"If it is the power of the goddess, can it do this?"


Liya looked at the fruit in her hand that was still bleeding, thought for a while, and then nodded vigorously:

"If it is the goddess, it can be done."

"After all, the fact that we humans can develop to this point and have such a large population is largely due to the gift of the goddess!"


Mu En raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Even Mu En, who does not believe in the Church of Life, has heard that the church has developed and improved many high-quality crops, saving countless lives, and is the basis for the population explosion on the continent a hundred years ago.

I originally thought it was some kind of magic, but is it the gift of the goddess?

——After all, she is the goddess named "Life", so this makes sense.

Although even if it is the gift of the goddess, it is impossible to completely eliminate all hunger in the world.

Mu En thought of this winter in Belrand. Even if the newly appointed governor of the lower city, with the help of the Duke's Mansion, united the royal faction to do a series of work, it was still impossible to prevent people in the lower city from starving to death in that long winter.

Although it is indeed much less than in previous years.

But think about it in a positive way, Ariel can eat free black bread thanks to this.

"Wait... there is no hunger."

Mu En remembered the second half of the description in those ancient books:

"Could it be that this Canterville is actually a group of believers of the goddess, who really want to create a country without hunger, with the help of the goddess's gift, to create something."

Then it is clear that there is no trace of farmland.

In a place where there are delicious food everywhere, what kind of farmland is needed to grow?

"Well... it's possible, but the gift that can change the structure of life to this extent requires a huge amount of faith."

Leah frowned cutely and thought hard.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her eyes, and she turned her head to look into the distance.

"Oh, that barrier!"


"Hmm? If we only use the goddess's gift in a certain enclosed place, the faith required may not be as huge as we imagined."

"So... is this the reason why Cantville is self-enclosed?"

Mu En understood instantly.

Transforming a country and transforming the entire world are two completely different concepts.

It is impossible to transform the entire world into this unless the goddess of life personally takes action.

But if... it is just a group of believers of the goddess, gathering together, through the power of the goddess of life, to create an ideal country isolated from the world, full of food, without disputes and hunger, and praised as the country of gold... As Leah said, in theory, it can be done.

Perhaps, this is the origin of Cantville?

"An ideal country without hunger and pain...?"

Mu En couldn't help but look up and look at the blue sky.

The sky is clear and transparent, not like a ruin buried deep underground at all. The clouds are white and change different shapes.

There is no sun, but soft light falls from the gaps between the leaves, and the breeze blows, so pleasant.

Everything is just like Mu En's first impression of this place...

So beautiful.



Really, is there such a beautiful place?

If everything goes according to the ideal, why would this village be deserted, and this golden country become a lost land buried deep underground?

"Mysteries, one after another."

Mu En rubbed his temples with a headache.

However, having an explanation still gives him a certain sense of security.

Otherwise, this weird scene of milk flowing in the river and meat growing on the tree will make him wonder if he has stepped into the trap of some evil god again.

Who knows, he might suddenly pop up from an unknown corner to give him a loving hug.

To be honest, it's numb, don't come.

"Mu En, what should we do next?"

Seeing that Mu En was in a daze, Li Ya beside him suddenly asked.

"Ah, sorry, I was too absorbed in thinking. Anyway, let's explore the surroundings first, and then move on. As for these things, we still don't eat them..."

"That's not what I'm talking about."


"I mean..."

The fruit-shaped meat and the pitcher plant filled with honey in her hand were thrown away by Li Ya at some point. She twisted her fingers and looked at Mu En shyly:

"The river is full of milk now, and you don't seem to be able to wash it..."


Mu En was stunned and touched his head.

Yes, there is no way to wash it now, what should I do?

"No, it's okay."

The holy light that purifies all filth appeared luxuriously in Li Ya's hand, her cheeks flushed, and she approached step by step:

"Mu En, don't move, just leave it to me, I'll help you!"

134, First Battle (Three-in-One)

After being "cleaned" by Li Ya's holy light, Mu En and the others explored the village again.

Still no danger or abnormality was found, but there were statues of goddesses in every room, which showed the piety of the indigenous people.

In addition, the long time had made it difficult to see the original appearance of this place, and it was basically difficult to find any useful clues.

Afterwards, the two found fruits of various meats such as "chicken" and "fish" around the village.

"No wonder there is no trace of farmland. In such a place, there is no need to work hard to grow anything."

In the outside world, only the "rich" and the "upper class" can afford food, but here you can easily get it by just stretching your hand.

"Thinking about it this way, it's really happy, but I dare not try this kind of happiness casually."

Mu En sighed lightly, threw away the exquisite food casually, and looked at Li Ya:

"Let's go, there shouldn't be any useful harvest, let's move on."


Li Ya nodded vigorously, and she seemed very happy from the beginning.


There is no sun in Canterville, so there is naturally no concept of time.

In fact, from the time Mu En entered the ruins to now, the light intensity he felt has not changed at all.

Morning, noon and evening seem to not exist here at all.

But when he had set the pocket watch pointer, which was reset upon entering, to keep time, for six hours, he finally saw the outline of a town emerging from the other side of the field.

"Sure enough, since there is a village, there must be a larger gathering place, that is, a town?"

The two came to the edge of the town and looked inside cautiously.

"But it's deserted again."

Liya looked around, the town was still deserted, overgrown with weeds, and countless shadows seemed to be lurking in the deep darkness.

But apart from the strange graffiti on the wall of the house that attracted people's attention, there was still nothing special about the town.

Therefore, both she and Mu En quickly moved their eyes away from the quiet town and fell on the huge high wall behind the town.

"This is... the wall that the church mentioned, isolating the interior."

"Well, it should be. The Saint Lady teacher told me that the reason why the church's exploration only stayed in the outer area was not only because the ruins themselves were fragile, but also because this wall blocked the way forward. If you want to enter, you must open a passage."

"Passage? Is it a door or something like that? Using other methods... shouldn't work."

Mu En looked up, his eyes extended along the wall, and he sighed.

The higher the wall went, the lighter the color became. By the second half, it had completely merged with the background of the sky.

So at this moment, Mu En realized that this wall was so high that it might be directly connected to the "sky" of Canterville, completely dividing the entire country into two areas, inside and outside.

I don't know the purpose of this wall, but it is obvious that it is not possible to take shortcuts. If you want to make progress, you can only break through head-on.

"It seems that the area under this wall is the most fiercely contested area among all participants this time."

Mu En touched his chin, his eyes flickered slightly.

The vast outer area makes it difficult for participants to contact each other, which can be seen from the fact that Mu En did not see anyone else for the entire six hours he entered.

But as long as there is still the idea of ​​continuing to go deeper into the ruins, the participants will inevitably meet under this wall.

Including the candidate saints and their knights.

"Anyway, let's go in first, while there are no other people. We may be able to seize the opportunity."

"Hmm... Eh? Mu En Mu En, look there!"

When Mu En was about to enter the town, Li Ya beside him suddenly cried out softly and nervously pulled Mu En's sleeve.

Mu En looked in the direction of her finger, and his eyes suddenly condensed.

Just outside the town, under a wall not far from Mu En, a figure was sitting against the wall, quietly, and even Mu En did not notice it at the first time.

But after careful observation, it was found that it was not a person, or in other words, not a living person.

That is...

"A corpse?"

Under the shadow of the wall, the pale face was full of fear. In the lifeless eyes, the pupils were already dilated, but still revealed a trace of miserable hatred.

This is a man, who seems to have died not long ago. There is still warm blood flowing in the hole on his forehead.


"No, looking at the clothes, he should be an outsider like us."

Mu En approached cautiously and observed the injuries on the body.

The man was still neatly dressed, and it looked like some kind of uniform. The only visible external injury on his body was the hole on his forehead.

There were no signs of fighting around.

In other words...he was killed in one blow?

But those who are qualified to participate in this ceremony are not ordinary people. What kind of enemy did they face to be killed in an instant?

Liya's face was tense, and she seemed to have figured out the horror of it. She looked at Mu En nervously.

"What should I do?"

"I think..."


The voice was not finished.

The answer to the question just now was revealed in an instant.

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