The pink bear reacted and suddenly covered his mouth.

But it was too late, a series of visual data came out directly.


After a short silence, the young lady whose eyes lost their luster kicked the pink bear on the calf and spat hard:


Then left angrily.

Only Mu En was left, spreading her hands towards the pink bear rolling on the ground and gloating:

"Look, I'll just say yes."

116. Interview

"Mr. Mu En, please come with me."

Mu En did not wait long before a nun in a solemn black robe took him to the depths of the solemn hall.

On both sides of the passage that was wide enough for carriages to run parallel, fragrant white flowers bloomed, and on the colored glass dome, there were miraculous pictures of the goddess redeeming the world.

Mu En rubbed the buttocks that had just been ravaged by the pink bear, looking left and right, dizzy.

His peripheral vision swept over the tight robes and swaying skirts of the passing nuns, and he couldn't help but marvel.

Damn it, it’s too big, oh no, it’s too spectacular.

It is indeed the Church of Life, and it is indeed very wealthy.

I thought that as the son of a duke, I was already a member of the evil aristocracy enough to be hung on the street lamp, but now here, I actually have the illusion that a countryman has entered the city.

"This is Emile's Cathedral."

As if aware of Mu En's gaze, the nun, whose clothes were slightly different from those of the others, did not look back and said calmly:

"It is the only holy place in the world named after the goddess, and it is the most noble and miraculous place to serve the goddess."

"I see."

Mu En didn't squint his eyes and said with a smile:

"Been taught a lesson."

"I hope you will always remember not to defile the sanctuary."

The nun nodded slightly and led Mu En through the corridor to a room filled with incense and heat.

She finally stopped and pointed to the petal-covered pool in the center of the room.

"Please take a shower."

"oh oh."

Generally, when meeting emperors and popes, they would have a bath, so Mu En was not too surprised and touched the buttons of her clothes.


"...Miss nun?"

"What's up?"

"Well...I'm going to take a shower."

Mu En looked at the nun who had no intention of leaving, and reminded her cautiously.

"I know."


"My whole body and mind have been dedicated to Her Majesty the Saint and the Lady Goddess. It's just a man's naked body. I don't care at all."

The nun's face was expressionless, as if she was wearing an iron mask.

"So Mr. Mu En can just pretend that I don't exist."


But I care!

While taking a shower, I was stared at by a nun who was expressionless and filled with a sense of sanctity. Is this a brand new way of punishment?

Can you please change the position? Damn it!

Complaints were complaints, but Mu En could also understand that she was wary of herself, an outsider, about to enter the center of the church, so she could only grit her teeth and start to take off her clothes.

Muscle lines like marble sculptures, perfect body proportions that can make any girl blush and heartbeat, and magic lines that emanate from the center of the back like a rising sun... Sister Furui Muha's eyes finally flashed, A scrutinizing gaze swept over Mu En.

After neatly stacking the clothes and even placing the newly purchased space magic ring on his finger from Adolf at a friendly price on the tray that had been prepared, Mu En completely submerged his body into the pool water.

The warm pool water, with its holy aura, almost made Mu En feel so comfortable that she moaned.

But the person next to him who didn't look away at all made Mu En unable to enjoy it at all.


"What's up?"

"What do you call me?"

Mu En could only rely on provoking topics to divert the embarrassment.

"Call me Lin, Sister Lin."

The nun...isn't she really different from ordinary nuns?

"Then Miss Lin, I would like to ask, what kind of person is His Majesty the Pope?"

"His Majesty……"

Lin thought for a moment and answered seriously:

"You will know when Mr. Mu En sees it."


How can we talk about this?

Feeling the increasingly embarrassing atmosphere after being chatted to death, Mu En simply stopped talking, washed her body hastily, and put on the white robe that had been prepared nearby.

While arranging her clothes, Mu En suddenly remembered something and asked:

"Miss Lin, do you know Father Sion?"

"Sion? You mean the traitor?"


"I know him. I worked with him in the same church."

"Then what kind of person was he before?"

"Why do you ask?"

Sister Lin could not help but frown: "He is on the wanted list of the Judgment Temple..."

"I killed him."

In a normal tone as if he had just done a trivial thing, Mu En smiled shyly:

"I just killed him not long ago, so I want to know what kind of monster the guy who died in my hands was."


Lin was stunned and couldn't help but look at Mu En deeply. She was silent for a moment and said:

"He's a genius."

"Huh? I thought Miss Lin wouldn't believe it. If I show you evidence again, I'll slap you in the face and make you gasp."

Mu En pinched her chin sadly:

"Just...a genius?"

"Yes, if he had not betrayed the goddess, with his talent, he would have been promoted by the church in a few years and become the bishop in charge of a church."

"But I think he's just a paranoid, crazy person."

"Genius and madman are, in a sense, synonymous, aren't they?"

Lin lowered her eyes and said softly.

"That makes sense."

Mu En nodded and said no more words.

Just when he turned his head, he heard the nun suddenly ask a question.

"Excuse me... was it painful for him to die?"


Mu En thought for a while: "Probably die in the most painful way for him."

"That's it..."

The nun who had been expressionless finally showed a smile at this moment, as if she had seen the blood that had once stained the entire church and been purified:

"That's good."

"Your Majesty is waiting for you inside."

The nun, whose expression softened a lot, opened an ordinary door.

"Please come in."


Mu En took a deep breath and stepped into the door.

After adapting to the sudden change in light, Mu En finally saw the legendary most noble being in the mainland in a room with extremely simple decoration, like a living room.

Pope, Hezikaia.

But this big man whose every move can affect the entire continent, in Mu En's sight at this moment, looks more like an ordinary old man who can be seen everywhere.

Wearing extremely simple cloth, he was bending over to water a row of green potted plants in front of him using the same ordinary wooden bucket and wooden spoon.

He did it extremely seriously, with gentle and careful movements, as if he was taking care of the precious thing he valued most. He seemed to have completely ignored Mu En's arrival. The clear water dripped on the leaves of the green plants, only reflecting an old and kind face. .

But Mu En did not dare to show any slightness and saluted respectfully:

"Leopard Empire, the only son of the Campbell family, Moon Campbell, came to see you at His Majesty's invitation."


The old man didn't answer. .

He was still concentrating on doing his own thing.

Mu En could only wait patiently.

After all the potted plants were watered, the old man put the bucket and wooden spoon aside, rolled up his sleeves, and washed his hands in the pool with small ink fish swimming beside it.

"That boy from Meladomir's family?"


Mu En was stunned, and quickly took out the letter that Teacher Meira asked him to hand over, and handed it over respectfully with both hands:

"This is what Teacher Meira asked me to pass on to you."


The Pope finally raised his head, but did not take the envelope directly. Instead, he glanced at Mu En meaningfully with his eyes filled with countless vicissitudes of life and brightness.

Mu En's breath was stagnant.

At this moment, the same discomfort as before when he faced Teacher Meira, when his whole body was being seen through, grew in his heart again.

PS: It's a bit stuck. I'll sort out the follow-up plot and start updating it tomorrow.

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