Not paying attention to the clerk's rudeness, Mu En touched her chin and looked at Liya aside, "It was agreed as an apology before. Just pick whatever you want and I'll pay."


A variety of alchemy props and magic tools were displayed on the counter and walls. Liya was dazzled by them and thought about them carefully for a moment:

"Then...I want this."

The onion-like finger pointed at a piece of dark iron, and Mu En followed the finger to look at it. According to the introduction, this is an alchemical metal that can store magic power and carve formations.

"anything else."

Mu En smiled: "You only choose one, and it's so cheap. I won't be able to sleep at night."

"Then...then add this, this, and this."

Liya hesitated and pointed to a few magic crystals, a few blank magic scrolls, and some weird metals.

"Well, that's good."

Mu En looked at the clerk, "Those things she pointed out just now should be of the best quality. Make ten copies of each and wrap them up."


The clerk's eyes suddenly widened, as if he was watching a wealthy man picking up girls in shock.

"Wait, wait, there's no need for so much..."


Mu En turned around and said seriously:

"I'm thinking about myself, not you."


"After all, we are partners now. If you can become stronger, I will feel more at ease. You don't think I spend so much money just to please you."

In the eyes of the clerk, Liya fell into deep thought.

It seems...that is indeed the case.

But I always feel like, something is wrong?

In short... In short, Mu En said this, and she had no reason to refuse.

The clerk quickly wrapped the things that Mu En asked for in exquisite packaging. For fear that Mu En would have a clear mind and regret it, he quickly handed it to Liya. When Liya took the things from the clerk in a daze, her little hands were shaking a little.

Even though she is a candidate for sainthood, the church provides very little assistance in these areas. She has often only read these top-notch materials in books!

I have never fought such a rich battle. The position of the Saint is within my grasp, Liya Angel!

Liya's eyes turned into mosquito-repellent incense and she fell into a lovely fantasy.

"Guest, what do you need?" After packing Liya's things, the clerk respectfully followed Mu En and patiently explained to him the functions of each prop. The scene of looking down on people in the novel did not happen. , the gold thread inlaid on Mu En's collar, and the temperament revealed in his every move, are enough to prove his extraordinary status.


Mu En touched her chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly approached the clerk and asked in a low voice:

"Do you have anything here that can't be sold?"


The clerk was stunned:

"No...things that can't be sold?"

"The kind that will be taken away by the Templars immediately if you sell it." Mu En asked seriously.

"You will be arrested as soon as you take it out..."

Seeing Mu En's handsome face so close, the clerk seemed to have thought of something, her face instantly turned red, and she refused fiercely:

"I'm sorry, customer, this is a regular store! We only...only sell regular products. There are absolutely no such things...props used for rustling!"

"...No, it's a pity...wait, Thurse?"

After reacting, Mu En glared, "When did I say I would buy that kind of thing!"

"Hey, isn't it? I thought you were buying it to flirt with your girlfriend..." The clerk glanced at the girl who had her head lowered, but her cheeks were also slightly red.

"No, and besides, we are not in that kind of relationship."

Mu En spent a lot of effort to explain to the disbelieving clerk his relationship with Liya, as well as what the "unsellable" things he needed were.

But not surprisingly, the answer was negative.

"Sorry, guest."

The clerk's expression was more serious than ever:

"This is the Holy City."


Mu En was not surprised at all.

Sure enough, in a place like the Holy City, the management of prohibited props is much stronger than in other places.

Even if darkness still thrives in this land illuminated by endless light, Mu En, who has just arrived here, is not qualified to set foot in it.

It's better to use Belland. With just a little effort, he can take out a few military magic cannons that were "just" eliminated.

But here, even buying powerful magic scrolls requires reporting to the Templars.

Mu En couldn't help but sigh melancholy.

It seems that his status as the Duke's son is of no use at all in the Holy City, except for being a bit of a stinker.

Fortunately, the Holy City also has a branch of the Imperial Bank, otherwise there would be no dirty money left.

"In this case... we can only make do with it."

More advanced things cannot be brought into play by his level, and the things that he can play well, except for those things that are strictly controlled by various countries, cannot give him much advantage at all.

Unable to buy what he wanted, Mu En focused on the store with the best quality, but for him the effect could only be regarded as an average area, and he just scanned the area.

"This, this, and this..."

The clerk nodded repeatedly and carefully recorded Mu En's needs in a small notebook.

"Except for the ones I just pointed out, I'll wrap up everything else."

With a click, the small notebook fell to the ground, and the clerk thought she was dreaming.

After waiting for a while, Mu En took the space magic device from the trembling hands of the clerk. While swiping the card, he sighed, "It seems that I have to sell my father another manor."

Then he took Liya and went to the next store without stopping.

The next few stores sold similar things, and the quality was even slightly insufficient. Even if Mu En was a spendthrift, he had no desire to buy more. He just looked around casually and then forced some things on Liya.

At noon, it was Mu En who took Liya to find a pretty good restaurant.

When shopping with girls, most places can be chosen by the girls, but only restaurants are the places where the men's cultivation and preparation are displayed, and they are the last bastion to determine success or failure. ——By "Bellland Dating Guide"

Although this is not a date, Mu En thinks there should be some similarities.

The restaurant has a pleasant environment, elegant music, and a statue of a loving goddess stands in the center.

While waiting for the food to be served, Mu En took out the newspaper he had just bought on the roadside.

"What are you reading?"

Leah came over curiously.


Mu En glanced at Leah, who was very close to him, and spread the newspaper on the dining table:

"You have to know your opponent, right?"

The newspaper used a lot of space to introduce the outstanding participants in this Mu Saint Ceremony, such as the Beheaded Man of the Slav Kingdom, the Wandering Swordsman of the Principality of Saigon, and the Chanter of Elielze...

Of course, the most ink and paper were spent on the saints and the knights of the divine servants. Their past deeds were dug out one by one, and those achievements that ordinary people would look up to in their lives were now just simple words on the newspaper.

"At the age of thirteen, he killed the legendary lake monster. At the age of seventeen, he fought a dominant monster alone. He has never lost since he became famous... These guys are more terrifying than each other." Mu En drank the coffee that the waiter brought in advance and praised. "But... I should be pretty good." Although he has no achievements that can be shown to the public so far, he has been so pretentious before, so his evaluation of himself should not be too embarrassing. Thinking like this, Mu En finally turned to the page that introduced himself...


"The Ice Witch's gigolo."

"A playboy with a fetish for black silk stockings."

"Cheating multiple women."

"The sinker of a dreadnought-class battleship."

"A naked man running wildly at night..."

"According to a certain Mr. Pink Bear who does not want to reveal his name, he is a scumbag, a very scumbag. Ladies, don't be fooled by his appearance..."


"... Damn!"

Mu En slammed the newspaper and said angrily:

"I am a man who has four girls in the academy, why are all the reports about this kind of thing! Isn't there a more handsome title? Blond Campbell or something!"


Liya blushed and moved away from the mosaiced half-naked photo in the newspaper. She hesitated for a while, as if she had finally made up her mind. She clenched her fists and encouraged Mu En cutely:

"It's okay, Mu En, I know You are not that kind of person, these are all rumors about you!"

"No matter what others say about you, I will stand by your side!"

"Well... so bright."

Under the tenderness of the girl, Mu En burst into tears.

But he didn't dare to answer.

Because even if he knew that the report was very excessive, Mu En couldn't deny that... it still had a little bit of truth.

Well, just a little bit.

"Anyway, anyway, let's eat first."

While reading the newspaper, the dishes were served on the table one after another.

The appetizer was Northville cod soup with Grant baked snails.

The main course was Budosir thick-cut fillet steak.

The dessert was...

"Panini cake!"

Liya's eyes flashed with childish excitement, which was something she had never seen before when tasting the two expensive dishes.

"Do you like panini cake?"


Liya scooped a piece with a silver spoon and put it in her mouth, and a satisfied look suddenly appeared on her cheeks.

"Ariel likes this very much, so I like it too... But I'm the type that easily gains weight, and panini cakes are very expensive, so I don't eat them very often."

Liya enjoyed it while reminding herself not to eat too much, otherwise the new clothes she bought wouldn't fit her.

"Is that so..."

Mu En touched his chin and thought for a while, "But since you like panini cakes, maybe you will like this kind of cake too."

Mu En called the waiter and whispered a few words.

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