The saint looked at the girl who was sitting on her knees in front of her, her expression as gentle as ever.

"Have you gained anything from the trials in this mortal world?"

"Yes, teacher, I gained a lot."

"That's right, but before that, I still have to ask you this question..."

The saint stretched out her hand and asked softly:

"Are you sure you want to give up your past identity and status and embark on this cruel path?"

"Yes, teacher."

Platinum Princess Margarita put her hand on it without hesitation and replied:

"I will definitely move forward with perseverance."

"very good."

The holy light gathers in the hands of the saint and condenses into pure crystal.

The saint put the crystal into the girl's hand and said, "Call your knights."


Margarita turned around, raised her swan-white neck, and looked somewhere:

"come over."

As this sound came over, the crowd became noisy again.

But if everyone's mood was curiosity and excitement when the first Saintess candidate was revealed, now, they are as cautious and careful as if they are about to see a wild wolf.

Because compared to the saint candidates whose skill points are mostly not focused on combat, most of the assistants who will follow the saint candidates and help her win the final victory, and are named "Godly Knights" People are wary and jealous of existence.

"God's knight."

Mu En touched his chin and muttered:

"To be honest, I don't understand."

"Oh, what don't you understand?"

Pink Bear replied casually.

"Since the Holy Maiden candidates need the help of the Holy Knights in this Holy Ceremony that determines the Holy Maiden's belonging, then why not just compete with each other and then have a fight on the spot? Isn't it unnecessary to cause so much trouble?"

Mu En uttered the words that she had wanted to complain about when she was reading a book in her previous life.

"Well... although what you said makes sense, who will be the saint is not as simple as you think."

Seemingly affected by the surrounding atmosphere, Pink Bear suddenly became interested and patiently explained:

"The predecessor of the holy ceremony actually came from nearly a thousand years ago, at the end of the era of great chaos that swept the entire continent. When the church had just established its supreme position in the continent, in order to select an existence that could truly guide the believers, held - the Holy Maiden War."

"War?" Mu En chewed the word.

"That's right."

Pink Bear said coldly:

"At that time, it was a war."

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"In fact, in the early days, the church did not really have the idea of ​​​​starting a war in order to elect a saint. After all, destroying peace in order to maintain peace is a stupid thing that even if your brain is kicked by a donkey, you can't do it.

But their actions made the giant ship of history inevitably sail in this direction. "

"At that time, there were not just a few candidates for the Saint, but hundreds of them. Those children who had been training for the Saint since childhood were just to select the final, final candidate just to be able to raise gu in the future. An excellent saint exists.

At that time, they would not hide their identities like they do now. Instead, they would directly walk around the continent as saintess candidates, constantly training themselves for that slim goal, accepting people from all sides, and everyone. The test of fellow travelers.

And this creates a problem. "

Pink Bear subconsciously wanted to take out the cigarette, but was glared hard by the nun next to her and put it back in a sullen voice.

"What's the problem?" Mu En asked.

"The position of a saint is so tempting."

Pink Bear continued:

"For all the forces in the mainland, the position of a saint who can guide countless goddess believers in the mainland is simply an irresistible forbidden fruit. Everyone wants to pick it and taste it.

And for those saintly candidates, the help from all sides is also tailor-made for them, the blade that pierces their fellow travelers.

So, we hit it off immediately.

At this point... the saintly candidates who symbolize the various forces, no longer just have their own strength, but hold power and power, make their debut.

And then...

That's what I just said..."

Pink Bear looked at Mu En:

"The war has begun."


Mu En's breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

He did not expect that this seemingly less solemn ceremony was once synonymous with chaos and terror.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could still imagine how cruel and fierce the competition for the position of the only saint among hundreds of saints, countless forces and countries must have been in the past.

"Of course, as the church gradually moved towards stability, it naturally quickly stopped the competition that only added to the chaos, and then established a new method of electing saints.

That is today's Holy Mosque Ceremony. "

Pink Bear paused and continued:

“The church still selects suitable candidates through its intelligence network and believers across the continent, and then the contemporary saints select the most suitable candidates.

These candidates are the new saint candidates. They will be personally taught by the contemporary saints for a period of time, and then undergo mortal trials again in their original identities, or in identities fabricated with the help of the church.

It’s just that in this trial, the identity is not allowed to be revealed.

In order to make up for the shortcoming that saints often do not develop in the direction of combat effectiveness, the church specifically allowed assistants called divine knights.

How to recruit a strong enough Divine Knight is itself a part of the test for the candidate of the Saint. After all...

Charm is also a factor that a real Saint cannot obtain, isn't it?"

Pink Bear's voice suddenly became a little deep.

"I see."

Mu En understood everything, then touched his chin, looked at the Saint on the stage, and asked in confusion:

"I naturally know about the role of Divine Knights, but I heard that after the Saint succeeds to the throne, the Divine Knights will choose to stay and assist the Saint... But why have I never heard of this Saint's Divine Knight?"

Pink Bear's body stiffened slightly, and he sighed lightly without leaving a trace. He did not answer and changed the subject:

"To answer your previous question, although it seems that this behavior is a lot of trifles, whether it is the Mu Sheng ceremony or the Saint War in the past, its cruel nature has not changed at all.

In order to make the result more in line with the original intention of the church, they even invited famous genius elites on the continent to participate in this ceremony together.

...Yes, that is the scene you see now.

Although it is called a ceremony, it is essentially a test, a final test for the candidates for the saints. The winner can sit on the throne of glory, and the loser... There are many dead bones that have fallen here throughout the ages, not to mention that this ceremony is..."

"Or is it raising Gu?" Mu En pondered.

"Yes, it is still raising Gu, but I have to admit that the saints selected in this way are indeed very good."

Pink Bear sighed:

"Whether it is the former saint who suddenly gave up her duties and went to pursue true love, and you know the final outcome, or the former saint who died after only a very short period of time...

The statue of the former still stands in the city she once saved, and the latter... also saved many people in that monster tide.

They are all worthy of their names as saints. "

As Pink Bear's voice fell, Mu En also fell silent.

His gaze towards the figure in the light suddenly changed.

Sure enough, under that brilliant light, are there responsibilities and burdens that ordinary people can hardly imagine?


Mu En looked for the delicate girl in the crowd.

But to no avail.

Obviously...she didn't need to separate from them at this time.


In the eyes of everyone, Margarita's divine knight walked under the light.

He was a frivolous, unshaven man who looked a little unkempt, but when he appeared, not only did the tense atmosphere in the field become more intense, but Mu En also heard the exclamations of Senior Sister Fanny and others behind him.

"Do you know him?"

"Of course."

Senior Sister Fanny nodded solemnly: "This person often appears in newspapers. He is the direct descendant of the Northern Divine Will Sword Art, Paul Marvin!"

"Divine Will Flow?"

"The school founded by the Sword King in the north. "

Pink Bear added: "As for the Sword King... Let me tell you this, the old crowned king Indra, who I defeated with just a little help, had to bow his head in front of him. "

"Tsk tsk, even that old guy sent someone here. Sure enough, because of that, everyone pulled out their best weapons this time?"

"Is that so..."

Mu En ignored Pink Bear's boasting and fell into deep thought.

"Something is wrong..."

He did have some impression of the name Paul Marvin. He didn't seem like a passerby who would forget it after a few words, and whose only role was to slap the protagonist in the face.

But in Mu En's memory, he shouldn't have appeared at this time.

Did I remember it wrong?



At the call of the Saint, the second Saint candidate appeared.

Her appearance also attracted the attention of the audience, and even made Mu En subconsciously give Pink Bear an elbow:

"Look, the white silk loli you want. "

The pink bear rolled his eyes and ignored her.

In the field, a girl with a loli-like figure walked up to the saint with powerful steps.

"You... haven't changed much."

The saint smiled and continued to ask the question,

"So you..."

"I will become a saint!"

Before the saint finished speaking, the white silk loli raised her head proudly.

"Very good, looking forward to your performance."

The saint also put the crystal into her palm:

"Let your knight come out."

"Leita, come here!"

Following the white silk loli's order, the tall and strong figure crossed the crowd and cast a huge black shadow in the field.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

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