Elager nodded:

"It's just that no one has entered the passage to explore yet."


Mu En asked curiously.

"Of course I don't want to be a pawn or a pathfinder for others."

Elager tilted his head, looked into the depths of the town, and sneered:

"The danger is unknown. There is only one passage. Everyone wants to open the door first, but before that, no one wants to be a stepping stone for others to move forward. They are all waiting for others to go in first."

"I see, I understand."

Mu En sighed softly: "I thought we were the first to arrive, but I didn't expect the others to move so quickly."

"Come first?"

Elager's expression suddenly changed, and he said strangely:

"You two are moving forward slowly, as if you are going on a date. How is it possible..."


Elager's voice faltered.

Because a dagger made of holy light was thrust into the mud next to his vital part, the girl in the skirt blushed slightly and said angrily:

"Nonsense...nonsense, we are not dating!"


Elager's legs trembled with fright, and he said with a sad face: "Okay, I'm talking nonsense... I'm talking nonsense..."

You are talking nonsense, you are obviously happy.

"In short, I can't stand those hypocritical people, so I come out to hang out and set a trap. It's not specifically aimed at you. It's just a misunderstanding."

Elager withdrew his gaze from Liya and tried his best to put on a smile. He was not at all arrogant and domineering just now, and said tentatively:

"Why don't we all get together and relax and let me go?"

"How does this work?"

Mu En raised his eyebrows and said:

"As long as we participate in this ceremony, we will be competitors. I am not stupid enough to do something like letting the tiger go back to the mountains."


Elager thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said:

"How about I help you?"


"Yes, I can temporarily leave the illusion school and stay with you to help you do something."

Elager said: "You are stronger than everyone thinks, plus I am a genius of the illusion school, and with Elager's help, maybe..."

Elage didn't finish his words, but Mu En already knew what he meant.

"An extra helper? It sounds like a good thing, but..."

Mu En thought for a while and suddenly looked at Liya next to her:

"What do you think Leah?"


Liya seemed to be in a daze, and she came back to her senses when she heard Mu En's figure, charming and cute.

"He said he wanted to join us."

Mu En pointed at Elager and repeated what he just said.

"Why... why do you ask me?" Liya blinked.

"Of course it's because you are the future Saintess."

Mu En smiled: "As a knight, isn't it the right thing to follow Her Majesty's arrangements?"

"I...really? Hehe..."

Liya lowered her head shyly, looking a little embarrassed.

She turned her head and looked at Elager carefully, and then secretly glanced at Mu En. She clenched and unclenched the holy light blade in her hand, getting entangled:

"It is indeed a good thing to have someone to help, but...but..."


Elager swallowed hard and watched the sharp Holy Light blade hanging above his vitals, sometimes being clenched and sometimes being released. His heart felt like it was bungee jumping, and it was so exciting that he wanted to cry. tears.

Damn it, you don’t even want to have a third person next to you, and you still say it’s not a date!

"Forget it, since Liya doesn't want to."

Mu En seemed to be aware of Liya's thoughts at the moment and said:

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it may not be all good for him to be with us. This guy is quite famous and represents the illusion school. If he walks with us, he might be wary of others."



"Sir Elager, are you interested in helping us... go underground?"

Mu En's eyes as deep as lakes showed extremely sincere emotions, and she suggested seriously.


"That's right."

Mu En nodded: "You are still a genius of the illusion school, and we are still weak persimmons and little sheep worth mentioning. It's just that at the critical moment, I hope you can lend a helping hand and help us, that's all."

"Help you..."

Elager was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically said:

"Yes, of course!"

Why not? This is much easier than the compromise conditions he had imagined before.

And the most important thing is, as long as you can get away, who cares whether you have conditions or not? Such a thing as integrity does not exist at all for their illusion school!

"Very good, but I'm also afraid that Mr. Elager is not as honest as I thought. It would be bad if he bites you back."

"No! Absolutely not!"

Elager said seriously with a straight face:

"If you are worried, we can sign a contract, and I can also swear an oath to the gods! In short, from now on, we are half-brothers. Your business is my business, and I will definitely help you! "

"You can say that, I'm so happy!"

Mu En and Elager were shoulder to shoulder, really like good brothers who never met again, and Elager couldn't help but smile sincerely.

But Mu En suddenly changed her voice and said:

"However, I didn't prepare anything like the contract in advance, and the oath of the gods doesn't seem to be as useful as imagined for people like you, Brother Elager, who are not believers."

Alag's smile froze: "You, what do you want."

"It's nothing."

Mu En and Liya looked at each other.

Liya shook her head and said that even though she had read a lot of books, she really didn't have much experience in blackmailing people.

But fortunately, Mu En feels that she is very good at it.

"It seems that now we can only use the simplest and safest method to stabilize the relationship between our brothers."

Mu En turned around and said with a kind smile:

"Just now...Brother Elager said he is male, right?"

"So, so what?" Elager became increasingly uneasy.

"That would be great."

Mu En looked at Liya again and asked, "Do you have any old skirts that you don't want?"


Ellag and Liya were stunned at the same time, but Liya reacted in advance and nodded:

"Yes... yes, the nun just gave some before."

As she spoke, she touched it with her little hand, and a simple, concise, without any excessive decoration, but still elegant...a nun's uniform appeared in her hand.

Mu En took over the nun's uniform, and was very satisfied with this kind of clothing that because it was wide, the size requirements were not strict, and the body shape was slightly different, but it was still wearable.

So he handed this nun's uniform that he was very satisfied with to Elago and said seriously:

"Here, put it on."

"Wha—no, no, no!"

Elager finally came back to his senses. Looking at the nun's uniform in front of him, he immediately understood what Mu En was thinking. He shook his head fiercely and said:

"No, absolutely not. You want me to wear women's clothes? Let me tell you, there is no way!"

He is the genius of the Tower of Origin, the hope for the rise of the illusion school, and the famous magician Erager!

I will use this name to find at least three gentle and considerate girlfriends in the future. How is it possible to wear something like this!

Death is impossible!

"Well, since you are so opposed to it, as a brother, I won't force you, so I'll give you one more direction to choose."

Mu En's expression was still gentle, and she touched Elager's chest and took out a magic scroll.

The atmosphere of space surges above it, and the church's seal is engraved on it.

"So, choose."

Mu En placed the two items in front of Elager, "Should I put on this nun's uniform, obediently let us take a few photos, and become my half-brothers, or...just quit."

Mu En showed a peaceful, gentle and unforced smile:

"I won't make it difficult for you, just make your own choice."

This is called not being embarrassed. This has already driven people to a dead end!

Ellag's teeth were almost broken. He didn't expect that the blond man in front of him, who looked handsome enough for both men and women, had such a bad character!

He looked at Liya as if asking for help, you are a candidate for a saint, please take care of your knight!

But at this moment, Liya looked at Mu En in shock.

"How...can it still be like this? Why didn't I think of it?"

This woman is hopeless.

Elager closed his eyes:

"Give up, I will never..."

"I advise you to think about it carefully. This is just a way to prevent you from betraying me. In other words, as long as you are still my half-brother, nothing will happen to you.


Mu En said like a devil: "Cantville, the lost land, the land of gold, this kind of opportunity only comes once."

Elager's eyelids twitched.

Indeed, the request made by this despicable guy was unacceptable to him, a 100% straight man.


This is Canterville!

Countless people flock to these ancient ruins, covet them, and squeeze their brains out to get in!

Likewise, it is also his hope to revitalize the entire illusion school!

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