But then, she buried her reddish face in her chest, secretly looked at Mu En with her lovely peripheral vision, twirled her fingers back and forth, and whispered:

"But if Mu En insists... I can give it.

Photography magic...I can..."


The leaves swayed and rustled.

Sparse shadows fell on the girl's shoulders, forming a perfect light and shadow.

This is a beautiful composition that anyone from any angle will be able to capture a moving picture.

But I don't know if it was because of the sudden strong wind. Mu En suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe and her heartbeat was rapid.

"Do not want?"

Seemingly overcoming her shyness, Liya raised her head, blinked and asked.

"Forget it...forget it, business is more important now."

Mu En looked away and changed the topic:

"By the way, you just said that the saint teacher... doesn't Liya know anything about this place either?"

"My understanding is similar to yours. After all, the church has always treated everyone equally in this regard. We will not receive special treatment just because we are candidates for sainthood."

Liya pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "And no one can say that they really know this place. The church has only briefly explored the outer area to confirm that the danger level of this ruins is not high. Otherwise, the main task given to us, It won’t let us explore deeper.”

"makes sense."

Mu En turned her head and looked into the distance.

Under the background of white clouds and blue sky, a very tall fortress can be vaguely seen.

But even indestructible barriers cannot resist the invasion of time.

A ruin that has been buried under thick soil for thousands of years still maintains its vitality and integrity. Anyone will be curious, and even long for this secret.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why the church deliberately released so many baits and was willing to allow so many forces to directly get involved.

There was even an extra bait added at the last minute.

Although this bait seemed to Mu En to be full of ridicule from His Majesty the Pope.

"One more question."

Mu En gathered her thoughts, turned around and asked:

"Since the purpose of the church, we participants are exploring the depths on our own to find the truth about Canterville, but for you saint candidates, what are the conditions for becoming a saint?"

Whoever explores the deepest part first can't be the saint. I feel that this kind of trial has no consistency with the identity of the saint.

"about this……"

Liya scratched her head embarrassedly:

"I'm not too sure either."


Mu En was stunned:

"Not sure what's going on?"

"Because... because the conditions for becoming a saint are not the same in every holy ceremony. We need to explore on our own, but, but..."

Liya took out the crystal that the saint gave them before:

"It should have something to do with this."


Mu En looked at the crystal in Liya's hand. It was crystal clear, but she couldn't feel anything special about it.

He recalled the scene that night when the saint handed the treasure into the hands of each saint candidate.

"Well, according to past records, candidates for sainthood will be given different identification documents during each holy ceremony, and the conditions for becoming a saint are related to these identification documents."

"I see……"

Mu En touched her chin.

Do you even need to think about how to become a saint?

The church really doesn’t give people any loopholes to take advantage of.


There is another special method that the church has not mentioned, but it is probably tacitly understood by everyone.

Mu En glanced at Liya and said silently in her heart.

——Let the other saint candidates retire.

As long as there is no choice, the only one left will naturally be the true saint.

Just like the cruel Saint War in the past.

"But it's okay, at least everyone has the same starting point, and the rest depends on their own efforts."

Just like that warm afternoon in the street bookstore, Mu En clenched her fists and stretched out her hand.

"Come on towards the position of saint."

"...Well, come on."

Liya was startled for a moment, then smiled and touched her pink fist lightly:

"I will try my best not to hold back!"

"No, no, no, Liya is the main force. It's me who should say not to hold back." Mu En teased.

"Hmm...are Mu En laughing at me?" Liya puffed her cheeks.

"To tell you the truth..."


"I never lie to anyone, especially beautiful girls."


While chatting, the two of them explored all the way towards the center of the ruins.

Due to the existence of barriers, it is not difficult to determine the direction.

No trace of other people has been found so far. After all, although there are hundreds of participants entering, for this vast area, that number of people cannot even make a splash.

However, the two of them did not relax their vigilance because of the church's words that "the degree of danger is not high." Mu En was still leading the way, and Liya followed him, emitting perception and alerting the surroundings.

Just like that time.

Liya looked at Mu En's generous back, and her mind returned to the forest.

It’s also an unfamiliar environment.

The same unknown front lies ahead.

They are also two people alone.


Liya put her palms, which still seemed to have residual warmth, on her chest, and moved her gaze slightly downwards, landing on his side.

Can I still use the excuse of necessity as I did before and calmly... hold his hand?



The figure in front of her suddenly stopped. Liya was caught off guard and her face hit it hard.

"Ugh...it hurts!"


Mu En turned around in confusion and said with a smile: "It's so rare that Liya would be distracted at such a time?"

"Think about the requirements for becoming a saint for a moment."

Liya rubbed Qiong's nose, her cheeks blushing slightly.

...I don’t know when I started to become proficient in lying.

Merciful goddess, please forgive Liya again.

"Why...why did it stop suddenly?"

"Look there."

Mu En pointed out: "There is a village."


Liya stuck her head out and looked in the direction of Mu En's finger.

Sure enough, among the green surroundings, one can vaguely see a series of houses, well-proportioned and full of simple atmosphere.

"That means...there are indigenous people?"

Liya's eyes widened, and excitement flashed in her eyes, which were more beautiful than a sunny day in summer.

If you want to discover the truth behind Cantwell, nothing is simpler and more effective than obtaining information from the indigenous people!

"It's possible...but I think it's better not to have too high expectations." Mu En exposed Liya's fantasy.

"Huh? Why?"

"The vegetation around the village is too lush, there are no people around, and...we have walked for so long without seeing any farmland. This is very abnormal for a village."


Liya was as disappointed as a kitten that had been robbed of dried fish.


Secretly casting his eyes on the girl, Mu En's lips curved into a soft smile:

"No matter what, let's go and take a look first. You may gain something unexpected."


The two entered the village, and as Mu En expected, the place was deserted.

Weeds half as tall as a man submerged everything, and the walls of the half-collapsed houses were covered with green vines. There was a windmill in the center of the village, but now only a broken fan blade was left, creaking with the wind.

"The architectural style...is really different from the outside."

Mu En's palm touched the rough wall. It was impossible to tell what material the entire wall was made of, forming a cylindrical whole.

The entire village is in this style, with cylindrical walls and conical roofs, which reminds Mu En of the building blocks in his previous life.

The ancients were really full of childishness...

Mu En habitually complained, but...

"This place doesn't look too ancient."

He picked up something from the ground. It was a piece of clothing with intricate and incomprehensible patterns.

Although it looks shabby and dusty, this kind of cloth products have been well preserved, indicating that this place has not been abandoned for a long time.


No, maybe less than a few decades. In short, compared to the time scale of a thousand years, it is frighteningly short.

Mu En casually pushed open a door that had become extremely fragile. As dust flew, an empty room appeared in front of Mu En.

Mu En thought for a moment, threw the clothes in her hands, waited for a moment, and then threw a few more stones in.

There was no light source in the house, and it was very dark. There seemed to be beasts lurking in the darkness, but with the low echo... nothing happened.

"Is it just a normal abandoned village?"

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