Liya buried half of her little head in the water, puffing out bubbles.

After all, Saintess Teacher... is also single.

She herself has no experience in this area. Can she take what she says seriously?

Moreover, my goal is also to become a saint!

"Goddess, please believe Liya..."

Liya suddenly stood up from the bathtub, clasped her hands together, and prayed devoutly:

"Liya is an honest and good child. Liya will never lie. Liya will always..."


The devout prayer was interrupted by a knock on the door.



Sister Lin's cold voice came from outside the door.

"Come and give you clothes."

"Ah, please come in."

Liya hurriedly wrapped herself in a bath towel and went to open the door.

Lin outside the door saw Liya's appearance, quickly walked into the room, and quickly closed the door.

"It seems I came just in time."

In her hands were several neatly folded pieces of clothing.

Liya had lost all her personal belongings, so she asked the church to give her a change of clothes, including the dress she wore last night.


Liya happily took those pieces of clothing. The textures were all ordinary and the colors were simple. Church clothes couldn't be too fancy, but Liya felt an inexplicable sense of nostalgia.

This made her very reassured.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Before Lin left, she suddenly said:

"Moon Campbell asked me to ask you, do you want to go out for a walk tomorrow?"

"Shopping... for a walk? Just the two of us?"

"He said that we were going to buy some props or items for use together to compensate for your previous losses. He said that you had promised."


Liya recalled that Mu En said this when they were in the forest.

But did I agree at that time?

Liya couldn't remember because the annoying thumping sound sounded again.

And she didn't know why, but the simple clothes that made her feel at ease in her hands suddenly felt a little prickly.

"That, that..."

"Other than these, the church only has nuns' uniforms."

Lin, still expressionless, finished speaking quickly and left directly.

In the quiet room, only Liya was left looking blankly at the simple clothes in her hands, lost in thought.

After all, they are all already announced candidates for sainthood. It's okay to be in the church, but wearing such simple clothes when going out... isn't appropriate.

As for the dress last night, that kind of solemn attire definitely cannot be worn on the street.


Liya raised her head and looked out the window.

How's not too late yet, so let's go to the street in advance.

Not just clothes, there are other things to buy.


In the dark space, the sound of heavy breathing was like a bellows, disturbing the surrounding airflow.

Ariel was covered in blood, wielding a broad sword and looking around fiercely.

Under the flickering lighting technique, huge bronze puppets gradually approached, waving sharp swords.

"It's troublesome."

The master's voice sounded: "We seem to have chosen the wrong path. There is no scent of that girl Liya on this road, and the concept of time in this space seems to be disturbed. I don't know how long it has been."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are still in the ruins, you can always meet her if you keep moving forward." Ariel's eyes were firm, and she was convinced of the bond between herself and Liya.

"Yes, can you still hold on?"


Liya wiped the blood on her face, thinking about what she had gained during this period, her heart couldn't help but feel extremely hot.

Now there is no shortage of anything, including the money that troubled her the most before, which means...

"Just thinking about asking Liya on a date after we go out, I feel full of power now!"

Ariel swung her sword, the firelight illuminating the bronze and casting a green shadow above her head.

"Wait for me, Leah!"

130. That sentence

"Long...long wait."

Mu En, who was waiting in front of the Emile Church, turned her head following the sweet voice like a lark.

Then his breathing stopped unconsciously.

In early spring, the weather is fine.

The warm sunshine passes over the loving goddess statue and shines on all things equally.

In front of me is the famous "Piety Road" where countless believers come for pilgrimage every day. The sunlight shines on the steps, giving off the brilliance of white jade.

But at this moment, whether it was the warm sun, the white jade, or the goddess statue, they all seemed to be eclipsed the moment the girl stepped out of the shadows.

The girl was wearing a goose-yellow dress, with an exquisite hem decorated with layers of ruffles. Her waist was lightly tied with a ribbon, which made her breasts fuller.

Under the skirt were plump long legs wrapped in black stockings. Following the girl's movements, the moment the skirt flew up, it seemed that the shallow flesh marks left by the stockings on the thighs could be vaguely seen.

"I...I'm not late."

The girl stood still in front of Mu En, her hair on the edge was carefully braided into two braids, swaying playfully, and her forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, which was brighter than spring.

"No, it's just that you..."

Mu En was suddenly speechless.

The Liya at this moment seems to be different from the Liya before. In Mu En's memory, she has never been careful about dressing up. Except in the previous restaurant and last night, she always seemed to be dressed in simple and plain clothes. White dress.

But today, not only was she clearly dressed carefully, but she also seemed to have put on light makeup, revealing a different kind of charm on her lovely face.

The strong contrast made Mu En attracted to it almost instantly, making it difficult to look away.

"What...what's wrong? Is there anything strange?"

Liya's fingers were wrapped around the pigtails around her ears, biting her pink lips, her eyes filled with mist revealed uneasiness and expectation.

"No, it's beautiful."

Mu En took a deep breath, suppressed the ripples in her heart that had appeared more frequently recently, and praised:

"You are really touching today, Liya."

This is not a compliment, but a fact. The girl in front of her is cute enough to make anyone's heart flutter.


The uneasiness in Liya's heart instantly dissipated and turned into joy.

On the white jade stone steps, there were many devout worshippers. Attracted by the blooming beauty, they stopped involuntarily, temporarily forgetting the gods in their hearts, and cast their astonishing gazes.


Liya came back to her senses, her face turned slightly red, and she said shyly:

"'s not what you think. It's not because I was invited by you, but because those people said those things before, so I think that as a candidate for a saint, you should at least pay a little attention to your image..."

"Yeah, I know." Mu En smiled.

"I'm not arrogant enough to think I'm so attractive."

His handsome smile is brighter than the sun.

But Liya felt that the scenery around her became dim. It was obviously the result of her efforts to explain, but she still couldn't help but feel a certain feeling in her heart...


Mu En turned her head, her voice drifted with the breeze, and no other emotions could be heard:

"I think Liya, even if she doesn't dress up specially, is very beautiful, more beautiful than others..."


Liya lowered her head and answered softly.

The colors are blooming, and the holy city in early spring has a pleasant scenery.

"By the way, I said I wanted to go shopping, where exactly does Mu En want to go?"

"Well, I'm not familiar with the Holy City either. It all depends on Liya's guidance. It's just that I want to buy some alchemy tools, magic scrolls, etc. to prepare for the ceremony first."

"I do remember that there seemed to be a street selling all these, but my memory of the Holy City is still a few years ago. I don't know if those places have changed."

"Anyway, let's go take a look first. There is still plenty of time."


The streets of the Holy City are not as wide as Belland, nor are they filled with carriages and people like Belland.

But this ancient city that has lasted for thousands of years is full of the charm of time. The ancient buildings are carved with patterns that praise the gods. Priests in robes pass by and occasionally smile at the two people wandering along and come forward to preach the doctrine. .

But after seeing Liya showing the sign of Emile Cathedral, she would walk away with a look of pity and continue to look for the target of her mission.

Templar knights wearing heavy armor patrolled the streets with majesty.

Liya took Mu En into a store that looked more ornately decorated. In the corner of the signboard, Mu En saw the logo of the Stone Cauldron Association.

"A store affiliated with the Ishikama Association?"

"Well, Mu En should look down on the things on those roadside stalls."

"Not entirely."

If the protagonist is so lucky, maybe a roadside stall is the best place to go, and maybe you can find something amazing.

It's a pity that I don't have it, so I can only spend my money to buy genuine products.

"What does the guest need?"

The clerk also had the logo of the Stone Cauldron Association on her chest, with a professional smile, but when she saw Mu En and Liya walking in, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Was amazed.

The man was handsome and the girl was cute and cute. When they walked together, even the holy city bathed in the holy light seemed brighter than anything else.

"What does Liya want?"

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