
"What are you daydreaming about, kid?"

The pink bear twisted its butt and walked into the gathering place. It looked around and hugged the absent-minded Mu En in a mean way, teasing:

"You were acting strange after you went out with that girl secretly. Tell me, did you do something bad behind my back?"

"Bad? It was indeed a bad thing."

Mu En slapped the bear's paw away and sneered:

"I'm thinking about where to bury a certain dead leather bear that defamed me. Uncle, do you have any suggestions? ?"

"Well, I suggest you bury it in the beautiful girl's chest, so that I will feel good, and maybe I won't complain to Cecilia later."

"What are you complaining about?"

Mu En held his head high and said seriously: "I am innocent and have a clear conscience!"

"Tsk tsk, every scumbag says so."

"I am not a scumbag!"

"Scumbags also say so!"

"You don't even have a girlfriend, how can you say I am a scumbag!"


"Mu En."

The pleasant call interrupted the two people's mutual insults.

The girl changed into another light green dress, and stood beside Mu En in a coquettish way.

"Sorry, I'm late again, you won't be angry, will you?"

The long hair was scattered behind her head, the girl's hands were behind her back, and her little face was set off by the new dress, which made her more lovely, shy and bright.

The room without lights seemed to be brighter.


Pink Bear glared and pinched Mu En's shoulder: "Look, you're going to roll up your sleeves and fight, but you changed into new clothes, and the skirt is so tight that you can see your thighs. What a pure and innocent person..."

A crystal card appeared in front of Pink Bear.

"There are 200,000 in it, buy lollipops with it."

Mu En held the crystal card between his fingers, expressionless.

"Okay, Mr. Mu En."

Pink Bear grabbed the crystal card with his furry hands, put it away, and said seriously with a stern face:

"I, Pink Bear, always keep my mouth shut. You can rest assured that what happened today is definitely known only to you and me, and God..."

"Get lost."

"Get lost right now."

Pink Bear made a gentleman salute to Mu En in a funny way, and before turning around, he made a zippered gesture at his mouth, and then happily returned to the team belonging to the academy.

There is no dignity of an elder at all.

"What were you talking about just now?" Liya blinked and asked curiously.

"Talking about the flavor of lollipops that Pink Bear likes. That guy actually likes lollipops with girl flavors. He is simply a pervert. You should stay away from him in the future."

After nodding and greeting senior sister Fanny from the academy, Mu En turned back and smiled:

"Let's not talk about this topic. How did you rest last night?"

"A little nervous..."

Liya clenched her pink fists, "But I got enough sleep!"

"That's good. Now Liya's probability of becoming a saint has increased by at least 10%..."


A disdainful sneer came from his ear.

The white silk loli named Annie deliberately squeezed past him, and the weirdo behind him cast a very stressful shadow.

Mu En frowned slightly, didn't say much, just made way.

"Oh, oh, you are so energetic so early in the morning. Have you set your sights on the position of saint?"

On the other side, Paul followed behind the platinum princess and greeted Mu En in a familiar way.

Just as he passed by him, he suddenly leaned over and whispered:

"You better be careful, Moon Campbell."


Moon raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"Don't look at me with such a scary look, I'm not here to challenge you."

Paul narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"It's just a rumor that someone seems to have regarded you as a soft persimmon."

"I see."

Moon nodded, not at all surprised.

"That's reasonable."

He didn't think that he could shock everyone just by throwing a fork casually that night.

These genius elites are not scared, and they might even regard his previous behavior as a provocation.

A fool knows how to choose between the scumbag who only knows how to cling to the princess' thighs and the monsters whose records are exaggerated to the point of being scary.

"You are really interesting, Moon Campbell."

Paul touched his chin and looked at Moon, whose expression did not change at all, but was glared at by the platinum princess and hurriedly followed.

Mu En's eyes followed his back, and then suddenly turned to meet another pair of eyes as warm as the spring breeze.

Freya nodded and smiled at Mu En in the crowd.

Her shadow was filled with murderous malice.

A dog that licks the house is not available.

Mu En muttered to himself and looked away.

On the other side, Miss Phil Siegel was still drowsy, and behind her was the adventurer known as the Thunder Gun.

"It seems that everyone is here."

Everyone's voice disappeared, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

A clergyman in a solemn robe appeared, and with a wave of his hand, a scroll surging with magic power fell into everyone's hands.

"The space magic scroll will automatically open and teleport you back when you encounter a life-and-death crisis.

But there is only one chance, so I hope you can think more carefully before you act."

The clergyman looked around at everyone with a serious expression:

"I believe you all already understand the rules. Your mission is to explore deeper. All the proceeds from exploration can be attributed to you personally. Beyond that, whoever can discover Canterwell's secret that was lost thousands of years ago will also receive the Pope's reward." Your Majesty's additional reward.

——The magic notes from the legendary origin-level great mage, Meladomir! "


"The one in the textbook?"

"The great mage from thousands of years ago?"

"The value is no worse than ancient relics!"

The crowd became more and more restless, and only Mu En looked confused.

Old Loli’s Magic Notes?

What do I need that thing for? Should I go back and make instant noodles?

But just before he could figure out what purpose that kind of thing could have besides pressing instant noodles, the golden door had already opened in front of everyone.

From it, it seems like you can smell the breeze from another world.

The trial called the Sacred Ceremony has officially begun.

132. First entry

After stepping through the door, Mu En narrowed her eyes slightly and quickly adapted to the slightly bright light.

A whole world spread out before his eyes.

blue sky.

White clouds.



Rich fruits and bright flowers.

The breeze blows from afar, bringing a different kind of fragrance.

The river in the distance separates the wilderness. I don't know whether it is due to the light, but the river water is pure and white.

There is no sun, but the light is suitable and comfortable.

"This...is the lost town of Canterville?"

Mu En was a little shocked. Before coming, he had many conjectures about the interior of the ruins and checked a lot of relevant information.

Some ancient ruins are also described in the original book, describing them as dilapidated places full of darkness, traps, and traces carved by time. Only the traces of civilization within them tell the story of the once glorious past.

And now...

Mu En squatted down, dug his fingers into the soil, and picked up a handful of soil.

The black soil is mixed with plant roots, and the earthy smell lingers in the nose, but it extremely highlights the vitality here.

Everything has never ended. This place is more like a rich country than a ruin.

"So...so beautiful."

On the side, Liya, who came in from the same door as Mu En, stood among the swaying flowers, her mouth slightly opened, and she looked around in surprise.

The green skirt was blown up by the breeze and blended with the surrounding branches and leaves, setting off her pretty face as delicately as a flower.

"Although Teacher Saint told me that this place is beautiful, I didn't expect it to be so beautiful...and the vitality and magic here..."

Liya closed her eyes, joy appeared on her brows, and she took a deep breath of enjoyment:

"It's so abundant. Even if it is placed outside, it will definitely be a treasure land full of vitality and like spring all year round."

As a candidate for the saint who is close to the goddess of life, Liya loves this kind of vibrant environment the most. Here, even if she does nothing, she will feel happy.

"It's very beautiful."

Mu En nodded, with that beautiful scene reflected in the depths of his eyes, and suddenly said: "It's a pity that you don't know the magic of taking photos?"

"Photography magic?"

Liya opened her eyes and looked over curiously: "Why do you need that kind of magic?"

"With that kind of magic, I can record Liya's beautiful appearance now."

Mu En touched his chin, admiring Liya at this moment, and said seriously: "The beautiful photos of the future saint before she became famous are worthy of being kept as heirlooms and hung in the most conspicuous place in the home to admire every day. It doesn't cost much. The kind that sells.”

"Eh...wha...what, how can my photos be used for that kind of thing? Family heirlooms are too exaggerated..."

Liya was stunned and stamped her feet in embarrassment.

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