The people who were watching in rapt attention, or looking for their own students and disciples, had a look of astonishment on their faces.

"The time has come."

The saint bowed slightly to everyone and said with a smile: "According to the previous agreement, I let you see the inside of Canterville to reassure you. Now it has been proven that the church did not lie to you. Canterville is indeed the legendary lost town. , The Kingdom of Gold, naturally you don’t have to watch it anymore, right?”

"But we haven't seen anything yet."

Someone frowned.

"Give the kids some privacy."

The saint's voice was soft and sweet, with a touch of girlish playfulness at this moment: "They can't do something shameful, and us adults are watching from the side?"

"What a shameful could anyone do this at such a time..."

"When you are young and ignorant, there is always a possibility, isn't it?"

"Everyone, please rest for the time being. There is no need to watch during the usual holy ceremony. You can feel at ease."

The saint's smile did not change at all. Regardless of the suspicious and even unkind looks of many people, she saluted and said goodbye again.

But when she turned around, her eyes suddenly fell on the pink bear who was eating popcorn quietly.

There was a pause.

"Mr. Pink Bear."

The saint suddenly said: "Can you come with me?"


Facing the saint's calm eyes, the pink bear was stunned.

Why did you call me suddenly?

Could it be...that he was found out about reselling pornographic books and making money from the gossip about that boy Mu En?

"Don't be nervous, I don't care about your personal matters."

The saint smiled and spoke softly:

"So, I just came here to ask, Mr. Pink Bear... are you free? I need your help~"


Pink Bear suddenly felt that the popcorn in his mouth no longer tasted good.

Because based on his understanding of the woman in front of him.

He said he was asking with a smile, but if he didn't go...

will die.

Not long after the saint stopped her live broadcast.


It sounded like the sound of gears meshing.

At this moment, everyone in Canterville seemed to feel something and involuntarily raised their heads.

Then, they saw a black curtain gradually spreading from one side of the sky to the other side.

The blue sky, white clouds, and soft light are all swallowed up by the black curtain, and the stars above the black curtain are particularly misty.

In the center of the darkness, a bright moon shines, bringing only a glimmer of light.

"This is……"

Mu En couldn't help but raise her head and murmured in astonishment:

"it's dark?"

138. The first night

it's dark?

Mu En watched in astonishment as the sky was shrouded in darkness.

The stars are dotted, misty and high, and cannot be seen clearly. Only the bright moon is clear and illuminates everything.

"There is day and night. Although it's a little sudden, it's normal. It's just... there's no sun here, so why is there a moon?"

With just one glance, Mu En could see that the stars were just like the blue sky and white clouds during the day, a fake thing similar to the background of the curtain.

But the moonlight is bright and clear at this moment. As the only source of light in this world, it cannot be faked.

Real moon?

Fake moon?


But that moon is already dead, and this lost land seems to have nothing to do with it, and it definitely shouldn't...

"Mu En..."

Liya called out in a worried voice, bringing Mu En back to reality from her thoughts:

"What now, move on?"

She seemed to have noticed the suddenness of the bright moon, and looked at it with wide, watery eyes.

"It's probably impossible to continue..."

Mu En took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Eight quarters of an hour had passed since he and others entered Canterville.

Although there was some repairs in the deserted village before, that was only a few hours ago.

It's difficult to move around even if it's dark.

"Don't worry, let's find a place to rest first."

"Well, it's up to you."

"It should be safe here."

After entering this deserted town, Mu En found a relatively complete house as a place for temporary repairs.

In order to save time, after using the holy light to clean up the dirt again, Mu En took out an expensive blanket to spread the floor, and then took out the dry firewood prepared in advance and lit the fire.

Soon, the aroma of food wafted out, making people excited, but it was not the food that could be seen everywhere in this lost land, but Mu En's own food.

Although neither Mu En nor Liya found anything unusual about the food here, it was better not to eat it to be on the safe side.

Mu En fiddled with the fire twice to make it burn brighter, then looked sideways and looked to his side.

The high-end steak was pierced with peeled branches and simply grilled, and it looked particularly tempting.

Of course, what is even more attractive is that under the firelight, the girl's cheeks are like the sunset, and her pink lips are dyed translucent with oil.

After just one glance, Mu En quickly looked away and took a big bite of the barbecue.

Although there were no condiments and the cooking method was very wasteful, Mu En still thought it was extremely delicious, not inferior to top chefs in high-end restaurants.

"It always feels very familiar."

Leah tucked her feet into her skirt and gently hugged them with one hand.

"We seem to have done this before."


Mu En knew she was talking about the previous time in the Forest of Death, when the two of them sat around the campfire like this, with a warm fire in front of them and endless darkness and unknown behind them.

It seemed like yesterday.

"But... there are many differences."

Liya put the branch into the flames and let it burn and devour, making the flames brighter.

Shining in her eyes, sparkling.

Mu En couldn't help but take another look.

"What's the difference?"

"We couldn't afford such good barbecue at that time."

"There were only wild fruits and octopus."

"We couldn't sit on the soft blanket."

"The leaves are actually quite soft."


Liya's red lips slightly opened, but the words that came to her lips were finally not spoken.

And the state of mind.

It's different too.

But how can I say this?

The firelight was affecting Leah and the man beside her. Leah secretly covered her chest, feeling the annoying banging sound, which sounded again.

The surroundings became very quiet for a while, and only the sound of the flames licking the firewood could be heard.

"Rest first, most people are gathering here now, and the competition may be very fierce tomorrow." Mu En swallowed the last piece of barbecue and said.


Leah hugged her knees obediently, curled up, and lay on the blanket.

There was also a small blanket on her body. With sufficient preparation, it was indeed much more comfortable than that night.

But this time, Leah didn't fall asleep so easily.

I couldn't help but secretly open my eyes to look at the person who was sitting quietly in front of the fire like a statue.

One look, another look.

Until I don't know how many times, sleepiness came, and Leah gradually closed her eyes.


Hearing Leah's breathing gradually stabilize, Mu En got up and turned his head.

However, he did not look at the completely defenseless girl at the moment. His eyes seemed to avoid her and moved to the window.

"Tomorrow will definitely be lively."

In the silence, Mu En seemed to hear one or two different noises coming from afar.

It is estimated that someone could not stand the loneliness and still fought in the dark.

According to the information given by Elag, his and Liya's actions were already slow, so at the latest tomorrow daytime, most of the participants will definitely gather in this town.

It will definitely not be as peaceful as today.

"But... it's too peaceful."

Mu En couldn't help frowning.

Although before coming in, the church said that the outer area of ​​Canterville was not very dangerous after exploration.

But after a few hours during the day, Mu En felt that this was not dangerous at all... The light here is soft, the breeze is pleasant, and the scenery is beautiful. It is simply a resort.

"It is necessary to pass through that wall and enter the inner area to show the dangerous nature of ancient relics..."

Mu En looked at the world under the moonlight, mysterious and quiet.

"Or... forget it, I guess I'm just thinking too much."

Shaking his head, he waved his hand and arranged the necessary warning props, then Mu En closed his eyes.


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