However, as recorded in the classics, Canterwell is surrounded by a solid barrier, and even the church's progress in cracking it is extremely slow.

Until was expected that it would take several more years to completely crack it...but it was suddenly completed.

Thus, there was this holy ceremony that was perfectly timed. "

Mu En's eyes moved away from the booklet, fell on the pink bear, and sneered:

"The ceremony for selecting a saint is held on top of an ancient ruins. It really makes people excited and excited."

"Yeah, right."

Pink Bear nodded vigorously, "This kind of passionate activity requires you to participate with all your strength. Only then will you be worthy of your youth!"

"But it would have been better if someone had done their duty in advance, instead of just scratching their butts and reading pornographic books on the way here, and told me this important information earlier, so that I didn't almost have a myocardial infarction last night! "

Mu En pinched the booklet and made a squeaking sound, gritting his teeth.

"Uncle, do you have any last words before I give you Heavenly Punishment?"

"Cough, cough."

The pink bear coughed ferociously as if it was being choked, then rubbed its paws and said with a smile:

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. In fact, it doesn't make any difference. Don't you know it now? If you knew it earlier, wouldn't it be the same if you knew it later?"

"Can it be the same? If I knew it was such a dangerous place with ancient ruins..."

"Why, if you knew, you didn't stand up for that little girl last night?" Pink Bear looked at him, half-smiling.


"Look, I'd say there's no difference."

Pink Bear's waist suddenly straightened up, he took out a cigar from nowhere, crossed his legs, and sniffed at the end of his nose intoxicatedly:

"And your teacher didn't tell you in advance that it's none of my business. She was the one who tricked you!"


Mu En had nothing to say, and now she just wanted to go back and put that hateful black-bellied loli on her knees and spank her hard.

What she could have said at the time was that the holy ceremony was easy and everything could be done easily, but how could the ancient ruins be called easy?

There must be countless powerful people trapped in those weird and unpredictable ruins!

Not to mention he is a pitiful and helpless little yellow guy who wants to hug his thigh...

It's so irritating!

Well, of course he also knew that the only possibility for him to do this was to be pinned down on Teacher Meira's knee and spanked.

But no matter what, Teacher Mela’s strawberry-flavored candies are gone!

"After all, this is really weird..."

Mu En rubbed her temples.

He didn't even know what Cantwell was, and it wasn't in the original plot.

And according to the church's original cracking time, Cantwell did appear, and it must have been at a later stage that he had not seen.

And now it suddenly appears...

"Wait, this time..."

Mu En looked at the booklet again, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The time when the church announced the cracking of the Canterville entrance seemed... it seemed... it should be... shortly after the fall of the moon.

Canterwell related to Silent Moon?

Or is it that the church, like Teacher Meira, took advantage of the moon's corpse before it was cold and gathered a few handfuls of wool to open the entrance?

"No way……"

So after all is said and done, in the end, the cause of this bitter fruit...

Still myself...

Mu En's head banged on the table, feeling deep despair in this world where the butterfly effect was exaggerated to the extreme.

Destroy it quickly.

"No need to be so pessimistic, kid."

Pink Bear had already lit the cigar, took a deep breath, glanced at him and said:

“For ancient ruins of this level, the safest way is for all parties to gather a large number of top experts to plow through them directly, so that no monster or weird thing can stir up trouble.

But contrary to its solid shell, Cantwell's interior is actually quite fragile. If someone who is too powerful enters, it will directly collapse.

In fact, this is also a common problem with most ancient ruins. Over time, they have been on the verge of collapse and cannot withstand any hardship.

Therefore, there won’t be any supermodel stuff inside, otherwise the church wouldn’t be so comfortable letting you in.

Moreover, the periphery has been explored by the church. In terms of safety, it is said that it can be ranked among the top among the ancient ruins discovered so far. It can be said that at least in terms of the safety of the ruins themselves, it is not as dangerous as you think. "

"But those who are attracted by the ancient ruins to collect treasures from various forces are not easy to mess with, right?"

Mu En still moaned like a salted fish.

This is the real reason why the elites were everywhere last night, the geniuses were as numerous as dogs, and the difficulty level went up several sections.

Compared with a holy ceremony that is bound by many aspects of the church and actually has no benefits other than training and subsequent rewards, the legendary golden country and the lost hometown of Canterbell, where hunger does not exist, is what makes all countries , or the location of the treasure mountain that all forces cannot help but be jealous of.

"I get angry when I talk about this!"

Pink Bear suddenly slapped the table and said angrily:

"I told you, boy, that the academy and the country had high hopes for you and asked you to come here to win glory for the country. But it turns out that you, boy, went to the church to become a knight just to pick up girls. Are you worthy of us!"

"When it comes to picking up girls, let's just say we have a normal relationship."

Mu En cleared her throat in embarrassment, "But is it so exaggerated?"

"Huh, it doesn't look like it, but all parties are secretly competing against each other." The pink bear grunted, looking extremely disdainful of the overt and covert fighting between the parties.

"In that case, why doesn't Celecia come? She is the best of the young generation in the empire, right?" Mu En asked curiously.

"Who knows, I have no interest in the empire and the church, or any overt or covert transactions between the various parties, but boy..."

Pink Bear stared at Mu En and suddenly showed a strange smile:

"Are you sure Celcia is here? When you half-kneeled to salute that girl as a knight last night, she wouldn't just dig the heel into your butt?"


Mu En shuddered, and Celecia's pretty face as cold as ice and her ice-blue eyes like insects suddenly appeared in her mind...

But snap.

129. Invitation

"Wait a minute, you kid has said so much, are you afraid?"

The pink bear blew out a smoke ring and raised his eyebrows:

"So cowardly? Do you need me to intercede for you and let you withdraw from this ceremony? I still have some face."

"……of course not."

Mu En straightened her back again, looked at the pink bear calmly, thought for a while, and said:

"I'm just complaining. Now I'm not shaken by such a trivial matter."

"A small thing? Hehe, your tone has become louder."

"I don't dare to be complacent."

Mu En stood up and said goodbye to the pink bear:

"Then I'll take my leave, uncle."

"Want to go out?"

"There should be a lot of good things in the Holy City. If you want to go around, you should make some preparations in advance."

Mu En sighed:

"After all, I'm not the kind of story protagonist who can do anything with his passion."

"I thought you were going on a date with that girl before the ceremony started."

The pink bear, who had lost his fun, changed into a bohemian and comfortable posture on the chair, holding a cigar and waving towards Mu En:

"Come on, hurry up, don't disturb my rare alone time. You are not a beautiful girl with white stockings and big breasts, but I will come to appreciate your achievements in the ruins. Don't be beaten until you cry. ”


Mu En was about to pause and turned around:

"You always feel... still a little unhappy?"

It's already miserable enough for him to fall into a pit.

But this guy actually filled the soil from top to bottom while watching the show.

How abominable!


Pink Bear was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, he saw Mu En take out the sound transmission stone and gave him a strange smile:

"Is it Professor Plan? That's right, it's me, Mu En. I reported that Pink Bear guy is secretly smoking high-end cigars again. He's sure he can't afford them. It's suspected to be hidden college public funds. Please be severely punished. …”

"Hey, you guy!"

Liya's room, bathroom.

In the hot air, Liya raised her slender but not too slender legs and carefully touched the hot water in the bathtub with her toes.

After confirming that the temperature of the hot water was within the range she was comfortable with, she loosened the towel and slowly soaked her naked body in the bathtub. Her fair skin was rendered as pink as cherry blossoms by the heat.

Then he let out a deep breath of complete relaxation.

As the chest rises and falls, two round and white wheels slowly rise from the rippling water waves, like a white whale rising from the end of the sea in the morning.

Liya looked beyond the two beluga whales and looked further away, at the cute little toes that were gently clinging to the edge of the bathtub, like freshly fermented white dough.

The ten toes danced nimbly, like an elf dancing among the flowers.

Liya watched the dance of these elves and hummed a tune that came to her mind.


With her musical attainments, even if she just hums casually, it will sound as sweet as a lark.

It's a pity that there is no audience listening, otherwise they would have given sincere applause and praise.

Just like Mu En.


Suddenly, this beautiful humming stopped.

Liya lowered her head and stared at herself reflected in the water with her clear eyes.

"Do I... like Mu En?"

So suddenly.

It's like an apple that has been chopped by the fastest blade in the world. Only when everything is silent do you realize that your inner heart has been completely exposed.

A thud.

That's like...

"Wait, wait, that's not right!"

Liya blushed and patted herself in the water.

"Although it's very similar to what the saint teacher said,'s not necessarily true, right? It's just that my heart is pounding. It has obviously happened many times before, but it's just not as strong as this time."

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