifts?

From any angle, it is impossible to fail in a fatal situation, but it still has this result. The only possibility is...

"Is God... also on Campbell's side? What a lucky boy."

Bai Hu's face was as gloomy as water.

"It seems that the only option is to continue using that plan."


The robin was shocked: "That would be too risky!"

"There is nothing that cannot be taken without risk. As I said before, if we can't kill Moon Campbell, we can only use that plan."


The robin's eyes were filled with uncertainty, and his voice was hoarse: "You will bring us all into hell!"

"We have already half-stepped into the gate of hell, haven't we?"

Baihu stared into the robin's eyes and said solemnly: "If we don't do that, the one who gets the champagne opened at the funeral won't be Moon Campbell, but us."


The robin lowered his head, as if deep in thought.

After a long time, there was a sigh-like answer on the messy wooden table:

"I hope we don't really go to hell, Mr. Speaker."

"Don't worry, a dirty place like hell is reserved for despicable people like Campbell. I will lead you to real prosperity."

The corners of Bai Hu's mouth outlined a cold arc. He raised his hands, clenched his fists, and shouted enthusiastically:

"All for—the blood of glory!"


Mu En was suddenly awakened by a call.

Turning his head, Eller's voice sounded outside the window:

"Master Campbell, the Holy City has arrived."

114. Welcome

"Is this the Holy City?"

Mu En opened the curtain of the carriage and looked up at the majestic city not far away.

The first thing that catches the eye are two majestic huge doors, which look like they are made of gold. They are engraved with lifelike sword-holding angels, as if they will spread their wings at any time and bring heavenly punishment to sinners with the holy sword in their hands.

Then there is the towering city wall extending from the door. The city wall is tall but not oppressive. Through the top of the city wall, you can see the various exquisite but majestic residences and churches winding up in the distance.

Finally, in the center of the Holy City, you can clearly see the statue of the goddess from any position as long as you raise your head.

Different from the goddess statue that Mu En had seen in that dilapidated church, this statue was full of holy aura visible to the naked eye. It seemed to be embellished with countless stars. Its face was compassionate, overlooking all living beings, and its slender hands stretched out seemed to be spreading. Hope and the Gospel.

Believers faced the statue, followed the roads all the way up, and worshiped devoutly.

Holy city.


It is said that in ancient language, it means the chosen place under the gaze of the goddess.

Even though it is not as prosperous and populous as Belland, the capital of the empire, the solemnity and sanctity that can be seen everywhere can still give people a great shock to the soul.


Mu En touched her chin, looked at the goddess statue, and couldn't help but think:

For such a big statue, if you go under the statue...will you be able to see the beauty of the goddess's skirt?

No, no.

This is really under the eyes of the goddess.

Don't think wildly. Don't think wildly.

Mu En shivered, hurriedly clasped her hands together, and muttered in the direction of the goddess statue that she had no intention of offending the goddess and apologized.

"Ha, my dearest and dearest boy Mu En, you are here!"

Suddenly, a sound so enthusiastic that it seemed like all the sunflowers in the world were blooming at the same time sounded, causing many believers who were doing morning prayers on both sides of the road to subconsciously cast their eyes over here.

Mu En opened her eyes in shock and saw a familiar pink leather bear swiveling its buttocks and galloping towards here.

"Ha, what a boy, what a boy!"

Without even taking a breath, the pink bear opened his generous arms and hugged Mu En.

Then it was empty...

The pink bear maintained the hugging posture, and his expression suddenly became extremely resentful. He looked at Mu En: "Are you serious about taking half a step back?"


Mu En soothed the bristling hairs, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said:

"Feeling a little nauseous for no reason?"

"Don't tell the truth at a time like this, you bastard!"

He cursed angrily, but the next moment, the pink bear's funny bear face once again showed a bright smile like an old daisy blooming in autumn. He patted Mu En vigorously on the shoulder, as if he saw a child getting a hundred points in the exam. praised like an elder:

"Well done, well done! As expected of Celcia's fiancé, he was able to successfully escape from that forest. I heard that he was still passing by when the natural disaster awakened. I admit that I underestimated you!

Decided! When the time comes for your and Celcia’s wedding, I will definitely give you an extra two hundred yuan! "

"Only two hundred?"

"Just be content, kid. When that kid Aldrich got married, all his labor and capital went to whoring for free. You are the first one who can make me enjoy the meal without having to go whoring for free!"


Strange, why do I feel an inexplicable sense of honor?

Mu En extinguished this strange feeling with an expressionless expression.

"So, I heard that the little girl named Liya is injured. Are you three okay?"

The pink bear stuck its head into the carriage.

"I'm fine. Liya's injury is quite serious, but there should be treatment in the Holy City, so I don't need to worry about it for the time being. As for... huh?"

Mu En was suddenly startled and looked at the pink bear:

"Three? What does three mean?"


The pink bear's butt twisting bear body also suddenly shook. He pulled out the head that almost filled the entire window of the carriage from the carriage, turned his head stiffly, looked at Mu En, and said in shock:

"Aren't there three of you?"

"Where did the three of them come from? Aren't Liya and I the only ones who were teleported into the forest?"

"And that flat-chested brat!"

"The flat-chested brat has nothing to do with me. I'm a big-breasted guy...wait a minute, the flat-chested brat you're talking about means Ariel, right?"

Mu En touched his chin, remembering something he had forgotten before.

When they were facing the enemies of King Indra and focused on escaping, they seemed to...have left Ariel behind.

She went to kill monsters all night to make money.


"Didn't she end up with you?" Mu En asked with a strange expression.

"I should be the one to ask this question!"

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