It was not until now that she could see the source of those sharp sounds.

It was metal.

Countless metals.

Living metal!

Silver-white, dark gold, copper, and even many dark red ones covered with rust, like blood, many kinds of metal

Many numbers of metals, like snakes, completely violated the physical properties of intertwined and entangled, rubbing against each other, combining with each other, weaving into an insurmountable wall.

But when the wall blocked the lake master, it once again restored its due hardness and toughness of metal!

The lake master who rushed at full speed had no possibility of braking at all, and inevitably hit the wall.


It was no surprise that he began to scream.

Even the exoskeleton that was difficult to penetrate even magic and looked extremely hard could not compare to the high wall made of piled metal. At the moment of contact, Eluka saw that the lake master's extremely prominent and ferocious horn was directly broken.


An soared into the air and slowly flew over the lake owner who was struggling violently because of the pain.

She looked down at the lake owner with cold murderous intent in her eyes.

"What if you scare away the fish I want to bring for the young master?"

An raised her hands.

The ten fingers of both hands were slightly bent, and then suddenly closed above her head!


The voice was cold and ruthless.

It was like a god, issuing a supreme decree.

The high metal wall decomposed in an instant and turned into debris.

And those debris were reorganized again under some powerful rules.

A thorny forest made of metal rose from the ground in an instant!

It completely enveloped the lake owner!


The lake owner twisted his body and struggled frantically.

Its terrifying power bent the steel, and its hard scales also resisted the sharpness of the metal, but even so, it could not stop its body from being gradually "growing" and being entangled by the thorny forest that constantly branched out new "branches" and dragged out of the water!

Without water, the struggle of the lake owner seemed even more futile.

"Is it just a fish after all?"

A huge and ferocious sickle appeared in An's hand, reflecting the cold light. She stepped down the steel steps step by step and came to the lake owner.

"The overlord-level monster is only this level. It seems that it won't take long to get a dragon whip for the young master."

45. Embarrassment


The lake owner roared again.

The deafening roar stirred up waves several meters high. Eluka covered her ears, but it was still difficult to offset the severe pain caused by the sound wave vibration.

"Is this your wail before death?"

An seemed to be unaffected. He raised the sickle in his hand, like the god of death, and was about to harvest the soul in front of him.

The lake owner's eyes reflected An's indifferent face, and he couldn't help but reveal a trace of human fear. He had never seen such a strong human.

But this fear soon turned into a desperate madness!

If I die, I will drag you, a human, to die with me!

Lightning flashed, and white lightning entangled around the Lake Master.

But the horn that served as its transmitter had been broken. How could it do anything to An in front of it if it only gathered these lightning?

Or was it just using this method of drinking poison to quench thirst to temporarily prevent the arrival of death?

An frowned slightly, and her hand holding the sickle stopped temporarily.

She was waiting for the Lake Master to give up and disperse the lightning.

But the lightning showed no signs of dispersing. The Lake Master was obviously exhausted, but these lightning became more dazzling and bright.

"No, it's not right."

Not far away, Eluka found a clue.

She heard a heartbeat.

A rapid heartbeat.

A heartbeat that seemed to explode!

There was only one possibility for this kind of heartbeat.

"Get out of the way, it's going to self-destruct!"

Sensing the Lake Master's intention, Eluka hurriedly shouted at An anxiously.


An's eyes fixed and looked at the Lake Master.

At this moment, she saw the madness and teasing in the eyes of the monster.

"Heh, did I underestimate you?"

At this moment, the lightning gathered around the lake owner suddenly exploded.


With a loud noise that shook the earth, the dazzling lightning illuminated half of the sky.



"No... Are you okay?"

With the only floating technique, Eluka hid on the lake not far away, watching the dazzling lightning like a small sun, and then disappeared in a flash.

The charred meat scattered from the center of the explosion, like an unromantic meteor shower.

The lake owner obviously controlled the range of the explosion, so Eluka was not affected at this distance, but this made her more worried.

Because a smaller range means greater damage!

The lake owner did this to ensure that he could drag the other party to death together!

"Don't be in trouble, that little sister."

Eluka prayed in her heart while staring at the center of the explosion.

The residual heat of the explosion created a lot of mist, so the situation at the center was not very clear.

Fortunately, the heavy rain continued.

The mist soon dissipated due to the heavy rain, and the scene at the center of the explosion gradually appeared in Eluka's sight.

Because it exploded on the lake, the lake owner's self-destruction did not cause a shocking and tragic situation, but the steel thorn forest originally used to restrain it melted a lot due to the high temperature, and was then cooled by the lake water. At this moment Red and white traces of melting can still be seen at the standing end.

The owner of the lake has long since disappeared, and even the fragments may have fallen into the lake during the meteor shower just now.

And above the steel thorn forest, there is a huge, extremely conspicuous metal ball, floating quietly, revealing a strange beauty.

"This is……"

Looking at the metal ball, Eluka's heart rose in her throat.

"Um...Miss, are you okay?"

She called softly and cautiously.


A circular gap suddenly appeared in the metal ball.

An took a step out from inside. She turned to look at Eluka, her expression remained dignified and peaceful, as if she was not affected by the death crisis just now.

"I'm fine."

"Ha, that's great."

Eluka's high-hanging heart finally dropped, and she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The tight strings suddenly relaxed, making her instantly feel the fatigue that almost overwhelmed her.

"Ah, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Eluka. Thank you for saving me just now!" Eluka bowed while holding on to her body.

"Ann, you don't have to thank me."

An said:

"Kill that monster just because it's in the way."

"Even so, I am very grateful to Miss An!"

Eluka puffed up her cheeks and said seriously: "I will bring my companions to give Miss An a thank you gift later. Please don't refuse Miss An!"


An suddenly stopped talking, and his cold eyes swept across Eluka's cheek.

"Hey, what did I say wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering, aren't you worried about your companions?"

"Ah, yes, companion!"

Only then did Eluka remember that two of her companions were missing.

"They fell that way."

Ann pointed in one direction.


Eluka hurriedly thanked her, cheered up, and controlled the floating technique to fly quickly over there.

After Eluka left, An looked away again.

She lowered her head, looked at the vast lake, and rubbed her temples with a headache.

"Okay, the obstruction is now taken care of, but how do we catch the fish?"

"Rod! Tia! Are you okay?"

Following An's direction, Eluka searched all the way and finally found Rhodes and Tia on the shore.

When Rhodes saw Eluka, he immediately showed excitement:

"Eluka, you came just in time, use healing magic quickly, Tia..."


Only then did Eluka realize that Tia was not laughing at her embarrassment as usual, but was lying on the ground, her face pale and looking very painful, with blood oozing from the corners of her mouth.

"The shock wave just now probably damaged the internal organs. Eluka, please use healing magic on her quickly!"

"But...but my magic power has been used up..."

"used up?"

Rhodes was stunned for a moment, then suddenly rushed forward, grabbed Eluka by the collar and shook her hard:

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