"Similar to that octopus, the power of the evil god will indeed give it strong vitality, but it is not invulnerable."

Mu En suddenly thought of the banshee.

With the blessing of the evil god, she can still survive even if her head is chopped off and she has no internal organs.

And Eluka.

The terrifying degree of fusion and distortion, in which An's steel gods could not be killed, is especially fresh in my memory now.

The best way to deal with this kind of thing that cannot be treated with common sense is to burn it with the flame of the King of Blight.

No matter how much you recover, you will be burned to ashes and there will be no recovery.

If it doesn't work, burn it again.

...But after all, Liya is by her side, so it is naturally impossible to use Red Flame directly.


Mu En looked at Liya, and then at the group of monsters that were already accumulating power and seemed to be charging at them again at any time.

Leah was not afraid.

Neither did he.

The night wind blew Mu En's short golden hair, and he stood tall, with a rare coldness appearing at the corner of his mouth.

"You've been through a lot, but a scrap like you doesn't seem worthy enough."

141. The Kingdom of Decay (2-in-1)

Without giving Mu En any more chance to stop and watch, the twisted monster, after a brief moment of regrouping, once again charged in with the stinking cold wind.

More limbs extended from the trembling fat and flesh, waving more wildly. The new limbs were still covered with white fat and red fascia.

The pale face with a contented look opened and closed its lips and murmured vaguely. The eyes were filled with anger and joy, exuding a different kind of ferocity.

Mu En subconsciously wanted to take a deep breath, but the putrid stench around him that was tearing at his olfactory nerves every moment made him give up the idea.

Let's make a quick decision.

Mu En's eyes became colder and colder.

Letting Liya hide behind him temporarily, Mu En took a step forward and took the initiative to face the monster.

However, he did not swing the knife.

Instead, he stretched out his hand, opened and closed his slender fingers, curled up, and made weird movements, like... the claws of a wild beast.

The long-lost thunder 1.0!

Thunder roars!

The fierce shock wave almost distorted the air, and it directly collided with the huge meat ball rushing like a chariot!


Like the weird sound of something substantial being bounced, the dozens of limbs in front of Mu En were forcibly pressed back into the flesh ball. The flesh filled with fat and flesh was sunken, and the skin covered with red fascia was like a wave, pressing out a layer of flesh. layer of folds.

Mu En frowned slightly. Fighting with brute force was not his strong point after all. The monster's frontal impact made him feel a little angry.

But his brows soon relaxed.

Because he felt two warm and soft little hands firmly supporting his back.

The corners of his mouth formed a soft arc. Without any hesitation, Mu En drew his sword with his other hand and chopped!

The sharp sword light split the night, moving from top to bottom, but did not directly slash towards the front of the monster.

Instead, a smooth opening was cut out on its diagonal side.


Under the huge squeeze, it was like a ball punctured by a needle, and a large amount of fat, blood and flesh spurted out from the opening.

Like a fountain, so spectacular.

The gushing fat flesh and blood stagnated in mid-air, as if it was summoned by something, and actually rolled back on its own initiative, trying to return to its original form completely contrary to common sense.

Naturally, Mu En would not give it this chance.


Before this soft call sounded, or before this soft call sounded, the holy light had already lit up.

The barrier built by the Holy Light accurately blocks the return of fat and flesh.

Tsk tsk.

There was a burning sound.

It seems that due to the loss of the support of the body, the speed at which the flesh, flesh and fat were burned by the holy light was far faster than before. The burning smell even briefly overwhelmed the smell of decay.


The monster, which was rapidly losing its flesh and blood support, finally stopped mumbling inexplicably and roared crazily.

That pale face still showed the creeping happiness and satisfaction, but it gradually became distorted, as if something was about to...


The pure white blade stabbed into the center of the face.

The twisted face suddenly froze, but only for a moment, and soon the pain turned into a ferocious ferocity, and the new-born limbs moved towards Mu En...


The second blade thrust in.

Mu En looked at the twisted face and said nothing, but a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

What is it called?

Are you so weak that you have the nerve to call the Evil God Pollution?

Is it a shame?

On the white blade, pale golden lines suddenly lit up.

The pure holy light, which is not inferior to Liya, and is even more superior, is poured from the blade.


The roar turned into a miserable cry, and every inch of the monster's skin squirmed violently. Its weird-shaped limbs grabbed Mu En crazily, but when it was still some distance away from Mu En, it suddenly retracted and quickly sank into the increasingly empty body.

Like a broken ship sailing in the sea but losing fuel, the hull can only be continuously dismantled in order to continue moving forward.

"Mu En."

Mu En shifted her gaze slightly and looked.

Not far away, the fat flesh and blood that were still constantly hitting the holy light barrier suddenly squirmed a few times, and short limbs grew under the fascia and fled towards the distance.

But before they could escape very far, the fat flesh and blood that had escaped from the body began to rot and collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally lost all vitality.

Rotten yourself?

Mu En didn't think too much.

Feeling that it was almost done, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly turned back, gripped the blade, and chopped again.

The monster's skin was easily torn open by the blade, but this time, no disgusting fat and blood flowed out.

At the hideous wound, the dense granulation of flesh was wriggling, prompting the skin to heal, but it was only a little sticky, and the whole monster suddenly stiffened.

"I'm so hungry..."

Blood and tears flowed.

The monster fell to the ground dejectedly.

Only a layer of wrinkled skin remained.


"Is the knot... over?"

Liya carefully poked her head out from behind Mu En. Although she was prepared, she was still a little scared by the disgusting skin.

And the beating when beating the chest also made Mu En's heart, which had just calmed down, beat again.

"It should be fine."

Try to make his rude look unnoticed, Mu En smiled and said:

"There is no pollution source, it is just a monster that is simply corrupted and polluted, it's no big deal."

"Really, then..."

Liya was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but her pretty face suddenly froze.

She tilted her head slightly, as if listening to something.

"What's wrong?"

"Shh, listen--"


Mu En tilted his ear.

"I didn't hear anything."

Except the sound of the wind and the sound of fighting from afar.

But those sounds should not make Li Ya look like this suddenly.

"Crying, can't you hear it?"

Liya's tone was anxious, and her eyes quickly swept around.

Mu En was about to speak, but he saw her movements suddenly stagnated, and her eyes fell on a certain place.

Mu En also paused, because at this moment, he also heard it.



It was extremely miserable and sad, as if it penetrated the soul.

Mu En's hair stood on end, and he subconsciously tightened his grip on the knife handle, following Liya's gaze.

Not far away.

Right next to the monster that just died.

A blurry shadow knelt on the ground, constantly digging and gnawing at something.

As if it had noticed the gazes of the two, the shadow raised its head blankly, revealing a face that was exactly the same as the monster.

"Not dead yet?"

Mu En's scalp was numb, and he raised his knife to chop...

"Wait, wait!"

Liya suddenly stopped him and said:

"He seems... not a monster anymore."


Liya did not continue to explain, but walked towards the shadow.

Mu En frowned slightly, but still did not stop, but secretly raised his vigilance.

He believed Liya.


Liya came to the shadow and slowly squatted down.

The figure in front of her was thin, only as tall as Liya's waist, and kneeling on the ground could not even reach her knees.

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