Pink Bear shook Mu En's neck, eyes wide open: "Didn't that flat-chested kid end up with you guys?"

"No... No, that doesn't make sense, Ariel didn't go into the forest, how could it be..."

"She went in, she did!"

Pink Bear said anxiously:

"She went to find you guys!"


Mu En was stunned.

Stupefied again.

Then finally came back to his senses.

With Ariel's personality, knowing that Leah was in danger, she would step forward to save her without hesitation, that's a common thing.

But the problem is...

"She went into the forest, it's almost impossible for her to find us, that forest is so big."

Mu En asked in confusion:

"Why do you think she can come out with us?"


Pink Bear opened his bear mouth, and his pink bear face was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course he knew it was impossible.

He just...

Tentatively held a glimmer of hope.


But now, hope is shattered.

A cold and ruthless voice came from behind him.

A sound transmission stone emitting strange magic slowly floated up, and from it came Professor Plan's voice that sounded like a doomsday sentence.

"You lost your students, Pink Bear, I don't think you should keep those things!"

"No, no——"

Pink Bear rushed over frantically, hugged the sound transmission stone, and said anxiously:

"Old thing... No, Plan, respected Professor Plan, listen to me, listen to me, this is an accident, I will go to find her, I will definitely find her, and I have already tried to remedy it, please be merciful, please..."

"Hmph, wait until you find it!!"

With a click, the sound transmission stone broke.

Listening to the sound of the sound transmission stone breaking, which sounded like an electric current, Pink Bear seemed to be hit by an electric current, and his whole body gradually collapsed to the ground.

"No, no——"

He suddenly punched the ground, knelt down, and looked up to the sky and cried out a cry that made anyone who heard it cry and anyone who saw it feel sad.

"My photo——"

"Snowflakes are falling~North wind is howling~"

"What are you singing!"

"Ahem, instinct, instinct."

Mu En coughed a few times and took a few steps back secretly.

Looking at the crazy pink bear in the middle of the road in front of the gate of the holy city, and the strange eyes cast around, Mu En scratched his cheek and felt a little hot.

Pretend not to know him, otherwise I feel a little embarrassed...

"In broad daylight, please don't pollute the environment here like a piece of non-combustible garbage, Mr. Pink Bear?"

At this time, an extremely gentle and warm voice sounded not far away, like a spring breeze.

115. The current saint (two in one)

The voice is gentle and warm, like a breeze, making the spring light just arrived in the south seem a lot brighter.

Mu En turned his head to look.

Under the gate carved with angels, a luxurious carriage slowly came, and the white gauze swayed gently, outlining a hazy shadow.

The silhouette was so beautiful that it did not give rise to any evil thoughts. Instead, just by glancing at it, one felt that one's soul was purified and could not bear to blaspheme.

"Ah, Her Highness the Saint..."

The believers who were still praying on both sides of the road suddenly showed enthusiasm and knelt down respectfully.

"I actually saw Her Highness the Saint..."

"Her Highness the Saint, please bless me..."

"Please get up."

It was still a voice like the spring breeze, and a gentle force passed by, helping the fanatical believers up one by one.

"The morning prayer lessons cannot be distracted."

"Yes... yes."

The believers seemed to be deeply attracted by the figure, and then came back to their senses under the pure holy light, and quickly devoted themselves to worshipping the goddess again.


Mu En was slightly shocked, swallowed hard, looked at the pink bear beside him, and asked in a low voice:

"How could the legendary Her Highness the Saint appear here in person?"

Mu En did not think that she was here to greet him.

Although his status as the son of a duke is noble, it is limited to the Leopold Empire. Once he goes abroad, his status as the heir of a noble family is actually nothing.

Not to mention being qualified to be personally welcomed by a saint who is revered by countless goddess believers on the continent.



Facing Mu En's astonishment, Pink Bear put his hands on his hips, his nose almost reaching the sky:

"I'm awesome, right? For you, I invited the current Saint with my excellent connections and personality charm comparable to the sun!

This is an honor that others may not be able to enjoy in their lifetime, and only I, who is so awesome, can..."

"Oh? Excellent connections? Personality charm comparable to the sun?"

The gentle voice with a smile, with a ruthless attitude, interrupted Pink Bear's proud boasting:

"Mr. Pink Bear is really good at joking. How can I remember that it was someone who knelt down and begged me for a whole day before I..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait..."

Pink Bear immediately made a bitter face: "Save some face for me in front of the children."

"Face is something that you have to fight for yourself, not perform your weird shameful drama in broad daylight, Mr. Pink Bear."

The saint's tone was slightly playful, and even through the gauze that blocked all sight and perception, it seemed that the corners of the mouth were outlined like a girl's.

But the pink bear trembled, squatted aside with his head in his hands like an autistic person, and fell into rare silence.

Huh? As expected of a saint, can you even take care of that shameless pink bear so obediently?

Mu En blinked in surprise and glanced around, just in time to meet the line of sight seen from the gauze.

Mu En's heart tightened, and she immediately tensed up her body. Using the most standard aristocratic etiquette, she respectfully greeted:

"First greetings, Your Highness the Immaculate Saint, I am..."

"Moon Campbell, I know your name."

The holy lady with the honorable name Wu Guo still had a sweet smile in her voice that made it impossible to have any distracting thoughts, and said:

"I heard you."


"You seem to be more handsome than the rumors say."

Mu En could feel that holy gaze sweeping over her body.

"Her Royal Highness the Saint has said so."

Mu En stroked her chest and smiled:

"My brilliance is not one ten thousandth of yours."

"Giggle, what a sweet-tongued kid."

A glimmer of light suddenly enveloped Mu En, and the fatigue accumulated by Mu En in the past two days of hurried travel suddenly disappeared.

But before he had time to feel this strange power, he heard the saint's voice again:

"Okay, leave the child to me."

"That child..."

Mu En was stunned for a moment before reacting suddenly.

The child she mentioned must be Liya.

Candidates for the saint are all personally appointed by the current saint, that is, Liya and the current saint, strictly speaking... are actually a teacher-student relationship.

After thinking about this, Mu En quickly got out of the way.

"Liya is in the carriage."

"Gee, don't worry, I'm here and there won't be any problems."

A curtain of light that was far more holy than any holy light Mu En had ever seen enveloped the carriage. Liya's body slowly floated out and was caught in the veil by the light curtain.

"Well, it is indeed the black mist left by the natural disaster. You are really lucky, and you were able to escape from the natural disaster." There was a slight surprise in the saint's tone.

"Then...Is Liya okay?"

"You're really worried about her."

The sight in the carriage suddenly seemed meaningful.


Mu En coughed dryly, "This is just a concern between friends, and Liya is like this all because of me, so I must see her get better."


The saint chuckled and said:

"I'll just treat you like this. As for Liya... don't worry, as I said just now, there won't be any problems with me."

The saint's voice was soft, like the big sister next door, but Mu En could hear an incomparable sense of peace of mind.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and the string that had been tense was finally loosened. He saluted respectfully again:

"Then it's up to you."

"Gee, you are not in a position to say such a thing."

The saint laughed teasingly and looked at a place a little further behind Mu En:

"Your Excellency Adolf has come all the way here, why don't you go to the city and sit down for a while?"

"never mind."

Adolf Fusu smiled and said:

"Although I feel ashamed to say it, my mission has been completed. And I have to return to my country as soon as possible. Now that the natural disaster has awakened, I don't know how much trouble it has caused. I have to go back just in case."

"That's really a pity. Spring tea in the Holy City is just in time."

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