Mu En rubbed her chin and thought.


Liya suddenly waved from not far away.

"check it out!"

"This is……"

Mu En came to Liya's side, followed her gaze, and looked at the stone structure under the windmill, which was located in the center of the entire village.

That's a statue.

Her long hair is loose, her skirt is fluttering, and her hands are open, as if she is about to lovingly embrace all things. She looks like...


Mu En was stunned, "Why is there a statue of the goddess Emile here?"

Canterwell also believes in the goddess of life?

"Right? It's similar, isn't it?"

Liya clasped her hands together, prayed devoutly, then tilted her head and said doubtfully:

"It's just, there's a little difference."

"no the same?"

"This statue has no face."


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that whether it was the overly large goddess statue in the Holy City or the goddess statues he had seen in various churches, they all had a perfect face carved by the best craftsmen in the world.

Although there are not many details on that face, it is full of love and holiness, which makes people feel blasphemous and sinful just by looking at it a little too much.

But the face of the statue in front of him was empty, with nothing on it.

"Is this... the difference in craftsmanship?"

Mu En guessed.

Even if they are statues of the same goddess, they cannot be exactly the same.


Liya nodded, and then immediately said angrily:

"However, the scriptures say that the statue of the goddess has no face, which is disrespectful!"

"Ah...well, maybe it's because the religious customs are different."

After all, people who believed in the same God in their previous lives could come up with different sects, but the scriptures were just different, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

Not to mention Canterville, which has been buried in the ground for thousands of years. During this period, the church's canon may have been changed into more than a dozen versions.

"I know this, it's just... pfft."

Liya was about to say something, but when she turned around and saw Mu En, she suddenly burst into laughter.


Liya's laughter was as clear as a silver bell: "How come you become like grandpa?"


Mu En was stunned for a moment, and when he touched his head out of habit, he felt his hands full of dust.

"Ah, I just did it."

Mu En thought of the dusty room just now. She was cautious about the possible dangers, but ignored this aspect.

Damn it, my handsome blonde hair.

"Wait, I use holy light..."

"There's no need for such trivial matters, just conserve your energy."

Mu En rejected Liya’s holy light and said with a smile:

"I heard the sound of water just now. There should be a river not far away. Just go there and wash yourself."

"……All right."

Leah took her hand back.

Tsk, I can’t take the opportunity to touch my head, it’s a pity.

"Then I continue to look around?"

"Be careful."


Mu En followed the sound of water and walked through the dense vegetation.

When he first entered Canterville, he saw a river in the distance. Under the influence of light, the river showed a soft white color, which was extremely beautiful.

"It should be here."

The sound of water became clearer and clearer, and as the last bush was cut open by the blade, Mu En finally saw the small river that made him slightly expectant.

However, at the moment when he really saw the river, Mu En's steps suddenly stopped.

He stared at the river blankly, with a look of shock on his face.



It's clearly right in front of you, it's obviously never affected by any light, and the shadows of the trees are flowing past.

The river in front of Mu En was still white.


"No way……"

Mu En approached the river, stretched out her finger, and dipped it in the water. After hesitating for a moment, red sparks ignited in her eyes, and she carefully licked her finger with the tip of her tongue.

Mu En was struck by lightning.

"it turns out……"

"Really milk?"

And it is very ordinary milk, without any spoilage or peculiar smell.

There's nothing dangerous about it, it's just normal milk.

But how is this possible?

This is...a river!

Mu En looked from the far end of the river to watching it flow into the depths of the woods.

This is a whole river!


Mu En heard Liya's panicked voice.

Turning her head, Liya stood panting on the path he had just opened, holding a fruit that looked like an apple, juicy and red, but more than one circle bigger than an apple.

"You...look at this."

"This is?"

"I just wanted to see if there was anything edible, so I picked this fruit, but look..."

Liya took out a knife and cut open.

From the marks made by the blade, bright red juice flows.

No...that's not right.

That's not juice.

That's... blood.

The smell of blood pouring into his nose clearly told Mu En that it was blood.

But why is there blood in the fruit?

Then, Liya cut the fruit in half and showed Mu En the red texture and white lines flowing under the peel.

Then, with a slightly trembling voice, he said:

"What grows on the meat!"

133. Utopia

"What grows on the meat!"

Liya's voice was still pleasant to the ear, but when her soft call resounded through the silent forest, Mu En felt that the warm light falling from the gaps in the leaves seemed to become a little cold.

"Meat...can you say..."

In Mu En's mind, she recalled some works in her previous life that made people crazy. Could the meat growing on the tree be...


"No, no, no, it's just ordinary meat, mutton!"

Liya shook her head wildly, as if she was frightened by Mu En's idea.

At this time, Mu En just happened to smell the foul smell mixed with the blood.

It does look like just mutton.

But even if it is mutton, how can it grow from a tree?

There is also a river of milk flowing in front of you.

"It's not just mutton. I found different fruits on different trees. After cutting them open, they contained pork, beef, etc. There are many types, and by the way, there's this..."

Liya took out another plant that looked like a pitcher plant, and tilted the opening slightly, and a viscous light yellow liquid flowed out:

"This is all honey, pure natural, pure honey!"


Mu En murmured subconsciously:

"Meat growing on trees... a whole river of milk... and honey everywhere..."

Huh? Why do these things sound familiar?

Mu En suddenly became excited.

[Milk and honey flow everywhere, pigs and mutton grow in the fields, a pure land without hunger and pain...]

"Aren't the words in those ancient classics not exaggerated embellishments, but realistic descriptions?"

Mu En was shocked.

The scene in front of me is completely consistent with the description of the legendary "Lost Land, Golden Country" in the ancient books in the pamphlets previously distributed by the church.

But Mu En thought this was just an exaggeration with a complimentary tone.

After all, it has always been human nature to yearn for and exaggerate mystery.

But he never thought that this was actually true?

This is too unscientific...

Wait, in a world where girls can have children through magic, is it wrong to talk about science?

I have long heard about the power and wonder of ancient magic. Maybe it is really because of some kind of magic...

"Just in case, let me ask..."

Mu En touched her chin, looked at Liya, and asked solemnly:

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