Mu En swept his eyes and soon fell on the corpse he had just found.

The unknown corpse was still sitting quietly against the wall, his eyes were dull and lifeless, but at this moment, Mu En seemed to feel that he was looking at him.


Mu En chuckled, and his figure turned into a residual image and disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it!"

Aigela's expression suddenly changed, and he gave an order: "Stop him!"

A large number of monsters roared again and rushed towards Mu En like crazy.

But Mu En relied on his graceful body movements and the sharp sword light to forcibly open up a path in this abnormal group of monsters.

Ailag's expression became more and more ugly.

The more the illusion wants to be real, the more it wants to perfectly trap a person, the more it must conform to common sense.

For example, even in the illusion, he couldn't directly rub out a hundred overlord-level monsters, which would directly cause the illusion to collapse.

However, the monsters created by these illusions can kill this man alive here, but they can't stop his steps for a short time.

Therefore, Erag could only watch him getting closer and closer to the body...

Closer and closer...

More and more...

More and more...

At some point, Erag's ugly expression disappeared, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised, becoming excited... and expectant.

He couldn't help but stretch his neck, watching Mu En finally come to the side of the body, watching him... slowly raising the knife in his hand.

The joy in his heart was hard to suppress.

Cut it.

Cut it.

If you cut it, it will...


The knife stopped.

Erag's excited expression also froze on his face.

Only Mu En turned back, retracted the short knife that was about to fall but did not chop the corpse, and showed him a mischievous smile:

"This fulcrum... is a trap."


"As far as I know, how to better hide the fulcrum is a required course for an excellent illusion magician. You would regard this kind of thing that is problematic at first glance as a fulcrum? It seems that you are not so stupid."

"Since you know..."

"Why do you still do this?"

Mu En thought about it seriously, "Tease you?"


Just when Arag's forehead was throbbing with blue veins and his red neck was almost thicker, Mu En said again:

"Of course, another purpose is to delay time a little... wait for my ultimate move to read the bar."

"Ultimate move?"


Mu En showed a mysterious smile and said:

"Don't forget, I am not alone, and my Saint Lady is not a vase."


As soon as Mu En finished speaking.

In an instant, a crisp sound came from all around.

Then, the space beside Mu En suddenly rippled, and several familiar black metal pieces slowly squeezed out of the space.

The metal pieces were covered with twinkling stars, filled with the magic of holy light, and then connected to each other to form a complex matrix.

Then the whole world shook, like an invisible fire burning the scroll, and finally all the falsehood was burned out, and soft light fell on Mu En's shoulders, and beside him was a girl with a skirt swaying gently, still beautiful and moving.

" is it possible?"

The real Elag appeared in a completely different direction. He looked at the cute and pretty girl with a look as if he had seen a ghost:

"You should also be trapped in the illusion!"

"Yes, I am trapped."

Liya's forehead was covered with a layer of fine sweat. Her fingertips guided the crystal magic power. She nodded seriously with a cute face:

"But I have seen your multiple-structured illusion magic in a book, so it can be cracked!"

"And...I immediately realized that it was an illusion."

Liya secretly glanced at her side with her peripheral vision and whispered in a voice that no one could hear:

"That Mu not real at all."


Elag didn't care about Liya's little movements. He just fell into deep doubt about what Liya said just now.

Read it in a book?

Can it be cracked?

Are you kidding?

As the most outstanding genius in the school of illusion, with the best teacher in this field, the magic he painstakingly constructed was directly cracked by a little girl who had only "read it in a book" in the most humiliating way?

How is this possible?


Liya seemed to see his confusion at the moment, and said more seriously with a straight face:

"As long as you read more books, it's possible!"


At this moment, Elag opened his mouth in the void, like a fish on the shore.

He first swept his eyes across Liya's serious and cute face, and then turned to look at Mu En who was staring at him with a smile. Although he was in this warm golden country, he still felt a chill.

He couldn't help but shed tears.

Soft persimmon?

Little sheep?

Who planted the ridiculously false information and who spread it randomly?

Isn't this bullying the honest people!

136. Compromise






"You're asking that?"

Ailager was furious: "Can't you see?"

"Of course, you have to confirm. You guys are so dirty when it comes to illusions. Who knows if your current appearance is fake."

Mu En crossed her arms and glanced at him,

"Pay attention to your current situation. There is no such thing as a prisoner."


Elager's face turned red. As a genius determined to promote the illusion school, he had never experienced such humiliation.


He glanced at Liya, who was pointing the holy light blade at him with a serious look on her face, as if she would plunge it directly into her at the slightest movement, and silently put an end to any thoughts of resistance.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Although he was slightly inferior to the enemy himself, he remembered this hatred!

Aigela twisted her somewhat numb body tied by the rope, and whispered with an unwilling face:


"very good."

Mu En patted his shoulder with satisfaction, "Next, tell me all the information you know."

"Information? What information? I just..."

"Of course it's all the information you know."


Ellag gritted his teeth secretly.

It's too much, it's too much. If you want to gain an advantage in this kind of trial, intelligence is the most important thing. He also spent a lot of effort to get his intelligence, but in the end, it was given away to others for nothing...

It is really……

"Don't want to?"

Mu En's hand on Aigela's shoulder suddenly tightened, and she smiled:

"We are all friends now, and you don't want to break up on bad terms."


Aigra closed her eyes in humiliation.

never mind.

Information is important, but it is only the first day of the trial. Everyone's information is actually about the same. It is something that can be obtained on the market. Even if you tell him, it is not a big deal.

In short, he remembered this grudge!

"Okay, the information I currently have is only..."

Soon, under Mu En's questioning, Elager revealed everything he knew.

From the opponents that all parties need to pay attention to, the tricks that famous figures from all parties are good at, and who knows where this guy got it from, there are even tidbits about some people.

It was much more detailed than what Mu En got from the newspapers, but the information about Mu En himself was classified as gossip.

Hearing this, Mu En couldn't help but have the idea of ​​going out and kicking the dead bear's butt.

The little positive reputation that I had finally accumulated in the academy was sold to the headlines by that guy at an unknown price before I could carry it forward.

Simply infuriating.

However, now that we are in the ruins, this is not important for the time being.

The important thing is...

"The only passage?" Mu En asked.

"Yes, someone has already circled the wall and found only one passage. The door mentioned by the church should be in it."

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