"You can also read faces?"

"Everyone looks at faces."

Lin remained expressionless, as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

But whether this is the truth or not, I am afraid only she herself knows.

However, the saint's beautiful and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, "To be able to make you have such a comment, that Moon Campbell... haha, a young man in his prime, a young girl in love, no wonder."

"What are your plans next, Your Highness?" Lin asked instead without answering.

"Go to the confessional."

"There was news just now that Miss Freya has arrived. Do you want to greet her?"


The face of another of her disciples appeared in the saint's mind, and then she shook her head, "Forget it, I'm tired. You can help me greet him."

"You...will treat her differently?" Lin looked at the door next to her.

Although there were many reasons, Her Royal Highness the Saint went to greet the girl named Liya in person, and in front of countless believers.

I'm afraid this matter has spread throughout the Holy City.


The saint smiled: "I am also a human being, so I will naturally have preferences, right? Besides, Liya is so cute."

"But your behavior may not be a good thing for Miss Liya."

Lin thought for a moment and said in surprise:

"Do you think Miss Liya has such an advantage in that ceremony?"

"No, on the contrary, judging from the current performance in all aspects, I think Liya is the one with the least hope."

"But that's exactly what it is..."

The saint suddenly sighed and looked at the countless believers overlooking the goddess outside the window:

"I like her the most."

120. Secret meeting

After separating from Lin, the saint walked to the confessional.

Her posture is elegant, her back is straight, her hands are folded on her lower abdomen, and with a steady pace, her long pale golden hair and white skirt sway at the same time, like the sunshine and white clouds disturbed by the breeze in the evening.

"Good afternoon, Your Majesty."

The nuns and clergymen coming and going, no matter how busy they are with their work, when they see this beautiful figure, they can't help but slow down and salute respectfully.

"good afternoon."

The saint smiled and nodded to everyone, then turned her clear eyes and called out to the little nun who was about to leave in a hurry.

"Please wait a moment."


The little nun panicked. She didn't expect that Her Majesty the Holy Lady would stop her in person, thinking that she had done something wrong or that there was something wrong with etiquette.

But just when she was so uneasy that she was about to cry, a pair of hands wrapped in white silk gloves, but still warm, came over and carefully helped her tidy up the clothes on her chest.

"You're new here, right?"

"Eh...yes, yes!"

Being in such close contact with Her Majesty the Saint whom she had always admired, the little nun immediately felt a rush of heat rushing to her brain. Her cheeks were hot and she was even a little unsteady when standing.

"Reporting to Your Majesty the Holy Lady, I am a new trainee nun. I have only been working at Emile Cathedral since last week. If...if I do something bad, please...please punish me!"

"Don't be so nervous, I won't eat people."

The saint's smile is still gentle, and the sacred light escapes from every strand of her hair, making people feel as if they are in the clouds, dazzled.


She buttoned the first button that the little nun had loosened due to carelessness, and helped her smooth the folds of her skirt:

"Even if the work you just started is very complicated, you still have to pay attention to your image in front of the goddess."

"Yes Yes!"

The nun's face turned red. When she thought that she actually enjoyed the honor of Her Majesty the Holy Lady personally arranging her clothes, she trembled with excitement and almost fainted.

When he came back to his senses, all he could see was the extremely graceful back of Her Highness the Saint.

"Your Highness the Saint...how gentle you are."

The little nun clasped her hands tightly, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

Gentle, holy, and powerful, it is said that as long as you hear her voice, you can live a long life, and if you see her face, you can get happiness.

But even if he is admired by everyone, he is not superior.

An inconspicuous trainee nun like herself would patiently provide guidance, and any believer's plea would be answered.

Every day, he would go to the confessional at the same time to confess his sins to the goddess.

Such a person is simply...perfect.

The perfect saint.

Although I don’t know why such a perfect saint suddenly announced that she will step down soon, but the successor she can choose...

It will be so perfect.

"As expected of Her Majesty the Saint."

The little nun happily swore:

"This piece of clothing that you touched will never be washed again..."

Confession room.

The saint stopped in front of the door.

As a saint of the Church of Life who is responsible for guiding countless believers, she spends one hour every day in this confessional room that belongs to her alone.

But it is said to be a confession, but in fact it is more of a meditation.

This is where she can calm down.

But this time, in front of this door she was extremely familiar with, she suddenly paused.

His eyes swept over the door handle, and then glanced around without leaving any trace.

She finally reached out and opened the door.

What came face to face was a goddess statue that could be seen everywhere in the entire holy city. It was more exquisite and more lifelike.

However, in this dim confessional room with little light, the smoke drifted from nowhere, following the goddess's loving face, drifting all the way up.

The saint's expression did not change, she stepped into the confessional and closed the door.

The room became even darker.

The saint clasped her hands, placed them on her chest, and repented devoutly to the goddess.

"Goddess, please forgive me for my sins..."


Let go.

Turn around.

Hold hands.


Follow up with a sharp straight punch!

Done in one go.

With a fist blow that dispersed the smoke around him, he punched down with a straight fist, hitting precisely... the pink bear who was dozing off with a low-quality cigarette in his mouth.


The pink bear's belly had a dent that was visible to the naked eye, making the sound of jelly shaking. In the severe pain of being disturbed from his sweet dream, he opened his eyes angrily:


But before he even finished speaking a word, all his anger was released, because he met a pair of cold eyes.

"After making my confessional like this, do you want to be hanged on the apostate's door with a rope woven from the sinner's hair right now? Mr. Pink Bear."

There was a cruel smile on the corner of the saint's mouth that was completely different from the usual gentleness, and she spoke word by word of terrible words that should never come from the mouth of a saint.

"It's...it's you."

The pink bear stood up, snuffed out the cigarette, rubbed its paws, and said with a flattering smile:

"Ha, you can just kick me up if you want. Why be so enthusiastic?"

"Isn't it because I'm afraid of disturbing your sweet dream?"

"What you said is so annoying. No matter how beautiful the dream is, it's not as important as meeting you."


In the diffuse smoke, the saint's narrow and beautiful eyes were slightly narrowed, as if she wanted to see through the man hidden in the funny leather jacket.

But she soon gave up and just held out her hand towards the pink bear.


"Give me one."


"I said, give me one." The saint's eyes became colder.

After a brief silence, the pink bear tremblingly handed over a cigarette.

The saint just glanced at it with a look of disgust:

"That's it, are you in such a mess now?"

"Ha ha……"

Pink Bear smiled awkwardly, "For some reasons, this is the only one available now..."


The saint looked at him deeply, then suddenly took advantage of him and hit him in the abdomen with another beautiful straight punch that seemed to have been practiced countless times.

Then he grabbed the pink bear's twisted face, put his hand into his painfully open mouth, and groped back and forth.

"Wait... um... so thick... so deep... too big... I can't bear it... pull it out quickly..."

Amidst Pink Bear's inarticulate screams, when the Saint took out her hand again, she was already holding an aluminum cigarette case.

"There are still good things."

The Saint glanced at it casually, and regardless of Pink Bear's sad gaze, she took out the top-grade cigar from the cigarette case that he had spent a lot of effort to hide from Professor Plan and was still reluctant to smoke. Cut, light, and take a deep breath.

Wisps of smoke gathered into smoke rings, playfully leaping out from between her fresh pink lips, mixed with the faint holy light emanating from her body, making her look divine and enchanting.

"Say it."

The saint sat down on the chair, raised her white thighs in an indecent posture that would break the faith of countless believers on the spot, and asked lazily:

"looking for me?"

121. Although I smoke...

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

The saint raised her white thighs, holding her cigar skillfully between her fingers, and asked:

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