"Has it started?"

Under the moonlight, a figure in a long skirt stood still, clasping her hands tightly and placing them on her forehead, as if praying.

Then, she slowly leaned over and placed the swaying flowers in her hand on the ground... on the corpse.

The corpse's eyes were wide open, as if he had died with his eyes wide open.

In his hand was a half-broken space magic scroll that was clearly torn apart, but extremely dim.

"What a pity."

The figure sighed with regret and covered the corpse with flowers.

"It's not time yet, we need to... wait a little longer."


"It's almost time..."

In the tone, there was such an impatience for something to happen.



"Save me..."


"Save us..."




Liya suddenly opened her eyes.

After being purified by the holy light, the spotless ceiling came into view.

The surrounding environment was extremely unfamiliar, but it did not make her feel uneasy, because that solid figure was still by her side.

Liya breathed a sigh of relief and looked around.

She clearly heard someone calling for help just now, but as soon as she opened her eyes, the sound disappeared immediately.

Was it a dream?

It should be a dream.

But why did she have such a dream with only sound but no picture?

It seems that she is still too nervous.

She couldn't help turning her head and looking at Mu En who was sitting against the wall, looking at his slightly nodding eyes, beautiful eyebrows, handsome face...

No, no, Liya Angel, what are you doing, peeking or something, it's too...

But I can't help it.

Liya shook her head vigorously to get rid of those inexplicable thoughts.

Her cheeks were still a little hot.

Liya simply got up and tiptoed to the window, wanting to blow the cool wind.

The moon was still shining, and everything was quiet.

"I don't know how long it will take for the day to dawn."

Liya pushed open the broken window:

"The position of the moon seems not... Um... It stinks!"

At this moment, as soon as the window was opened, what came to her face was not a refreshing breeze, but...

A disgusting stench.

Like a rotting corpse.

139. Mutation



The stench, like a rotting corpse, came with the breeze at night, filling the nasal cavity and pouring into the lungs, like countless fine steel needles, piercing the nerves inch by inch.


Liya opened her mouth in horror, but was immediately forced to close her mouth by the stench she had never experienced before, and subconsciously covered her mouth and nose tightly.

The stomach was churning, this kind of stench was unbearable for any girl, but Liya still forced herself to look out the window.

The silence of the town was broken, and a few curses echoed in the night. It seemed that other people also felt this abnormal change and woke up from their sleep.

Besides, it was pitch black.

Under the cover of darkness, it was hard to see anything.

At this time, it would be nice if there was a moon, Liya thought... Wait, the moon?

Shouldn't there be a bright moon in the sky?

Liya looked up suddenly, but didn't see any moon.

But at this moment, she found out.

Not being able to see the moon is not because there is no moon.

But something is blocking the moon.

Or... blocking her entire sight.

Right in front of her.

——It was a black shadow.

Like a piece of softened plasticine, it hung down from the eaves of the window, covering almost all of her sight from top to bottom.

The outline of the black shadow was too vague and complicated, and the light source was blocked, so Liya couldn't tell what it was at all.

But when her eyes were just able to adapt to the darkness, the thing moved closer to her, and she finally saw it clearly.

A face.

A face extending from the black shadow.

Pale, twisted, bloated, and bloodless.

Like a dead person.

But that face was smiling.

A satisfied, happy, and extremely sincere smile.

Grinning, eyes curved, eyebrows raised.

As if he had all the good things in the world.

He couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

Bloody tears.

And when his scattered, blank pupils, as if pursuing something, looked at Liya...

That face became even happier.

"Ah... woo woo..."

It seemed like a painful sob, squeezed out of the throat of that face, sharp and unpleasant, like two pieces of rusty iron rubbing against each other, but a strange excitement could be heard from it.

"So hungry..."

"So full..."

"Eat... woo... I want to eat..."

"Eat me..."

A cold breath came over her, and Liya suddenly felt that she was surrounded by deep darkness.

A certain will swept over her with those voices, making every joint of her seem to be frozen, unable to make any movement.

I couldn't even make a sound. I tried my best to stimulate my breath and vocal cords...but I could only make a gurgling sound in my throat.

Just like a lamb on a plate, the moment the silver lid was opened, its fate was already doomed. I could only watch myself in despair, becoming a delicacy under the knife and fork of the other party.

I couldn't resist.

I couldn't even ask for help.

I could only...

"Don't be afraid."

Suddenly, a warm breath covered me, driving away all the darkness and coldness.

Liya felt a strong arm around her waist, accompanied by a burst of heat, and a mellow and low male voice sounded in her ears.

"Close your eyes."

Her heart was instantly at peace, and without any hesitation or doubt, Liya immediately closed her eyes.

Then, she heard a "puff".

The sharp blade pierced into the limbs.

The light burst out, illuminating Mu En's cold face and the whole picture of the black shadow.

It was a lump of meat.

Yes, a lump of meat.

Fat, muscle, and meridians grew together randomly, forming a twisted and indescribable creation.

It was like a fat pig weighing one thousand kilograms, without limbs, only flesh and fat that expanded randomly, stretching the skin and pressing out layers of wrinkles.

But this thing is not without limbs, or rather, it has many limbs.

Weird arms or legs grew out of the twisted body. It was with these limbs and the soft body that seemed to have no bones that it hung on the window eaves.

Only the face... looked "normal".

At this moment, in Mu En's hand, the pure white dagger was accurately piercing into the face.

His eyes flashed with anger, and Mu En clenched the dagger and slashed it down!

The "sharp" momentum infused by the world's strongest great magician appeared here, and the sharp knife light was like a galaxy, instantly tearing apart the twisted flesh and blood body.


The expression on the face was still satisfied and happy, but there was a miserable roar.

Like cutting open a water-filled ball, white and red fat gushed out from the wound cut by Mu En, and the stench mixed with the stench was even more disgusting.

Its entire huge body trembled and twisted wildly, and those numerous limbs waved randomly, grabbing Mu En.

Mu En did not continue to fight hard, but hugged Li Ya and retreated until he was out of the shadow.

In the room, the fire was still swaying, and as if feeling the warmth, Mu En felt that the stiff body in his arms finally became soft again.

"Are you okay?" Mu En asked.

"No... It's okay."

Li Ya took a deep breath: "I was too careless."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Mu En's face was solemn:

"No one expected the change to happen so suddenly, and I almost didn't react."

There was a lingering fear.

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