"Don't tell me again that you want me to go to His Majesty to borrow the Eye of All Knowledge to help you find the students you accidentally lost."

"Nonsense, am I the kind of scumbag who only comes to you when something happens?"

The pink bear rubbed its paws and said with a smile:

"Can't I just come and see you?"

"Oh? Since when have you become so conscientious?"

The saint lowered her eyes and glanced at the pink bear with a sneer:

"That's not what you said when you came to me two days ago."

"Ahem, it didn't happen two days ago. Look, the crisis has been temporarily lifted. Oh no, it's only half lifted. But I came to see you right away."

The pink bear forced out a flattering smile and patted her chest:

"This represents the sincerity of our fists!"

"Oh, sincerely? Is empty-handed considered sincere?"

"What an empty hand!"

The pink bear straightened his back and said loudly:

"There is nothing more valuable than my friendship!"

"Haha, more than ten years have passed and you are still so shameless."

The saint looked like a scumbag, then held her chin lazily, blew the smoke ring onto the pink bear's face, and chuckled:

"In that case, do you see anything?"


Pink Bear suddenly became quiet. He looked at the saint in front of him who was worshiped by countless people, and said softly:

"You seem a little different from before."

"no the same?"

The saint's willow-leaf-like eyebrows were slightly raised, and her fingers curled her hair casually:

"Have it?"

"Yes, yes, I almost didn't recognize you before."

The pink bear nodded vigorously, and his eyes followed the saint's slender fingers.

The pale golden hair is spread out with a faint light, and the mysterious lines flow down the skin. It is the mark of the goddess in the mouths of countless believers. The unusual majesty on her chest also seems to confirm her equally broad mind.

Although her posture is no longer as elegant as before, more like a female hooligan than a saint, she still cannot hide her perfect appearance and holy temperament.


"I remember, your hair was not this color before."

Pink Bear's voice suddenly became a little low and hoarse:

"Could it be that the Holy Light of the Church of Life has a corrosive effect, making you..."

"Huh? Oh...that's what you said."

The saint picked up a bunch of pale golden hair in front of her eyes:

"I dyed it."

"Dyeing it? Will it have any side effects? Or...wait, what did you say?"

Pink Bear's face froze, and his voice suddenly rose several octaves:

"You said you dyed your hair?!!"

"Yeah, I felt that my previous hair color was too ordinary, so I dyed it this color. Does it look good?"

The saint teased her long, golden hair like sunlight to show off:

"Not only that, in order to make it more eye-catching, I also specially applied special fluorescent powder on it."

"Fluorescent powder?! Not the Holy Light?" The pink bear was even more shocked, and his eyes nearly popped out.

"of course not."

The saint gave the pink bear a look like a fool, and showed him the sparkling powder in her palm: "How can anyone radiate the holy light 24 hours a day? They are exhausted, okay? I just spilled a little breath. , it’s just that people can’t find it.”

"you you you you……"

Pink Bear's eyes widened. Suddenly, he suddenly became excited and glanced at the mysterious patterns on the saint's skin:

"Wait a minute, if the hair is dyed, then these legendary marks of the goddess are..."



The pink bear almost bit off his own tongue.

The reason why many believers fanatically follow the saint in front of them is because she has a natural holy mark on her body. It is said that it is the mark left by the goddess and is proof that she is favored by the goddess.

Although Pink Bear knew that the pattern was not natural, she didn't expect...

"Then your breasts that seem to have grown a second time..."

"Of course it's padding. After all, the previous saints' breasts were quite big. If I were not bigger, I would always feel out of place.

Moreover, I am an old aunt, so how could I have a second growth? "

The saint's fingers brushed over her "majestic" breasts, and she winked at the pink bear:

"The Shuzuo Temple is made of high quality. Even if your breasts are attacked, your breasts will not be exposed. It feels absolutely real. How about... do you want to touch it?"


For a moment, in the suddenly silent confession room, the pink bear's mouth opened and closed like a dying fish on the beach, but he didn't know what to say.

He could only feel that the words dye, pattern, pad, were spinning in his mind like a kaleidoscope.

He turned his head and glanced at the statue of the loving goddess, and suddenly felt a chill.

What's wrong with this world, can it still get better?

How can even a saint be fake?

"You, you are deceiving believers!" Pink Bear beat his chest for countless believers.

"Deceive believers? Did I?"

The saint looked at the pink bear with a half-smile, and her eyes suddenly became meaningful:

"You, who are very knowledgeable about this aspect, should know very well. My reputation is among the more outstanding ones among all the saints in the past."


Pink Bear was speechless.

Because what she said is true.

The reputation of this year's saint is indeed too good to be true.

"So, do you understand?"

The saint changed her thigh and took a deep puff of cigar, saying:

"Although I smoke, perm my hair and have tattoos, I am still an incredible saint."


"But... you can't even see these, Oranlier, your vision is still as bad as ever." The saint smiled coldly.

"Ha... I thought being a saint was just like a teenage kid who wanted to change his appearance after changing to a new school."

The pink bear's mouth twitched and he smiled awkwardly.

"I am no longer a teenage kid. I am no longer a kid since 20 years ago, when the previous saint abandoned her responsibilities to pursue true love and died unexpectedly two months after taking the throne. I had to be forced to become a saint."

The saint took the last puff, put out the cigar on the chair, and stood up:

"If you are looking for me just for these boring things, then I'm sorry I can't keep you company. I'm not like you, with a lot of time to waste."

"Wait...wait a minute, I have another question."

"Go ahead."


In the swirling smoke, the pink bear lowered his head, suddenly hiding his funny face in the shadows, and asked softly:

"You are an amazing saint, and what about you? Why do we suddenly start this ceremony at this juncture to select a successor? "


The saint touched her chin and smiled:

"Maybe I want to learn from the previous saint and be willful?"


Pink Bear raised his head suddenly: "If you are really willful, you won't...you won't do this."

"That's right...willful guys can't pretend to be good children."

The saint suddenly stopped smiling, her eyes became deep, and she stared at Pink Bear:

"So...are you sure you really want me to tell the truth? That reason."


The reason...

All the frivolity and funny things disappeared, and Pink Bear raised his hand, as if to touch the woman who was so close.

As long as he touched it, he could know everything.

But...in the end.

This bear claw, which couldn't even be called a hand, just paused in the air for a moment, and then fell down dejectedly.

"Haha, you are really a coward, uncle."

The long-lost address made Pink Bear dazed, but when he came to his senses, the saint in front of him had smiled again.

A perfect smile.

She turned and left.

The holy light bathed her, removing all the filth from her body. She folded her hands on her lower abdomen, with her back straight, and once again became the saint worshipped by countless people.

"Oh, right."

The saint suddenly turned around and said:

"I know you want to ask another question, but regarding the Lost Town of Canterville, this matter is entirely under the responsibility of His Majesty, and I cannot intervene.

But I can assure you that in this matter, everyone is on the same starting line, including the children under my command, understand?"

After saying that, without waiting for Pink Bear to answer, the saint stepped into the light outside the door, leaving Pink Bear alone in the darkness.


In the confessional, a hairy hand came out of the pink bear’s mouth, holding a low-quality cigarette that was about to burn out in just a dozen seconds.

“If I were really a coward, I could find a big-breasted woman to cry to.”

The pink bear looked at the loving goddess statue, brushed off the cigarette ash, and scratched his butt without respect.

“Unfortunately, there are no cowards here, only a super fucking cute pink little bear.”

PS: No abuse.

PPS: The group exploded, new group 7 4 4 0 2 6 8 4 8. Welcome to flirt.

122, battlefield

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