"Can you sacrifice your life for him?"

"Of course."

Eluka answered without hesitation.

After all, she had done this before.

"Can you disregard ethics for him?" An continued to ask.


"Can you trample on the law for him?"


If you can even sacrifice your life, are ethics and law still a big deal?

47. Master's Teachings

"You can sacrifice ethics, law and life for him. Your love for him is so deep that you still need to ask me?"

An whispered:

"You just need to follow your heart, right?"

"Follow... your heart?"

Eluka murmured in confusion:

"Miss An means... that I should give up? Like I just said?"

"Oh? Is this what you think in your heart?"

"Yes, of course."


An suddenly lowered her head and got very close.

Her sight was like a searchlight, shining through Eluka's clear eyes into the depths of her heart.

It seemed that he wanted to take in all her secrets.

Eluka suddenly panicked, just like a worm in the dark being exposed to the sun, and the defenses in her heart were knocked down inch by inch.

Without the protection of darkness, what kind of dirty and smelly things would be exposed under the sun?

"Wait, Miss An, I..."

"Answer my question."

An got closer and closer.

Eluka could feel An's breath, could feel the eyelashes touching, could feel the eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, and pulled out all the unbearable thoughts in her heart.

"Do you really... want to give up, Eluka."


Do I really want to give up?

Am I really willing to help them?

I really...


No way.

I don't want to at all.

If Rod was with someone other than me, I would be jealous and crazy.

Especially that bitch, it would be great if she died.


"It seems you understand."

An let go of Eluka.

Seeing Eluka's completely different look, An smiled with satisfaction.

"The so-called love is to pursue it by yourself, how can you give up?"

"But... I still don't know what to do."

Eluka held An's hands tightly like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, and asked sincerely: "Miss An, no, Master, from now on, you are my master, can you teach me what to do? How can I win Rhodes' heart!"

"Isn't that simple? The human heart is actually inseparable from the human body."

An stretched out his finger and tapped Eluka's chest,

"So if you want to win the heart of the person you love, you naturally have to get his body, although this may not be achieved overnight and takes a long time."

"Get... the body..."

Eluka's heart jumped suddenly.

She may have had this thought a long time ago, but unfortunately...

"But...but Rod is so powerful, I..."

"The magic you just used is good."


"Charm magic."

Ann held her cheek and said with some regret:

"It's a pity that I'm not good at magic, otherwise I would definitely learn it."

If there is that magic, there is no need to bother with drugging.

"Charm magic..."

Eluka's breathing is a little heavy.

Yes, the charm magic just now is effective on the lake owner.

So for people...

Or for Rod...


Eluka swallowed hard:

"This is not good."

"It's not good, but have you forgotten what you said just now?"

Ann smiled gently:

"For love, don't you care about life, ethics and laws? Why do you care about these?"



For love, I can even abandon life, ethics and laws, so why do I care about these?

Isn't it just...using it a little on Rod?

Perhaps, I learned this magic inadvertently just for this day.

Perhaps, my heart has long been rotten and broken.

"I understand, I understand!"

Although she knew her own broken nature, a bright light shone in Eluka's eyes:

"Thank you, Master, I know what to do."

"Well, that's good." An nodded with relief.

"But, there is one last question, I don't know."

Eluka asked seriously:

"What if Rod is always stubborn and unwilling to admit my love? After all, charm magic is time-limited, and I am only good at auxiliary magic. If he really wants to escape, I may not be able to keep him."

"Hehe, since you call me Master, then I will tell you a secret."

An leaned close to Eluka's ear and said gently:

"No matter how powerful a man is, as long as his hands and feet are broken and he wears a strong collar, he will become a barking dog."



An left.

The rain stopped.

Eluka stood alone by the lake, lowered her head, and stared at the lake.

Her appearance reflected in the lake was clearly visible.

She has a sweet smile and cute appearance. Her pretty face has long lost its previous boredom, and her eyes are as clear as lake water at this moment.

"As expected of Master, it makes people enlightened."

"Why haven't I discovered it all this time? This true self."

Eluka touched her cheek. She seemed to have changed something, but it seemed as if nothing had changed.

But in short, the whole person's thoughts are clear and he feels a lot more relaxed.

She knew what to do.

"I really wonder what kind of person Master can fall in love with."

"But now is not the time to talk about that."

Eluka withdrew her gaze.

"Go back, Ade is still waiting for me."

Tonight, she will confess her love to the one she loves in a romantic place with just the two of them.

If it fails...

Haha, it won't fail.


The heavy metal fence opened and closed, making a tooth-breaking friction sound.

Ann walked into the cage with a cry of steam.

"Master, I'm back."

"You're back."

Mu En opened her eyes, hiding the tiredness in her eyes, and pretended to complain:

"I will die if I don't see you again."

"Ah, is it possible that the young master has finally been moved by me and is willing to give all his body and soul to me?"

An looked touched, her cheeks slightly red:

"Then please, Master, give me a kiss of love first."

"I'm going to starve to death! Starve to death!"


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