"It is indeed a pity. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely come and taste it."

The figure in the gauze nodded gently:

"Be careful all the way, Lord Adolf."

"I accept your kind words, Your Highness the Saint."

After Adolf responded politely, the convoy that sent Mu En turned around and left directly.

The autistic pink bear finally raised his head and looked at the fleet of vehicles in the distance with sad eyes.

"Okay, it's okay."

Mu En patted the pink bear on the shoulder and comforted:

"With Ariel's ability, she will definitely be able to come out of the forest, and I have asked Earl Eller to pay attention. It will be fine."

After all, she is the heroine of Destiny. In terms of her abilities, Mu En has no worries about her safety, and there is no need to worry at all.

Maybe when she went into the forest, not only would she be fine, but she would also accidentally encounter a huge opportunity and level up three levels in a row.

"...Who is worried about that flat-chested brat?"

The pink bear turned his head, a trace of sadness and anger appeared on his face:

"I was just thinking, if that old guy Pu Lang really wants to fight, what method should I use to kick his ass hard!"


"Let's go into the city too."

The luxurious carriage pulled by snow-white horses turned around and headed towards the majestic giant city.


Mu En was stunned and pointed at herself,

"Do I share everything with you?"

According to Mu En's original plan, he should first go to join the other people in the college...


The saint replied with a smile:

"You are also one of the important reasons why I will go out of the city to greet you personally this time."


"Your Majesty wants to see you."


Mu En's breath was stagnant.

His Majesty.

In this city, there is only one person who can be called this.

The true representative of the goddess in the human world is located at the top of mankind, and is the most noble existence on this continent.

Church of Life, Pope.

"His Majesty the Pope...takes the initiative to see me in person?"


The saint nodded slightly, "Although I don't know the details, I heard that it has something to do with your teacher."

"Teacher...that's it..."

Mu En subconsciously touched the letter on her chest, and a trace of warmth flowed through her heart.

Originally, he thought that he would have to go through some arduous procedures and apply for an audience, but then he was laughed at and rejected by some clergy who looked down on people. Then he took out this letter and pretended to slap him in the face, and walked through the path that the protagonist should take. Only once can I see that His Majesty.

But I didn't expect it to be so simple.

Could it be that... Teacher Meira didn't trick her this time? Is the relationship between her and the Pope really good?

"It seems that I really thought too much this time."

Mu En was completely relieved and said to herself with great emotion:

"When you go back, let's buy Teacher Meira her favorite strawberry-flavored lollipop!"

Well, it should be her favorite... right?

Mu En walked and followed the saint's car into the city.

But compared to leaving the city, entering the city is a little more troublesome.

After morning prayers, when the believers saw the hazy figure in the gauze, they immediately showed extremely fanatical expressions and gathered around.

"Your Highness the Saint, my child's illness..."

"Boil the water with orchid, green grass and Domo flower, three times a day."

"Your Highness the Saint, my husband made a mistake..."

"Send him to the trial court. The goddess will make her own decision."

"Your Highness the Saint, please tell me how to obtain wealth..."

"Industrious, frugal and intelligent."

"Your Highness the Saint, I..."

A slender white hand poked out from the gently swaying white gauze and touched the brow of a skinny believer who was holding a goddess statue in his hand.

Holy light flashed through, and the believer who was blind but refused to use the rod and held the statue of the goddess tightly in prayer every day, so that he was injured all over after falling, regained his sight.

"The goddess gave you a sound body, not for you to hold up His statue every day."

The white gauze queen looked at the ecstatic eyes of the believers and said in an unquestionable tone:

"Go to the factory tomorrow to find a job and donate the remaining one-third of your monthly income to the church."

"Yes, Your Highness the Saint!"

The believer's expression became even more fanatical. He placed the statue of the goddess in front of him with both hands and knelt down respectfully.

So more believers knelt down together, and like a tide, the black tide spread into the distance.

"Sorry, it took a little longer."

With the help of the Templar Knights who arrived, the carriage finally escaped from the believers and stopped in front of a tall hall with a colorful glazed roof.

Then the white gauze was lifted, and a figure that suddenly eclipsed the surrounding spring light slowly walked out with a sacred glimmer.

The white dress is swaying, simple but not shabby, and the light golden hair is spread like silk.

There are gold threads extending all the way from the back covered by long hair, along the fair skin, and getting into the white silk gloves that lightly wrap the delicate hands, looking extremely holy.

There is no trace of time on her beautiful face, and her brows and eyes are full of grace and gentleness.

"You've been waiting for a long time."

The saint asked warmly towards Mu En with a smile.

"No...no no, no way."

Mu En, who felt that his soul was almost taken away by this smile, quickly came back to his senses and waved his hands vigorously:

"It is my honor to be able to see such an incredible scene."

"It's no honor. They only respect the saint."

"The reason why the saint is called a saint is because she is qualified to become a saint, not because she is a saint herself. Otherwise, there would be no ceremony to be held, right?" Mu En said with a smile.

"Ha, you're a smooth-tongued boy."

The saint squinted her eyes, "How many innocent and ignorant little girls will you deceive if you act like this?"


Mu En said seriously: "Her Royal Highness the Saint has misunderstood. There is no innocent and ignorant little girl."

"I always feel like there is something in your words. Forget it, now is not the time for small talk."

The saint waved her hand casually, and the rich holy light flowed, wrapping Liya gently.

"I will take this child for treatment first. You can wait patiently here for a while. His Majesty's order should be conveyed soon. Before that, you can visit at will. If you have any needs, you can also ask the clergy here. , as long as it’s not too much, I think they can satisfy you.”

"Thank you."

"See you later then."

The saint glanced at the pink bear who was also following her. Without saying anything, she led Liya into the side door.

"As expected of the current saint..."

Looking at the beautiful figure gradually disappearing, and recalling the spectacular scene of thousands of believers kneeling down at the same time, Mu En couldn't help but sigh:

"Such beauty and tenderness."

"Ha, I agree with the beauty. How did you see the tenderness?" the pink bear on the side sneered.


Mu En turned around doubtfully:

"Being so kind to me and patiently solving the problems of those believers, isn't this gentleness?"


Pink Bear pouted, "Have you forgotten that she had an extremely natural personal attack on me before? This is what a gentle person would do?"

"Personal attack? Ah... you are said to be unburnable garbage."

"Yes, that counts..."


Mu En suddenly pinched her chin and looked at the pink bear with great seriousness.


"I think it's not Her Majesty's fault that you are called trash."


"This is obviously your reason!"

"Nonsense... nonsense!"

Pink Bear stared:

"How could it be possible for me to be so handsome, unrestrained and extraordinary..."

"...Um, that young lady over there, yes, it's you, come here."

Faced with the shamelessness of the pink bear, Mu En was silent for a moment, stopped a nun who was passing by, pointed at the pink bear and asked:

"What's this?"

"A cute pink bear?" Sister Sister said with a wink.

"Hmph, let's see."

Pink Bear said proudly: "People say labor and management are cute."

"very good."

Mu En took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted at the pink bear at a very fast speed and asked:

"Pink bear! Don't think! Answer my question! What are the measurements of this young lady!"

"91! 60! 8..."

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