
Mu En thought about it again and then confirmed:


"Huh? Is it so lively?"

When Pink Bear came to the seat belonging to "Santa Maria College" with an extra large bucket of popcorn in his arms, he happened to see two old men with white beards on the seats not far away who were already fighting with each other with red faces.

"Old man Huo Gu, labor and management have tolerated your illusion school for a long time! The students under my mother's sect pretended to be labor summoning school to cause trouble again! Our students of the summoning school can't find wives, and it's all your fault!"

"Fart! Dodge, you don't want to rant! Who made you hang out with those stinking monsters every day? You value monsters more than women! You blame us for not being able to find a wife? Do you think we want to impersonate you? It's embarrassing. It’s us!”

"Nonsense! What is a smelly monster? It is the love of companions and the bond. You guys who can only smile at paper people and fabricated beauties know nothing!"

"You don't understand anything! We are just learning how to perfectly construct women in illusion so as to paralyze the enemy!"

Pink Bear munched on the popcorn. He had become rich recently and was so luxurious that he didn't care if the popcorn fell all over the floor. He watched with dazzling eyes as these two old men, who were also at the level of Tarzan and Beidou in the magic world, had stopped scolding each other. Gradually, it is about to roll up its sleeves and start a fight. The aftermath of this fierce battle... is not even as good as the aunt selling vegetables on the roadside.

"Okay, you two."

A voice as gentle as the spring breeze sounded, and the strong smell of gunpowder in the field calmed down a lot in an instant.

The saint still looked at the two people with a smile on her face:

"Please don't let others see the joke, okay? And...this is a church."



The two exchanged blows and glares, but finally returned to their positions for the sake of the church.

Whether it was intentional or accidental, the two of them were sitting next to each other.

"What's going on? Is it so exciting?"

After the dispute subsided, Pink Bear had a look of regret on his face as he continued stuffing popcorn.

"Look at that."

Next to him, Marquis Angus, who was also a representative of the empire, pointed to the middle.

At this moment, in the center of this small venue, but sitting with a prestigious figure, a light curtain was broadcasting the scene in Canterville at this moment.

The scene at this moment is exactly...

"That boy Mu En?"

Pink Bear was stunned.

"A fight with someone so soon?"

"Being bored for a few hours, the first battle."

Marquis Angus took out his handkerchief and coughed.

"So there are a lot of people paying attention."


Pink Bear touched his chin, "But it looks like something is very wrong with that kid."

In the picture, Mu En's figure is swift and the sword is sharp.

But in the eyes of the audience, Mu En was just... cutting the air.

That's right, chop the air.

There was no enemy in front of him at this moment, but he was waving his swords fiercely, as if he wanted to cut something into pieces.

"Illusion? That's it."

Pink Bear touched his chin, finally understanding the reason for the fight between the two old men just now.

In the Tower of Origin, the School of Illusion and the School of Summoning already had some grudges.

The reason is that people from the Illusion School like to disguise themselves as the Summoning School to cause trouble. After all, when it comes to being scary, few can compare to the Summoning School that can summon terrifying monsters or monsters at will.

Due to their style of conduct, the School of Illusion has always been notorious, which indirectly caused the School of Summoning to also become notorious... and the School of Summoning has been grudged against this for a long time.

Therefore, when the two schools of thought meet, they will basically come to blows.

However, at this moment, not many people paid attention to the dispute between the two schools of thought, and more attention was focused on the screen in front of them.

"It's a pity that I stepped into the trap without warning. I was still too young." Someone sighed with regret.

"I didn't even realize it was an illusion. It's already a dead end. The people sent by the Leopold Empire this time are not as good as expected."

"I heard that the top-notch Princess Celcia and a student named Ariel didn't come."

"Is the first eliminated Saintess candidate about to be decided? It's so fast."

"This time, the students of the illusion school are really outstanding."

Someone sent congratulations to the old man named Huo Gu:

"Is your name Elago? He is able to arrange multiple illusions so skillfully. This talent is enviable."

"No, no, that kid Ellag is just average."

Huo Gu waved his hands modestly, but he had already straightened his waist, touched his beard, and said with a red smile:

"Some details haven't been dealt with yet, and more work needs to be done, haha, more work, that is, in the face of such an unknown opponent, we can...


Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

Some people stretched their necks and widened their eyes.

Next to Huo Gu, Dodge Slor, who had gone to Bellland to participate in the event as a representative of the Tower of Origin, took a sip of tea after Huo Gu said the words "little known" Squirting out, looking at Huo Gu strangely.


Huo Gu, who thought his student was sure of victory, finally discovered something and couldn't help but look at the screen again.

His expression gradually became gloomy, even unbelievable.

"That boy..."

"You are not a summoning magician at all."

Facing Elag, whose expression was as gloomy as his teacher, Mu En smiled and said word by word:

"You cast... an illusion!"


Elag's eyes flashed with panic, and he asked in a hoarse voice:

"How did you find out? Is there a flaw in my illusion?"

"No, your illusion is perfect."

Mu En wiped his cheek with his fingers.

The sting of the arrow.

The might of the monster.

The stench of blood.

Everything is perfect.


Mu En played with the pure white dagger, looked at the genius of illusion, and chuckled:

"I have slashed you more than ten times, but you didn't feel anything, no pain, no bleeding..."

"So, if it's not fake, what is it?"

135, Defeat

"More than ten slashes?"

Ailager looked at Mu En, who was leisurely playing with the pure white dagger in his hand not far away, in astonishment, and couldn't help but feel absurd in his heart.

Has been slashed more than ten times?

How is it possible?

I clearly didn't...


Aigra's sneer, which was about to be revealed, suddenly froze at the corner of his mouth.

Because a knife mark really appeared on his face.

Then came the second, and the third.

More and more knife marks appeared on his body, but there was no blood splashing, but his body became twisted, as if it would collapse at any time.

The disguise was broken, this was indeed just an illusion he used to confuse Mu En.

Since this figure is fake, then the unreasonable number of magical beasts around, the girl wailing in despair, and even the arrows ready to kill with one strike are all fake.

This is an illusion.

But this picture is still terrifying and hideous.

A chill rose in Erag's heart. If he was arrogant and showed his true self to this man who was not so outstanding in the rumor, would it mean that he had been cut into pieces?

But when exactly was this?

Even the sword of Paul Marvin, the disciple of the Sword King, would not be so fast that he was completely unaware!

Erag's expression was gloomy for a moment. The figure flashed and the whole person changed his appearance. The silver uniform turned red, and the badge with the beast pattern on his chest turned into a psychedelic heart at this moment.

This is his true appearance and identity.

The Tower of Origin, the School of Illusion, Erag.

"I underestimated you, Muen Campbell."

Elag was still floating in the air, looking down at Muen.

Although his true appearance had been revealed, no one could be sure whether this figure was real.

"You seem to have said this more than once." Muen shrugged indifferently.

"Can't you say it another way?"

"So what!"

Facing Muen's silent provocation, Elag's forehead veins jumped for a moment, and then he regained his composure, appearing to be confident of victory again:

"Even if you find out that this is an illusion, you are still deeply trapped in it!"

"When you step into this trap, you are already at an absolute disadvantage. The first-mover advantage of magic cannot be eliminated by a fast enough knife technique!"

"As long as you die in this illusion, the real you will still die!"


"That makes sense. I am still in your illusion now."

Muen nodded, and his expression remained calm in the face of Elag's intimidation.

The monsters were still staring at him, and the stench and hostility they exuded were disgusting. Even though they knew that these things were all fake things created by illusions, as long as they were sane, they would never really let these things bite them.

"But... I remember that the so-called illusion magic needs to be based on the fulcrum of reality."

The relevant information about illusion magic kept pouring into Mu En's mind, making him fully realize that his hard work in the past period of time was not useless.


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