"About the Divine Knight, I don't have any..."

"Ah, sorry, I'm late."

A beam of light penetrated the deep sea.

It seemed like an illusion, but the breath so close was so real.

Liya suddenly turned around and saw the familiar blond man, handsome and upright, standing fearlessly in the light, standing behind her.

"Oh, the communion distributed by the church was so delicious, so I couldn't help but eat some."

The blond man looked at the fork in his hand in distress, scratched his head, and then used standard etiquette that no one could find a fault with, and half-knelt with his chest in front of Liya's astonished eyes:

"I didn't keep you waiting for a long time, my... Saint."

"Muen, you..."

Liya's eyes were full of confusion, but it seemed as if there was a misty fog:

"Why... why?"

Why did you come?

I obviously didn't ask you to do it.


Mu En smiled slightly, and suddenly leaned close to Liya's ear and whispered:

"I suddenly remembered that I invested a full 500,000 yuan in Liya. If Liya can't become a saint, wouldn't I lose a lot?

Well, or does Liya want to default on her debt?"

"No, no."

Liya stared blankly at Mu En in front of her, who was so handsome that some of the surrounding girls couldn't help but exclaimed, and suddenly showed an expression that was more like crying than laughing.

But when she was about to say something, she was interrupted by another untimely voice:

"Oh, this knight seems to be unfamiliar."

"He looks quite handsome."

"Tsk tsk, it's just that a handsome knight and a saint candidate who has nothing but face and chest are really a perfect match..."


In an instant.

The unpleasant noise was instantly extinguished.

By a loud bang.

A loud bang.

It was like dozens of thunders roaring at the same time, tearing through all the cold air with violent, fierce, and unstoppable momentum.

But that... was just a fork.

It passed through many famous elites, like an unreasonable blade, accurately locating the man who had been hiding behind the crowd and constantly setting the rhythm, and nailed him on the side of his face.

The knife and fork were still trembling, and the ordinary-looking man was pale, with blood flowing down his cheek.

The man who threw the fork just twisted his wrist casually at this moment, with a handsome smile that would make any girl blush and heartbeat, and said calmly but intimidatingly:

"Sorry, I am a pure breast party, so... please don't tarnish my faith casually, okay?"


At this moment.

The world was silent.

And the girl stared at Mu En.

In her sight, everything superfluous disappeared.

Whether it was those shocked faces, those unbelievable eyes, or everything else.

There was only the familiar blond man and the familiar smile.

She reached out and touched her chest.

The heart was now in her chest, beating hotly, passionately, and passionately.

It seemed to be roaring hard.


127. Where is it?

The heartbeat was like a drum, drowning everything.

The hot blood flowed through the body, and finally gathered into hot lava in the mind.

It seemed that she could not think of anything.

She just instinctively turned her eyes away from the extremely dazzling place.

But someone gently pushed her back.

That hand brought a familiar touch, just like what she had felt in her palm before, but for some reason, it was like electricity, making her body tremble slightly.

"Go forward, my Saint."

The deep and mellow voice said:

"You should stand in the light."

So the light gathered.

Liya clenched her fists tightly, and struggled to get her thoughts out of the unknown torrent. She raised her head and looked forward.

The saint's eyes were still gentle, looking at her.

Then, she asked the question again.

But it was different from before.


The crystal was also emitting dazzling brilliance at this moment.

"Are you really not going to think about it again?"

"... No need."

Without much thought, Liya blurted out.

But for some reason, she didn't dare to look into those gentle eyes again. She glanced at them, grasped the cold crystal, took a deep breath, and said:

"This is what I have been pursuing, so I will not give up."


The saint didn't say anything else, but let Liya take the crystal, but her eyes glanced at Mu En behind her, which was meaningful.

She stood up slowly and nodded to everyone.

"Let's stop here tonight. Everyone, have a good rest. I hope you can have a wonderful performance in the future."

The saint left.

The Eucharist service also came to an end.

Seeing that there was nothing interesting to watch, the crowd gradually dispersed, or went to collect information about the sudden appearance of the Divine Knight.

"What a pity, I thought I would have one less opponent tonight."

The first to stand up and prepare to leave was the platinum princess, with a cold face and no expression, as if she had just watched a boring drama.

But Mu En immediately cast a sharp look:

"Did you do those things just now?"

The man with ordinary looks, who was hard to detect in the crowd, had disappeared with the crowd. Mu En couldn't really take action in the church to restrict a person's freedom.

But those words just now were definitely not spoken casually because he didn't like Liya.

In reality, few people would be so boring to take the initiative to mock, or mock a candidate for the saint.

So no matter how you look at it, it seems to be premeditated.

"I'm not such a boring person, please don't bite casually, okay, the fiancé of that woman?"

Margarita stopped and looked at Mu En coldly.

She knows me?

No, she should know Cecilia.

Thinking of what Pink Bear said just now, Mu En raised his eyebrows, but his eyes were not afraid.

For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly condensed.

"Oh, oh, don't do that. Isn't it time to fight to the death?"

The untidy bearded man interrupted the exchange of glances between the two and hooked Mu En's shoulder in a familiar way:

"Don't be angry, brother. Although Little Rita seems to have a bad temper and often says the wrong thing, I assure you that she would never do such a despicable thing!"

The descendant of the Divine Will Sword Dao named Paul had a frivolous smile on his face, but Mu En could feel a slight tingling in his skin just by approaching him, like a sharp sword hanging by his side.

As Pink Bear said, isn't he an easy character to deal with?

"By the way, I appreciate what you said just now."

Paul suddenly poked his elbow and said in a low voice mysteriously:

"To be honest, I am also a breast party."

You too?


The corner of his eyes swept over Margarita's flat surface, which was no less than Ariel's...

Are you really not kidding me?

But before the mood around the platinum princess gradually turned to murderous intent, Paul pulled her away quickly.

After Margarita left, the arrogant white silk loli also left with her divine knight, the "monster" named Leita, without even saying a word.

The two figures with huge contrasts brought a great visual impact to people, and no one dared to underestimate them.

After the two saint candidates who were not friendly to Liya left, the atmosphere around them suddenly eased a lot.

But before Mu En had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the saint candidate Fei'er dressed as a magician, approaching with shining eyes.

"You are Mu En Campbell, right!"

"Uh... you know me too?"

Mu En was a little confused.

He was so famous?

He was really handsome...

"I heard my magic mentor mention you before. You are very good at magic, right!"


Mu En's expression froze.



Fei'er nodded vigorously, "The instructor said that you have a very powerful teacher, and that your magic level must be excellent, but I didn't have the opportunity to visit him in person, so I didn't believe it before..."

Fei'er looked at Mu En and said solemnly: "But seeing that you can suppress your magic aura to such a low level without revealing any flaws, it seems that what the instructor said is true!"


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