He did not run away, nor did he make any extra movements. He just raised his head and looked at Liya approaching blankly.

The pale face, which was the same as before, was no longer happy and satisfied.

Instead, it was... pain and sadness.

Suffocating pain and sadness.

Just by approaching her, Liya seemed to be able to feel the unspeakable torture inflicted on him.

It was as if a hand was also squeezing her heart.


Liya showed a compassionate look and asked gently:

"Can you tell me what happened to you... and this country?"


The figure looked straight at Liya, opened his mouth, and blood-red tears flowed from the corners of his eyes again.

"Save me..."

The dry and ethereal voice came from his throat.

It made Liya feel familiar, as if... she had heard it before.

"Save me..."

"Please... save me."

The figure just murmured numbly, neither running away nor reaching out his hand.


Liya bit her lip and shook her head:

"Sorry, I can't save you."


"You're already dead."

The moonlight was cold and fell like mist, but it passed through his figure directly and could not cast a shadow on the ground.

Yes, he was already dead.

What was in front of Liya now was just a soul.

A damaged soul.

But for some reason, this soul that had completely lost its body was still wandering here.

"Although I can't save you, but...according to the future saint's practice..."

Liya suddenly stretched out her hand, and in her palm, there was the purest holy light that had been condensed.

She put her hands together, closed her eyes, and prayed devoutly:

"Merciful goddess, please forgive his sins and give him...rest."

[Purification of Holy Prayer]

Countless light particles drifted out from the girl's body, like countless fine fireflies, falling on the broken and confused soul.

The soul froze slightly, no longer repeating the unconscious murmur and swallowing, and the pain and sadness on her face gradually subsided.

His tears continued to flow, but they had become clear and crystal clear.

"Thank you."

When Liya opened her eyes, she could only see a shadow with only an outline left, which completely disappeared in the holy light.

The last expression was a smile with tears.

"Rest in peace."

Liya prayed softly again.


"Is that purification?"

"Is it so? It's similar to the usual purification of filth, but it's a little more advanced."

Liya tied a bunch of hair that was blown by the night wind behind her ears and whispered:

"The purification ritual only for the soul has miraculous effects on most spirits in the world."

"What will happen if it is purified? Reincarnation?"

Mu En asked curiously.

"I don't know."

Liya shook her head, "Reincarnation cannot be proved, and there is no corresponding record in the scriptures of the Church of Life."

There is a reincarnated person in front of you, and he is from another world.

No, it is more appropriate to call it crossing.

Mu En pulled the corner of his mouth and continued:

"So, the church put the location of the Mu Sheng ceremony here, just to let you saint candidates help purify those monsters?"

The church couldn't be unaware of these monsters. In addition, Mu En was the first to see such a monster contaminated by the evil god being killed, and there would be a follow-up plot, so he could only make this guess.

"I don't know either..."

Liya was about to shake her head, but suddenly froze. When she raised her hand, the crystal symbolizing the identity of the saint candidate appeared in her palm.

The crystal, which was originally crystal clear, now had a wisp of light as thin as a hair, wandering in it, which was particularly beautiful.

It seems that as long as it continues to accumulate, this light can fill the entire crystal.

Liya looked at the place where the soul disappeared, then looked at the crystal, and finally looked at Mu En:

"Well... it seems that it is true."

"... Fuck."

Mu En held it in for a long time, but couldn't help but burst out with a swear word:

"Is the church so bold? This is the pollution of the evil god, and they actually use it as a trial. Aren't they afraid of getting out of control?"

Although Mu En has not found the medium or source of the pollution so far, as long as it is related to the word evil god, it means extreme danger and extreme uncontrollability.

The church is not raising poison, it is simply driving a group of chickens into Jurassic Park, and then letting the poor and helpless chickens sing and dance rup while playing basketball under the noses of various prehistoric monsters.

"The church specially issued a space magic scroll that can be withdrawn at a critical moment. It should not be as dangerous as Mu En thought."

Liya blinked and said.

After all, she is a candidate for the church's saint, and her heart is still on the church. She thinks that the church will definitely not deliberately let them die, and there must be its own reasons.

Of course, what Mu En said also made sense!

"That's the only way to think about it."

Mu En looked up at the moon and sighed:

"I have come into contact with the evil god many times. To be honest, the monster just now was much weaker than I imagined. Although it looked scary, in my eyes it was just a ball of meat with excellent recovery ability..."

He died after just a few cuts. How weak! Look at your seniors with max vitality. Which one of them is not a hero who can continue to chat and laugh with you without a groan even if his head is cut off?

"Thinking about it this way, perhaps everything is still under the control of the church. The big threat here has long been eliminated, and the remaining ones are just some scraps that are enough for us to use as trials."

Mu En touched his chin.

Although this conjecture is completely contrary to the information that the church has just opened the entrance to this relic.

But for now, we can only make such a conjecture and take it one step at a time. Mu En thinks that the church is not really crazy enough to send the most outstanding darlings of various forces to a dead place.

"Yeah, it must be like this."

Liya nodded vigorously. She didn't believe that the church had any bad intentions.

She stood up and wanted to go to Mu En, but just after taking a few steps, she suddenly stumbled and almost fell.

"What's wrong? Are your legs numb from squatting?"

Mu En teased with a smile.

"No, no."

Liya's cheeks were slightly red.

"It's just that the ground is a little soft, and I almost fell."

"Be careful."

Mu En stretched out his hand, trying to support Liya.

But just after taking two steps, he paused, lowered his head, and showed a little doubt.



"Did you notice something?"


"It's still so smelly around here?"

Liya was stunned, and then she covered her nose fiercely.

If Mu En hadn't said it, she wouldn't have noticed it. Obviously, the monster was dead, but the stench of a rotting corpse had not diminished at all.

Moreover, this stench didn't seem to come from a certain direction, but from all directions, covering everything with the night wind.

Liya silently held up the holy light to purify the filth and stench, and then looked at Mu En, whose expression was gradually becoming solemn.

The light began to gather in Mu En's hands.

"I want to see it." Mu En said.


Liya replied, "Look."

So, Mu En raised his hand, and a pure, bright light rose up, which was different from the quiet moonlight and the indifferent holy light, and completely illuminated the surroundings.

The ground was sandy and soft, and it was flowing with a black, sticky liquid, like blood.

On the walls of the house, the plants that were still lush during the day were now huddled together, with black stems and leaves, and also flowing with black, sticky liquid.

The flowers on the roadside had long withered, and the fruits of those strange plants fell to the ground, half of them were solid, and the other half had long turned into an intermediate state of solid and liquid, and you could see the white bones exposed from them.

A little further away was the river of milk that ran through the town.

It was still milk.

But it was light yellow, and it seemed that countless maggots could be seen rolling.

"Damn it."

Mu En looked ugly.

And Li Ya squatted, covering her mouth tightly to prevent herself from losing her composure.

Yes, the church may really have concealed a lot of things.

But there is one thing they are not talking nonsense about.

This ancient ruins known as the Lost Land has long been on the verge of collapse.

Because this is a country that is... gradually decaying.

142. Meet Again (Two in One)

That night was particularly long.

In the more luxurious building compared to the surrounding desolation, the originally abandoned fireplace has been cleaned out and put into the firewood prepared in advance. The flickering firelight constantly dispels the chill of the night.

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