117. No one will take the initiative to jump into a pit.

Under the Pope's calm gaze, Mu En couldn't help but hold her breath.

The discomfort of almost having his entire being seen through began to grow in his heart again, just like when he faced Teacher Meira and the natural disaster before.

But the difference is that the secret of his body, whether it is the divine favor of the King of Blight, or the holy sword that completely transformed into his own shape due to the strength of Teacher Mela to deceive his disciples, does not seem to be able to be placed in his life. Something before the church.

It would be fine if the Pope gave Teacher Meira face, but if he hates evil and thinks that for the purification of the world, for the world peace brought by the goddess, for a better future and children...

Anyone related to the evil god must die.

Mu En has already begun to imagine how she was tragically tied to the stake and burned to death. Then, in order to avenge herself, her senior sister and teacher, Princess Anmeila, held her urn in one hand and a sword in the other and entered the evil church, starting a story that made people laugh and cry. The revenge epic...

Wait, isn’t this style of painting a bit crooked?

Why is the premise that you want to die?

Isn’t it a good romantic comedy about Enenaiai and Hemeimei?

"Boy, you have good courage."

Just when Mu En was trying to get his thoughts back on track, the Pope suddenly smiled faintly, but that smile sounded more and more meaningful to Mu En.

Mu En immediately straightened his body, lowered his head, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead:

"Don't dare."

"No, I'm really praising you."

The Pope suddenly raised his hand.

But what fell was not thunder, but gentle rain and dew.

That big, generous hand that was not stained by any water stains patted Mu En's shoulder, and his voice with a praising tone was like a breeze blowing:

"I have seen many so-called geniuses who are superficial, but young people like you who can still have a brave heart in front of me are rare."

Just say that my ability to commit suicide is different from ordinary people.

The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched.

However, is this considered a pass?

Mu En wiped his sweat, raised his eyes, and looked at the Pope quietly.

There was no trace of so-called disgust or hatred on that gentle face, only an elder's true appreciation for the outstanding juniors.

Teacher Meira, you must not deceive me. This trip to the church was not as dangerous as I imagined!

"Your Majesty, I am just a coward who is afraid of death."

Mu En suppressed her inner joy and quickly said humbly:

"His Majesty is different from what I imagined."

"What kind of person do you think I should be?" the Pope asked curiously.


Mu En thought for a moment and gestured:

"I thought that as His Majesty the Pope, you should be... more majestic, yes, majestic, but I didn't expect you to be so kind, so kind that I was a little... flattered."


The Pope suddenly raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile:

"In your eyes, am I the kind of old-fashioned and decadent old man who should be buried in the ground immediately?"

"No, no, no, I didn't..."

"-Of course I am."


The sudden turn almost missed Mu En's waist.

The Pope didn't care and continued:

"For an old man like me who has lived for hundreds of years licking his face, I should have been buried in the ground long ago. I am just clinging to a hope that may not exist for a certain obsession. It is old-fashioned and Decay is indeed the best adjective for me.”

"No way, compared to a certain old lolita, Your Majesty, you are still very young!"

Mu En without hesitation pushed out his unscrupulous teacher as a backdrop.


The Pope nodded and said with a smile:

"After all, Meladomir was... a thousand years ago..."

Facing Mu En, who was suddenly exposed to gossip, the Pope suddenly stopped talking, stretched out his hand, and finally took the letter from Mu En.

But he didn't open it, but put it aside casually.

"Um...won't your Majesty take it apart and take a look?" Mu En asked with a wink.

"No need to look, I already know your purpose."

"Your Majesty actually has the ability to predict the future?"

"It's not a matter of foretelling, but the paths are similar, but the purpose is different."

The Pope said calmly:

"So you only need to take a short look to know where the other party has gone."

"Are the roads close to each other?"

Mu En chewed on these words.

Could it be that Life Church also...

"It's just a small thing, don't worry about it, but..."

The pope looked Mu En up and down again, as if directly observing the complex lines and core of his body through the surface, and admired from the bottom of his heart:

"To be able to push that to such an extent in such a short period of time, you really exceeded my expectations, Moon Campbell. No wonder that dead... that noble great mage would choose you to be her disciple."

"Mild praise, ridiculous praise."

Mu En scratched his head, being praised one after another by the most noble person in the world, even he couldn't help but feel a little carried away.


The Pope's voice suddenly changed, "Will you participate in this holy ceremony?"

"The holy ceremony? Of course I will participate..."

Mu En was about to blurt out subconsciously.

But as he rolled his eyes, he suddenly felt that some kind of intuition that had been formed automatically because of too many encounters was attacking him.

He swallowed his words back.

Something is wrong.

Very wrong.

Even if he had worked hard for so long and could be considered a little bit excellent, was it necessary for this old man in front of him, as a dignified pope, to praise him again and again?

Because he was a disciple of Teacher Mela?

But this pope didn't look like the kind of person who would praise a child just for the sake of an adult's face, and he didn't have to do that.

He was just like...

Mu En was shocked. The pope in front of him still had a kind face, but Mu En seemed to see him warmly hugging his shoulders, with an evil smile on his lips, pointing in front of him.


There's a pit here.

Jump in quickly.

"Um... can I ask you something?"


"If I don't participate, will I not be able to receive the Holy Light Baptism?"

"Normally, no."

The Pope glanced at the letter and smiled:

"But for that person's sake and the chips she paid, I can organize an extra baptism for you."

"Yes, really?"

Mu En's eyes moistened.

Teacher Mela!

Although she said that she must attend the ceremony herself, has she actually paved another way for herself in secret?

I love you, the domineering and arrogant old loli with a sharp tongue and a soft heart!

I will definitely honor you well in the future!

"Then forget it."

Mu En wiped his cold sweat and said with courage:

"My purpose of coming to the Holy City is not to attend this ceremony, so there is no need to join in the fun."


The Pope seemed not surprised at all, and smiled kindly: "Although it is called a ceremony, the so-called ceremony is only the moment when the final result is achieved, so it is more appropriate to describe it as a trial. For young people like you, it is a rare opportunity, otherwise there would not be so many people flocking to it."

"No, no, no, forget it, really forget it, I don't lack any trial opportunities."

What trial is more useful than being hunted by the evil god.

Anyway, I have met the Pope and the mission of delivering the message has been completed. Next, I will watch the ceremony as a guest, touch the fish, and buy some local specialties. Isn't it good?

Why do you have to participate in such a dangerous trial to fight for life and death?

Those who are qualified to participate in this ceremony are the elite of the elite in various countries and forces!

Even if the reward is generous, it is not very attractive to a salted fish like me who lives on his own.


Just traveling with me has caused such a big change in Leah's life. Who knows how much deviation the original plot will have if I still participate in the ceremony of the Holy Saint.

Even if I am not traveling with her, I can't take this risk.

The girl's lifelong pursuit cannot have any unpredictable changes because of the intervention of a person outside of her destiny.

Let's wait for Ariel.

Anyway, for her, she should be able to get out of the forest soon.

This is the stage suitable for her.

As for the college, I will invest more in the college in the name of the Campbell family, and Professor Plan and the dean will probably forgive me.

With his thoughts turning quickly, Mu En quickly determined the direction of this activity.

In short, Mu En Campbell will never participate in this ceremony of the Holy Saint even if he starves to death or jumps off here!

"It seems you have made up your mind."

The Pope looked away, took out a bag of bait from his arms, and threw it into the pond. Countless ink-colored fish came one after another, like a bold ink painting.

"In that case, I won't persuade you anymore. I believe you have your own plans."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

But he couldn't help but wonder, did he really let him go so easily?

Is he overthinking? Because he was persecuted too many times, he developed PTSD?

In fact, His Majesty the Pope didn't think so at all?

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