After a while, a new cake was delivered to Liya.

"This is?"

"Taste it?"

Liya tentatively picked up a spoonful, put it into her small mouth, and then... her eyes lit up.


The taste is very similar to panini cake, but the thick creamy flavor turns into fruit-like sweetness, but it brings a completely different taste enjoyment.

"It was invented by the same pastry master, and it's called Pasini. It's just not as famous as Panini cake."

Mu En smiled and explained:

"But I personally like the taste of Pasini better, and due to the different materials, Pasini is not as fattening as Panini... well."

"It's not easy to gain weight, which means..."

"You can eat whatever you want."

Mu En held her chin, whispering like a devil:

"Do you like it? Miss Liya?"


In his sight, there seemed to be countless flowers blooming around that handsome face.

Liya stared blankly, pushed Panis cake to the top of her favorite food, and murmured:


After coming out of the restaurant, the two continued to wander around following Liya's memories.

But even without deliberately observing, the two of them could clearly detect the different atmosphere around them.

The holy ceremony was approaching, and the ancient ruins were about to be opened. Everyone was holding back their energy...but the two of them were actually shopping?

It feels as exciting as going out to school to play games before the final exam in a previous life.

Mu En came up with this strange idea and looked at Liya beside him: "Is there anything else worth going to..."

Liya was also distracted.

Mu En followed her gaze and looked over to see an old bookstore with a clean and tidy sign that shone brightly in the sun.

"The bookstore? It looks good. Let's go in and have a look."

"Eh, no, no need..."

Liya came back to her senses, shook her head and said:

"How can you spend important preparation time on..."

"This is also important preparation work."

Before Liya could finish speaking, Mu En had already opened the door and walked into the bookstore.

The wind chime on the door was rang, making a pleasant sound. There was a drowsy old woman in front of the counter. She glanced at Mu En and Liya who came in, and continued to take a nap with her eyes closed.

"It's bigger than I thought."

Mu En looked around the entire bookstore. There were all kinds of books on the crowded bookshelves, including new books and old books with damaged covers and full of traces of time.

There are no other guests.

"This is my first time, so..."

Liya followed behind Mu En, stroking the book with her fingertips, and a little excitement flashed in her eyes.

"Liya has never been to a bookstore?" Mu En asked doubtfully.

"No... I've just never gone shopping like this..."

Liya said softly: "Ariel used to be very busy, so when I went out with her, I always asked for the books I needed in advance and then bought them directly. I have never been able to leisurely... read these books like this."


Mu En took out a book from the bookshelf and flipped through it, then turned to look at her:

"Then let's spend time here this afternoon."

"Eh, no, no... Mu En, don't you still need it..."

"I've already bought all the things I need."

Mu En picked up the book, walked to the window seat, turned back and said with a smile:

"I was worried about what to do for such a long time. It's great to find this store that Liya likes."


Smile brightly.

The annoying thumping sound sounded again.

She obviously wanted to refuse rationally, but when she regained consciousness, Liya found that she had no idea when she was sitting next to Mu En, and in her hand was a book she had never heard of.

"Is this okay? The Holy Mass Ceremony will be held in a few days. Preparations..."

"Isn't Liya already prepared? In the past few years, she has been preparing every day."

Mu En turned the pages of the book and said softly:

"That would be enough."

"Is that enough...?"

"Well, I believe Liya."


The same words have been said many times, but this time, Liya was particularly flustered and didn't know how to answer.

So she turned the pages of the book and forced herself to immerse herself in the words.

He just looked away from the page from time to time and looked to the side.

The sun is tilted, and the increasingly darker sunlight shines through the window on the side face, coating it with a soft and holy halo.

It was a familiar face that she had seen often, but for some reason, it was far more attractive than the books and texts she had always liked.

The stories and knowledge in the book suddenly became boring.

The throbbing in her chest did not stop, but instead encouraged her to say something that she must not say.

The church bells rang in the distance, seeming to remind her of the passage of time.

"Mo En..." Liya's voice was a little low and hoarse.


Mu En turned his head, the sunlight left half a shadow on his face, and he still smiled:

"Is there a problem?"


"Ah, it's Your Majesty the Saint!"

The sudden exclamation interrupted what Liya was about to say.

Outside the window, the crowd was excited.

Surrounded by the clergy, a magnificent chariot passed through the middle of the street.

In the white veil, the contemporary saint sat elegantly, shrouded in endless sacred and noble holy light.

Fanatic believers knelt down to her, the crowd cheered for her, and she was surrounded by the tide of people.

But in Liya's eyes, she seemed to be in the highest and loneliest place in the world.

No one was by her side.

"It's really hard."

Mu En's sight was also attracted by the saint's chariot, but he quickly turned his head and looked at the girl again:

"By the way, what did you want to say just now?"

"Ah, I... I want to say..."

Liya looked at her hand. The hand just stretched out, as if she wanted to grab something, but at this moment, she took a deep breath and held it tightly.

"I want to say..."

Liya tilted her little head and showed a charming smile:

"Mu Sheng Ceremony, come on."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and the cute face reflected in his eyes seemed to be shining with a different kind of brilliance.

But the brilliance was about to be restrained, so he smiled and gently bumped fists with Liya:

"Well, come on."

131. Start

Emile Cathedral, the highest place.

Under the dark sky, the spherical objects made by alchemy, like stars, run precisely along the established star tracks.

The sound of clockwork and gears filled the world, the silver moon and the golden sun met here, and the trajectories of countless stars ran here, outlining mysterious lines in the vast holy light.

Under the thick soil, the projection of the ruins covered by the tall barriers replaced the original things here and became the most huge creation here.

But in that false world that seemed to be able to replace the real, it still seemed so small.


Under the sky, above the projection.

The old man in the white robe stood in the void and cast a solemn look at the ruins.


"How is the analysis of the Lost Town?"

"The periphery has been basically completed."

A voice from somewhere was heard vaguely.

"But the interior is still unknown, and someone needs to open the passage."

"What is the result of the analysis?"

"Everything is normal."

"Everything is normal...?"

The Pope stood with his hands behind his back, his temperament was completely different from the kind old man who summoned Mu En before. He was obviously smaller than everything here, but when he existed at this moment, it seemed that the whole world was revolving around him.

He lowered his eyes, chewed on those words, looked down at the projection of the ruins, and pondered for a while.

"How are the Central Temple and the Judgment Temple?"

"The work has been completed."

"Where is the Saint?"

"Praying to the Goddess."

"Very good."

The Pope's vicissitudes of life flashed with brilliance, and he issued an order:

"Then let them start, the children can't wait."


The response faded away, and the huge space was left with only the roar of the star track moving.

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