Then I realized it.

Yes, how could I have forgotten this.

Although this place has become a gathering place for many young genius elites, no matter how outstanding those elites are, they can never be the protagonists.

Whether it is tonight or the ceremony later, the real protagonists are the five candidates for the saints who have completed the mortal trials of hiding their identities, returned to the church, and will face their last test!

"However, since it is time for the candidates for the saints to reveal their identities..."

"Mu En!"

At this moment, the noisy environment suddenly became quiet for a moment.

A familiar voice came, like fireworks blooming in the summer night, spreading a hazy glow.

Mu En could feel that many eyes around him were unconsciously converging somewhere.

And the place where the eyes converged was exactly in the center of the hazy glow, where a figure in a light-colored dress, like a dancing butterfly, ran over in small steps.

Crossing the edge of the crowd, the dancing butterfly stood in front of him.

It was Leah.

Her skirt swayed gently at this moment, and the dress that was tied around her waist further highlighted the magnificent scene. From here, the white neck and shoulders were like condensed sheep fat, which made people dazzled.

Her long hair was neatly tied behind her head, and her cute face was not made up, but I don’t know if it was because of the light, the smiling color was far more moving than a few days ago.

"You are really beautiful tonight, Miss Liya."

Mu En took a deep breath, stopped the ripples in his heart, and smiled and praised.

"Really? Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Mu En is also very handsome tonight, although it feels like there is no change."

Liya blinked her big eyes, and a little excitement floated at the corners of her mouth, but then the smile was restrained. She suddenly became nervous and her eyes kept sweeping over Mu En:

"By the way, before... are you okay?"

Although the Saint Lady Teacher said that Mu En was fine, Liya couldn't help but worry.

After all, the last scene in her memory was the scene of Mu En rushing towards the natural disaster without hesitation, and those...

"Of course I'm fine."

Mu En bent his strong arms hard and smiled:

"As you can see, I eat well and sleep well now. I can beat ten of my past selves without any problem.

But you, Liya..."

"Of course I'm fine. Although I can't beat ten of my past selves, I can still do one and a half."

Liya imitated Mu En and raised her arms, but her face was flushed and she could only make her arms bulge a small arc, which made Mu En smile.

For some reason, Liya was particularly cute tonight.

"Senior Fanny, Teacher Pink Bear, and everyone, it's been a long time since we last met."

Liya put her hands behind her back, turned her head, and greeted others.

"It's great to see you all arrive safely in the Holy City."

"Well... Li... Liya, long time no see. We are also very happy to see you."

For some reason, the few people who were already familiar with each other on the way here were a little restrained in front of Liya.

But Liya didn't care. Her eyes quickly returned to Mu En and said apologetically:

"Sorry, I still have some things to do in the church, so I just came to say hello to you."

"I know."

Mu En said.

Since the identity of the candidate saint is about to be announced at this time, Liya naturally can't stay with them as a student of St. Mary's College.

She is about to step onto her own battlefield.

Thinking of this, Mu En clenched his fist towards Liya and encouraged: "Come on!"

There was a light blooming in the depths of Liya's eyes, and then it disappeared in a flash, so fast that people thought it was an illusion of light passing by.

She raised the corners of her lips slightly and nodded vigorously: "I will."

Liya turned around and prepared to leave.

But before she even took a complete step, she seemed to remember something and turned back again.

The hem of her skirt suddenly blossomed, like a lily under the morning mist.

"Oh, there's one more thing."

The girl took a deep breath, as if to draw enough courage and determination from the air.

Then, she took a step forward.

Towards Mu En.


she walked into his arms.

Her head gently touched his chest.


Mu En's eyes suddenly widened.

The fragrance of the girl came from his nose, and his heart seemed to skip a beat.

Although the two had been in close contact due to various crises, this was the first time the girl took the initiative to approach him.

But before Mu En could react, the girl just lightly touched his chest, as if confirming something, and quickly pulled back.

"That's great."

Liya patted her chest and whispered in a language that Mu En didn't understand at all:

"There was no thump."

124. Predecessor

"You kid..."

As soon as Liya gracefully disappeared into the crowd, the pink bear came over, hugged Mu En's shoulders, and teased him in a mean way:

"Tell me the truth quickly, what embarrassing things did you do with me in the grove before, I think my attitude towards you... is not right!"

"I think you are wrong."

Mu En slapped the bear's paw away in disdain, and said unhappily:

"What are you thinking, Liya and I are just ordinary friends."


Pink Bear looked unbelieving: "Will someone who is just a normal friend come over and throw himself into his arms?"

"You call that throwing yourself into someone's arms? I haven't even touched a hair on that person's face."

"Don't quibble! Based on the detection results of the current-charged radar that I have evolved over the past twenty years of being single, there is definitely something wrong with you two!"

"You are the one with the problem. If you read less of Sesu's books, your hair will fall out."

Mu En rolled her eyes and said casually:

"If I really have an inappropriate relationship with Liya, you will let me be stabbed to death with a hatchet in the future. No, I'll be stabbed to death with many hatchets."

"Hmph, you kid is talking nonsense, look at me..."

The pink bear snorted disdainfully and was about to say something, but he swallowed the words he just spoke.

Because there are changes from field to field.

The crowd became noisy, and then quickly became quiet. In the gathering place of countless rays of light, from the pale golden hair, to the sacred mark of the goddess, to the broad mind, all of them showed the sanctity of the word "saint". The figure slowly walked out from behind the scenes with elegant steps, grabbing everyone's attention in an instant.

The current saint appears.

"Should we start?"

The lazy Mu En couldn't help but cheer up.

Even if you don't participate in this ceremony, it is still a big scene where all five candidate saints will appear, so naturally you have to keep some expectations.

Just as she was looking forward to it, Mu En couldn't help but glance sideways with suspicious eyes.

This guy, Pink Bear, is terrifyingly quiet every time he faces the Saint, which is completely unlike his style.

Could it be...

He really fell in love with the saint's white silk stockings. He must have had some bad thoughts about her!

"It seems that everyone who should be there has already arrived."

The saint stood on the high platform where she was singing hymns, her warm gaze sweeping across the entire church hall, still wearing that gentle smile that could make the ice melt.

She was wearing a solemn dress at the moment, only revealing her calves wrapped in white silk under the long skirt.

But Mu En just glanced at it and no longer cared.

Huh, different ways don’t lead to mutual conflict!

"Now that everyone is here, I won't say anything more. The purpose of bringing everyone together this time must be known, so let's get straight to the point."

The saint nodded slightly, thought for a moment, then fixed her eyes on a certain place and called softly:

"Please be the first to come out, my child, Margarita."

With the magical voice of the saint, the crowd immediately parted, and a girl in a complicated and gorgeous dress walked out in the reflected lights.

The girl's platinum long hair was tied up high, her skin was as white as snow, and her flawless face had a tall nose unique to the northern Slavs, making her face as cold as the cold wind more profound and three-dimensional.

"She's actually the platinum princess of the Kingdom of Slavl?"

"so beautiful……"

"Her reputation has become more and more prominent over the years, and I've heard about her all over the South."

"As expected of a saint candidate, how outstanding..."

There was noisy discussion among the crowd.


Mu En was also stunned when he heard this.

"Is the first place so important?"

Although the appearance of these candidate saints must have been mentioned in the original book, it is really difficult to clearly remember such supporting characters with very little writing. Mu En could only confirm the information he got while recalling it.

"Princess Platinum..."

Pink Bear returned to his usual showy self, picking his nostrils and commenting:

"This is not a simple person. In terms of fame in mainland China, she can be compared with your arrogant iceberg."

"What about other aspects?"

"I already said, 'fame' can be compared." Pink Bear shrugged.

"Okay, I understand."

In other respects, Iceberg Death Tsundere is still slightly better, right?

No, no, more than one chip.

Mu En glanced at Princess Platinum's flat chest, which was as flat as an ice field, and couldn't help showing pity in her eyes.

Fortunately, Ariel is not here at this time.


Four Aces.


"You've grown up, Margarita."

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