"Step back now. I will have people prepare for the baptism of Holy Light you need. During this period, you will stay in the church temporarily." The Pope waved his hand, and there was not much extra emotion on his calm face.

"Yes, then I'll trouble your Majesty."

Mu En no longer thought about these meaningless things, bowed again, and respectfully left.

As Mu En gently closed the ordinary door, the room returned to calm, and only the sound of fish flapping happily could be heard.

The Pope stared at the small fish following the bait. Reflected in the rippling water, he still had a kind and kind face.

However, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

"Oh, you want to stay out? But now that you have stepped in with half a foot, it is not so easy to escape from the word cause and effect."

He waved his hand casually, and the fish suddenly dispersed, like the so-called unpredictable fate.


The Pope raised his head, as if through layers of walls, and saw the figure leaving briskly. His weathered eyes narrowed in pleasure, and he sneered:

"Forget it once, you have to do it a second time. How can the things I taught you be so easy to get?"

118. Admonishment

"you're awake?"

Liya opened her eyes, and as the hazy sleep gradually dissipated, she saw a scene that quickly turned from unfamiliar to familiar, as if emerging from the depths of her memory.

The swaying candlelight, the colorful flower windows, the loving goddess statue, and the soft light render the figure extremely gentle.

The figure is holy, sitting with a book in hand.

"Holy... holy female teacher!"

The drowsiness caused by sleeping for too long disappeared instantly. Liya sat up from the bed like a catapult. It seemed that she was too shocked. Her pink lips kept opening and closing, but the words she spat out were still a little stuttered:

"You...why are you here? I...am I dreaming?"

She subconsciously touched her lovely cheek and squeezed it hard.


It hurts.

Not a dream!

"The time for dreaming has long passed."

The saint's eyes temporarily moved away from the book in her hand and fell on the disciple she had not seen for a long time. She smiled and said:

"This is church."


Liya was slightly startled: "That is to say..."

Did you successfully reach the Holy City?


Liya lowered her head and looked at her hands.

There still seems to be warm blood left in the clean little hands, and the feeling of clenching the blade and stabbing it into the body.

Also awakening along with it were the mixed and terrifying memories of Liya that seemed to exist just a moment ago.

Deep forest.

A vicious pursuer.

A tough fight.




as well as……

The despair caused by the terrible natural disaster.

However, among these dark fragments, there was always a warm light that never went out, making her feel that these terrible memories were not so annoying.

Instead, it is like a treasure that I want to keep forever.

That light is...

"Mu En, by the way, where is Mu En? Mu En...where is he?"

Liya suddenly opened her watery eyes and looked around blankly.

When she discovered that the familiar figure did not appear within her sight, the warm candlelight around her suddenly became extremely cold, pressing down like a tide, almost suffocating her.

Vaguely, the last scene in my memory was Mu En desperately rushing towards the terrible natural disaster. Could it be that...

"Don't worry, he's fine. He's even more energetic than you."

A warm voice sounded, and the candlelight became bright and gentle again.


Liya breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously patted her plump chest. Then as soon as she raised her head, she met a pair of eyes with a narrow smile:

"Oh, the first thing I do when I wake up is not to catch up with the teacher I haven't seen for several years, but to care about the man? Wow, the teacher is really sad."

The saint pretended to touch the non-existent tears.

"No...it's not..."

Liya's pretty face turned red for a moment, and she waved her hands in panic:

"It's just because Mu En has helped me many times and got into terrible crises, so I'm worried about him..."

"Really? Is it really not because you have any strange ideas about others?"

The saint blinked and asked jokingly.

"No...no, that's weird for you, Teacher Saint!"

Liya puffed up her cheeks habitually, but suddenly realized that her appearance was inappropriate in front of the teacher, so she clenched her fists, straightened her face, and said seriously:

"And, moreover, my target is a saint who serves the goddess, so it is necessary to remain pure. How could I have such strange thoughts!"


"Yes, pure!"

"Oh~ I see~"

The smile on the saint's lips suddenly grew deeper.

She lowered her eyes and turned the pages of the book in her hand. There was a clatter, which was particularly clear.



Following this clear and excessive sound of turning the pages of a book, Liya's eyes subconsciously fell on the book that the saint had been flipping through just now.


This book?

Why does it look...so familiar?

It's like...


Looking at the black cover of the book, the silhouette of a voluptuous female figure is faintly outlined.

Liya's little face was a little frozen.

The red glow that had just dissipated also quickly spread over the whole pretty face.

I don’t know if it was an illusion of others, but it seemed that due to brain overload, there were even wisps of steam floating on the girl’s head.

“That…that…the Saint Teacher…”


“That book…”

“Oh, are you talking about this?”

The Saint held the book upright so that the girl could see it more clearly, and then smiled:

“I just found it on you. Because I was too curious, the teacher took it and took a look. You won’t blame the teacher, will you?”


The last glimmer of hope completely disappeared, and the girl’s delicate body suddenly trembled violently.

Like the soul swaying in an endless storm, the color in the girl’s eyes was sometimes scattered, sometimes confused, and finally in the chaos that could not be described in words, the girl only remembered one sentence.

The sentence she just said.




It’s not pure.


Liya wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, as if her parents had discovered her diary of her dark history when she was young. She wished that she would disappear from this world immediately:

"Holy holy holy holy... Saint teacher, why... why?"

"Oh, is this something that cannot be seen?"

The saint covered her mouth as if she had "suddenly realized".

"However, the teacher did not expect that after not seeing her for a few years, Liya would become so bold. Tsk tsk, it seems that she has really grown up."

"Wuwuwu... Sorry, I am very sorry, goddess, Liya is no longer pure, Liya can no longer serve you, wuwuwu..."

In the quilt, the girl cried desperately.


A few minutes later, Liya finally calmed down, staring at the stinky book that made her look so ugly.


It's all because of a hateful guy who let her choose the spoils.

If I hadn't seen my book, I wouldn't have become what I am now because of that little curiosity...

Ugh... I want to die...

"Okay, okay, it's just a long time since we last met, and the teacher couldn't help but make a joke."

The saint gently stroked Leah's head and smiled:

"The goddess won't be angry about this kind of thing that everyone does in youth, and you see, didn't the teacher see it just now?"


Liya still had tears in her eyes and nodded gently.


The saint sat face to face with the girl and asked seriously:

"Liya Angel, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Saint Teacher." Leah also straightened her back and responded, like a student who was spanked by the teacher in class.

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