"What did you say? The magic power is used up? There's not a single bit left? What about the recovery potion?"

"Ade, you hurt me..."

Eluka broke away from Rhodes' hand, took a few breaths, and said with difficulty:

"There is indeed no magic left, and isn't it Tia who is always managing the recovery potion?"

"But I just looked at her backpack, and there's nothing there."

"If she forgets to bring it, there's nothing I can do about it."


Rhodes pounded the ground hard, "As a magician, why don't you even bring any magic potion?"


Didn’t you say that Tia is managing the recovery potions?

And I'm not used to squandering magic power like Tia. If so many accidents hadn't happened this time, I wouldn't have been able to use up all my magic power.

After all, shouldn't it be Tia's fault for not bringing the potion?

"There is no other way. I will take Tia to the association now."

Rhodes carried Tia on his back.

"I'll go too." Eluka said.

"Just forget it and rest in peace."

Rhodes didn't even look back:

"You're just holding me back now!"


Eluka watched as Rhodes and Tia disappeared from sight.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, which makes my eyes hurt.

Unknowingly, Eluka's fingers dug deeply into the soil, leaving several hideous traces on the ground, which were soon submerged by the rain.

She is such an eyesore.

46. ​​Communication

"Which one should I choose?"

An stood on the shore, holding a different kind of fish in his left and right hands, looking very troubled.

The fish on the left hand has fine scales and a grayish color. It doesn’t look flattering, but it struggles extremely powerfully.

The fish on the right hand, although it looks silly, has colorful lights flashing on its scales, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

"After all, I have no idea what kind of fish the young master ate last year."

An sighed softly.

Speaking of the fish that even the young master would admire, it must have been the time the Duke and his family ate it last year when they came to Lake Bebor to enjoy the scenery and go boating. The fish was so delicious that even the well-informed master was full of praise.

It is understandable that the young master would be obsessed with it this time, but the fish that time was caught by the boatman, and even the dinner was cooked by the boatman, so An didn't know the type of fish at all.

"I would make such a stupid mistake. As the young master's personal maid, I am really out of character."

An made up his mind that when he returned to the Duke's Mansion, he must understand all the types of freshwater lakes in Lake Beboer.

There are all kinds of books in the house. There should be related books in the library.

"If you eat it, the fish on your left hand will be much more delicious."

A voice sounded behind An.

"Although the fish on the right looks nice, it has a strong fishy smell."

"I see."

An casually put the fish in his right hand back into the lake, then turned around and looked at the returning girl:

"Is everything okay with your companion?"

"They...have gone back."

"Then you won't leave?"


Eluka squeezed out a lonely smile: "One of my companions was seriously injured and needs treatment, but my magic power has been used up. On the contrary, due to physical reasons, it is also a burden to follow, so it is better to stay here and wait. Let’s wait until the magic power is restored.

Sorry, I can't bring my companions with me to say thank you for the time being. "

"Don't worry, I said, I don't need those things."

An said:

"Compared to that, you seem to know a lot about this fish?"


Eluka nodded: "Actually, my village is on the opposite side of the lake. In the past, every autumn, I would catch this kind of fish with my family. Although this kind of fish only becomes plump in autumn, it is just like this. It is extremely It is loved by those noble gentlemen and can always be sold at a good price. "

"Really? It seems I didn't make a mistake."

An pinched her chin and muttered to herself, then suddenly remembered something, looked at Aluka, and asked seriously:

"Can I ask you how to cook this fish?"

"Eh, of course."

"very good."

After getting a positive answer, An knocked the fish unconscious and threw it aside. Then he took out the small notebook he carried with him and asked:

"What cooking method generally tastes better?"

"Well...usually it's charcoal grilled or steamed. After all, this kind of fish is characterized by its delicious taste and firm meat. It's better to choose a cooking method that won't destroy the original flavor."

"What condiments do I need to add?"

"Salt is enough. After all, what you eat is the original taste."



The two communicated for a long time. An asked about everything from the cooking method to the seasoning and heat, and even asked at which temperature the food tasted best.

It wasn't until she had filled out two pages of notes in her notebook that she closed the notebook with satisfaction, bowed to Eluka and thanked:

"Thank you for your guidance. It's been a great help."

"Hey, you're welcome."

Eluka hurriedly avoided An's bow, scratched her cheek and said:

"I just did some trivial things. Compared to being saved by you, it's nothing at all."

"No, for me, it was a huge help."

An's dignified and cold face showed a rare soft smile.

Looking at that smile, Eluka suddenly realized and was a little absent-minded.

"Miss An did this... because she has someone she likes?"


"Ah, sorry to say this suddenly, after all, it is Miss An's private matter..."

"It doesn't matter, it's not something that needs to be hidden."

An touched her slightly red cheeks with both hands, with a happy smile on her lips:

"After all, I did this to make my lover's favorite fish dinner."

"So it's true... That's great."

Eluka said with some envy:

"Your lover must be very happy to be able to offer his love to the one he loves."

"Well, he is very happy."

An narrowed his eyes, "Wait until he fully understands my deep love."


"Nothing, please don't mind it."

An retracted his hands and habitually folded them in front of his lower abdomen.

That elegant look made Eluka envious again.

If I were so elegant, Rhodes would definitely keep his eyes on me.

"That... Miss An."


"I have a problem. Can I tell you about it?"

Eluka asked nervously, clutching the hem of her skirt.


An replied, "Just ask as a thank you for teaching me how to cook."

"Actually... I have a friend. She's a very good friend."

"Well, I see. A friend, right? Then what?"

"Then, she has someone she likes. She's liked him for a very long time.

But she doesn't know if the person she likes likes her or not, because that person is very slow and very gentle to everyone."

"A man who is a fireplace type? The kind that shines and warms to everyone."

"My...my friend, she was planning to confess her feelings, but at this time, another woman popped up."

"A love triangle?"

"...Well, so my friend has been wavering recently, because she likes that person, and obviously treats the new woman better.

So, she's thinking, is it better to give up at this time?"

Eluka lowered her head and stared at the lake. The lake was still surging, and she couldn't see her face clearly.

Unconsciously, her fingers were clenched until they turned white.

"After all, they are in love with each other. It's not good for me to disturb them as a third party."

"I see, I understand your troubles."

An nodded and said:

"Then I will ask directly."

"Huh? Miss An?"

Eluka exclaimed.

Because An suddenly lifted Eluka's cheek and forced her to look into her eyes.

"Excuse me, how much do you like that man?"

"Hey, we are friends, friends..."

The sophistry gradually became powerless, because through An's eyes, Eluka found that even her ability to lie was so unbearable.

"I like him very much. I have liked him for several years since I was a child." Eluka told the truth.

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