Liya bit her lip, and a firm emotion gradually emerged in her eyes.

It's okay.

Liya Angel, you can do it.

Even without the help of your own divine knight, you can do it.

You have grown up, and you are no longer the weak person who needs to survive in the shadow of others.

Even if facing those terrible enemies or even natural disasters, you can muster up the courage to face them head-on.

It's just that you are alone, and there is nothing to be afraid of for you.


"Speaking of which, who is this candidate for the saint?"


After the saint spoke, the church hall, which was quiet because of respect or etiquette, rang with several noisy discussions.

The voice was very low, like a whisper with a companion beside him.

But... so clear.

"Yeah, it seems like I've never heard of it. Have you heard of it?"

"Even if the other candidates can't reveal their identities, they have already made a name for themselves, but I've never heard of this Leah Angel."

"What has she been doing in the Mortal Trial in the past few years? She's so cute, and she can do anything without being unknown. Could it be that she hasn't thought about how to be a saint?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, maybe she just doesn't want to be here."

"Hehe, if she doesn't want to be here, do she have the qualifications to be here?"


The little hand holding the skirt tightly, the knuckles suddenly turned white.

Leah just wanted to raise her head, but at this moment, it seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it was difficult to lift it.

Her chest seemed to be blocked, and it was difficult to breathe, let alone... answer.

The eyes of the crowd gathered on her, like a tide, drowning her...



"Ah, I understand."

Mu En suddenly clenched his fists and clapped his hands, and suddenly realized:

"This is the kind of plot, the kind of beautiful girl is in a dilemma, despised by everyone, and at the last moment before being forced into a dead end, the protagonist steps on the spot and shines on everyone's face with the posture of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, and wins the girl's heart in one fell swoop. Classic plot."

That's right.

It must be like this.

Just like in the sky of a certain person, the real protagonist always steps on the spot!

In that case, it makes sense that Ariel hasn't appeared now.

"But it's already this time, Ariel should come too."

Thinking of this, Mu En stretched his neck and looked at the door of the church, waiting for the figure who should appear at this moment like a god descending from heaven.

However, Ariel didn't see A, but found that several people around him were looking at him with strange faces.

"You kid, don't you know?"

"Know what?"

Mu En frowned and looked at the pink bear who spoke.

"That's it..."

Pink Bear hesitated, and a rare trace of shame appeared on the bear's face:

"The Ariel you mentioned should not appear."


Mu En was stunned, "Why?"

"Because...she hasn't come to the Holy City yet."


Mu En immediately raised his voice.

Haven't reached the Holy City yet? How is it possible?

Although the Death Forest is very large, he and Liya can get out within two days even if they are chased and entangled by the enemy.

And now, how long has it been since Ariel entered the forest? It has been nearly ten days.

With her skills and her speed, how could she not reach the Holy City at this time?

Mu En looked at Senior Fanny and others around him with suspicion, and suddenly took out the sound transmission stone. After hesitating for a while, he dialed the frequency.

After waiting for a few seconds, a serious voice like a soldier sounded on the other side.

"Master Muen, what do you want me to do?"

"Count Eler, I want to ask you..."

Muen took a deep breath and said:

"Have you found any trace of Ariel?"

"...I'm very sorry, Master Muen, no."

Eler was silent for a moment and replied:

"Although we can't send people to search the forest again due to the awakening of the natural disaster, we have set up patrols and warning magic outside the forest, and the Adventurer Association has also sent people to help. Logically, as long as the daughter of the Bugard family walks out of the forest, we will immediately notice it...

But I'm sorry, there is no news about her so far."

Muen said nothing, cut off the communication, and his chest suddenly felt heavy.

Damn it.

What went wrong again.

Why did the protagonist, who was least likely to fail, have an accident at the last moment...?

If Ariel didn't come at this moment, then Liya...

Muen raised his head, his eyes passed over the crowd, and finally fell on the girl.

The girl who seemed to be abandoned by the whole world and was so lonely that it was distressing.

Now, who should help her?

"Tsk tsk tsk, this girl is so pitiful."

Pink Bear scratched his butt and sighed:

"Even if the original knight is not here, if he appeared earlier, maybe there will be gamblers who will choose to take a gamble and take the initiative to be a knight for this girl.

But... she happened to be the last one to appear. Now the other big bad wolves have shown their claws. She, a sweet and delicious little sheep, broke in alone. Who would be stupid enough to stand behind her now?

Don't you think so, kid."

Pink Bear looked over with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Hey, you look like you've been constipated for seven days and seven nights, what's the matter? Do you need me to call a doctor for you?"

"...No, I just suddenly understood two things." Mu En pondered for a long time, and suddenly sighed.

"Oh? Which two things?" Pink Bear asked curiously.

"The first one..."

Mu En's face showed an extremely complicated expression.







"Destiny is really born by a bastard mother."

"Well, I agree with this point, what about the second one?"

"The second one..."

Mu En smoothed his collar, which was a little messy due to his slackness recently, and then twisted his neck and stretched.

Then, word by word, she said:

"I'm an idiot."

"Big idiot."



"Can you answer quickly!"

The white silk loli named Annie, who was also kneeling in front of the saint, was already a little impatient. She turned her head and glared at Leah, and said in a sharp tone:

"Such a simple question, yes is yes, no is no, don't waste everyone's time, okay!"

"Well, well."

Freya, who was standing aside, stood up slightly and comforted gently:

"We can still afford to delay a little. Maybe Miss Leah has something to hide?"

"What can it be? Could she..."

"Okay, be quiet."

The saint's voice was gentle and powerful.

But she still stared at Leah and asked again:

"Liya, what's your answer?"


Liya took a deep breath again.

But she still couldn't suppress the inner wavering.

Those eyes, those words, like the cold deep sea, drowned her and placed her in the loneliest place in the world.

I want to escape.

I really want to escape.



What can I do?

This is the path I chose, how can I give up just like that?

Being alone, isn't that something I've already prepared for?

There's nothing...

There's nothing to be afraid of.

"I'm sorry, Saint Teacher."

Liya finally raised her head and answered with all her strength:

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