The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched, revealing a forced smile:

"It's... it's a little bit of achievement, a little bit of achievement..."

In terms of lighting, he can now almost claim to be invincible in the world.

At least Professor Plan's cat can definitely be defeated!

"Then we have a chance to exchange magic..."

"That's not necessary, we are enemies now!"

Mu En flatly refused, and asked with a strange expression:

"Miss Fei'er also wants to become a saint, but why are you still so bad at magic..."

"This... Of course it's because an excellent woman can't be tied to a tree."

Fei'er yawned and threw a coquettish look at Mu En:

"I have to leave myself a backup option, right?"

What a scumbag! !


Mu En, who didn't want his pure soul to be polluted by a scumbag, quickly stopped talking, but as soon as he turned his head, he met another gaze that could not be ignored.

It was the candidate for the saint named Freya.

She knelt beside Liya, with a gentle and warm expression, making people think that the saint who had left had returned again.

Her body also exuded a faint holy light, which meant that she had a very high affinity with the holy light, even not inferior to Liya.

"Your name is... Mr. Muen, right?"

Freya smiled:

"Mr. Muen, do you like flowers?"



Freya held her hands, and a bouquet of flowers appeared in her hands.

It was a flower that Muen didn't know.

The petals were pale yellow, crystal clear, and stretched out layer by layer, exuding a strange holiness.

"Golden orchid, beautiful, right?"

Freya handed the flower to Muen.

"For you."

"For me?"

Muen was stunned: "Why?"

"Because I like you."


Muen subconsciously widened his eyes, but he couldn't see any lust in Freya's eyes.

"When I see someone I like, I can't help but give flowers. This is my habit." Freya still smiled.

"I see... I see."

Is this the fraternity of the popular candidates for the saint?

I almost thought that my yellow-haired attribute had evolved to the point where I could easily win over the beautiful girl by just saying a few words to her.

"Thank you... but I'm sorry."

Mu En politely refused, not intending to get involved with this strange woman.

She vaguely gave Mu En a strange feeling.

Obviously, under that gentleness that didn't seem to be fake, there was no trace of disgust in his heart, but Mu En instinctively didn't want to get close to her.

"So cold." Freya sighed.

At this moment, Mu En felt a hint of murderous intent.

From the shadow behind her.


Freya shouted angrily, stopped the man in the shadow, and then smiled apologetically to Mu En:

"Sorry, Brian has a bad temper."

"It's okay."

Mu En clenched his hands at his side and smiled, "I don't mind."

"Mr. Mu En is such a good man."

Freya's smile did not change at all. After receiving the light-speed confession, she also gave Mu En a good guy card at light speed.

"In that case, I won't bother you anymore. See you later, although we will be enemies after that."

"Well, see you later."


Looking at Freya's leaving back, Mu En finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The tense body gradually relaxed.

As expected, they were all terrible guys, so terrible that he wanted to go back to Belrand now, and then shamelessly move Cecilia or his senior sister over to hug his thighs directly.

"But...are you okay, Leah?"

Collecting his thoughts, Mu En looked at Leah in front of him in confusion.

From just now, she didn't say a word, and even didn't move, like a wooden man.

"What happened?"

Mu En put his hand on her shoulder.


Liya's shoulders shook, and then she suddenly came back to her senses, jumped away in shock, and her pretty face was full of red.

"I, I'm fine."

"Really okay?"

Mu En looked at her hand, showing a shocked expression:

"Sure enough, I suddenly came to be your knight, did you scare it?"

"Yes, I was scared."


"No... but."

Liya clenched the cold crystal in her hand, as if trying to suppress something, "I'm actually very happy."


"Well, so..."

Liya put her hands behind her back, her toes moved restlessly on the ground, and then raised her head slightly, and Mu En's figure was reflected in her crystal eyes filled with mist.

Under the light, Liya's pretty face was stained with rosy red, which was particularly fresh and juicy.

She first bit her tender pink lips, then her little head suddenly tilted, revealing a cute smile that was a hundred times brighter than the Huang Jinlan just now, and said sweetly:

"After that, I'll trouble you, my Lord Knight."


Mu En's heart tightened, like a lake in his heart, and with the tilt of his little head, it also set off a storm.

Mu En took a deep breath, and finally calmed the ripples that shouldn't exist, and replied with a smile:

"Of course, my Saint."

What, now it seems that taking the initiative to jump into the pit is not too uncomfortable.

Even if I think about it carefully, although I have almost forgotten the supporting roles in the original book, I still remember some of the plots.

With those memories, he can take the lead, so even without Ariel, it is not impossible to make Leah a saint.

"Then let's do our best in the next secret realm, Leah!"

Mu En stretched out his hand to boost morale.

However, Leah's little face suddenly froze, and she looked at him blankly with an extremely puzzled expression.

Not only Leah, but even Fei'er and Freya, who had not yet walked out of the door, couldn't help but turn their heads and cast a look at Mu En, "What on earth is this guy talking about?"

"Secret realm? What secret realm?"

"Hmm? Didn't the Mu Sheng ceremony of all generations take place in a secret realm specially created by the Church of Life?" Mu En scratched his head. He still knew this basic common sense.

"It was true before, but it's different this time."


Mu En's mouth twitched, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart:

"What's different?"

"Didn't Pink Bear teacher tell you?"

Liya blinked and replied:

"The location of our holy ritual this time is not the secret place in the past, but...

The ancient ruins that the church recently opened the entrance to, the legendary lost town.



Mu En's eyes lost their luster.

"Where the hell is that?"

PS: I suddenly caught a cold and lay down for a day. Sorry for the poor writing.

128. The Lost Land

"Cantville is one of the few ancient countries that is recorded in clear words and descriptions in the books handed down from the chaotic era.

It is called the Golden Country, a land full of gold and gems, with the most solid barriers and walls. Even in the chaotic era that swept the continent a thousand years ago and lasted for an unknown period of time, it was not affected.

Rich, civilized, prosperous, these are still the words used in every book that mentions it.

There are even legends that it is a pure land with milk and honey flowing everywhere, pigs and mutton growing in the fields, no hunger and pain, and everyone will live happily there.

...What an exaggerated description."

Mu En's eyes quickly swept across the pamphlet that Leah gave him to introduce Cantville.

In front of him was the pink bear with a wandering look, as if he was guilty of a thief.

"However, such a beautiful country that is enough to make anyone yearn for it disappeared without any signs at the end of that chaotic era.

No books mentioned how it disappeared, and in all existing historical records, no major events that could match it were discovered in that period of time - but that huge country disappeared so inexplicably.

Therefore, it is also called the Lost Land.

Over the years, countless scholars have been fascinated by this country in the books, and have flocked to find clues about it, but all have returned in vain.

But, ten years ago... the church suddenly dug it out.

A huge country, buried deep underground for thousands of years.

And in the past ten years, the church has been quietly working on the cracking of Canterville.

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