The splattered blood couldn't even stain the man's perfect profile and expensive clothes, because it couldn't penetrate the fine knife light that even water couldn't splash into.

Another bright moon rises.

Made of sword light and blood...the scarlet moon.

"Please... rest in peace."

Under the holy light particles, another painful and incomplete soul was purified, and there was once again a slender light in Liya's crystal.

Sewell stared at all this blankly, then turned her head to look at the man who had been standing by her side.

After experiencing the mental shock just now, Sewell finally calmed down. However, at this moment, she recognized the identity of this man.

Leopold Empire, Duke Campbell’s son, Moon Campbell!

It's him!

The soft persimmon in that intelligence, the little sheep!

As a citizen of Leopold's neighboring country, Sewell was able to obtain more information than others.

She knew this man's identity and all his experiences.

That was why she couldn't believe it.

Among the younger generation of the kingdom, there has always been a being who is regarded as an opponent by everyone, but yet feels hopeless.

That is the Empire's Ice Witch, the third princess who has outstanding talent, is almost perfect, and is favored by the gods.

However, Her Royal Highness the Princess has a not-so-good fiancé, which has always been something they use to comfort, even snicker secretly, and rejoice.

And now, she discovered that this "not very good" fiancé was also so... powerful?

Is this a little sheep?

Have you ever seen a little sheep kill a lion just by clicking?

Is this really the playboy in the newspaper who stepped on countless boats, even his own teacher, as if he would be stabbed to death by the princess at any time?

Tidbits are hurting me!

Sevier took a deep breath.

Although I had just seen him in that hall not long ago, I had to confirm it just to be cautious.

She patted the dust on her body, smoothed the wrinkles on her dress, took out a small mirror, and arranged her hair.

Although he was rescued, he was still an enemy of the country, even if he was powerful, talented, handsome, good-looking, and good-looking.

But he must not lose his momentum!


Sewell put away the small mirror, looked at Mu En, and asked shyly:

"Hello, thank you for saving me. Just in case, I can ask for your name, and... and the frequency of the sound transmission stone? I can repay you..."

"Leah Angel."


"My name is Lea Angel."

Liya, who appeared in front of Sewell as if teleporting, stretched out her hand and said with a smile:

"And you?"


"Ah, Miss Sewell, what a lovely name."

Liya grabbed Sewell's hand and shook it vigorously, with a gentle smile:

"But you don't need to thank me. As a candidate for a saint, it's your duty to help others. My knight will also be happy about it, so you can rest assured."

"...Oh, oh, okay, I'm relieved."

Sewell's mouth twitched.

I always felt that what this saint candidate said was not about peace of mind, but about giving up.

A little scary.

"You guys talk first, I'll go help Senior Sister Fanny."

Looking at Liya's cute appearance, Mu En couldn't help but laugh.

But now is not the time to calculate the girl's cuteness. He has been paying attention to the other side since just now, but he is not worried about Liya purifying his soul, so he has not passed.

Although the battle situation there is relatively stable, and Senior Sister Fanny still has the upper hand, but...

"Senior Fanny, why are there only two of you?"

A few minutes later, Mu En shook off the blood on the knife and looked at Senior Sister Fanny, whose hair was a little messy but not too embarrassed, with a heavy expression.

Behind her, the girl named Vicky, the daughter of the chamber of commerce president, looked pale, as if she had not yet fully adapted to this horrific scene.

The blood and stench were nothing short of a nightmare for her who had always been pampered.

As for Marshall and Aaron, who were supposed to be traveling with Senior Sister Fanny, Mu En didn't even see their shadows.

"Marshall and Aaron were eliminated."

Fanny looked heavy and smiled bitterly:

"We were attacked by a sneak attack. The two people didn't even have time to react before they were seriously injured to the point of triggering the magic scroll and were teleported out."

"Fortunately, life safety should be no problem."

"Sneak attack..."

Mu En thought of the scene when she just met the monster.

At that time, Liya might have been attacked by a sneak attack if she hadn't reacted quickly enough.

After all, before those monsters appeared, no one would have thought that this so-called golden country looked like this.

The damn church has indeed dug a big hole.

Mu En closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again.

"Even if it was a sneak attack, it wouldn't be possible for both of them to have problems at the same time. What else happened?"

"We were fighting them when they were attacked."

Fanny raised her chin and motioned for Munn to look at Sewell over there.

"They also suffered a sneak attack, which was even worse than ours. There are also only two people left...well, now there is only one left."

"Fighting at this time is not like my senior sister's steady style."

"I had no choice."

Fanny continued to smile bitterly:

"We entered this town early, so we explored it in advance and found this building that is obviously different from the others and more luxurious. We think it may be the residence or workplace of the mayor."

"Maybe it's a rich man?"

"How can there be objectively rich people in a place where they don't even need to farm?" Fanny shook her head.

"That's right."

"While searching here, we just happened to meet them, and then we started fighting."


Moon's face froze:

"What did you find?"


Fanny pointed at Sever:

"The thing is with her."

143. Knight


Feeling that Moon's eyes fell on him again, Sever suddenly became nervous again.

She knew what they wanted, but that thing was the spoils of war that her group had obtained with great difficulty. It was obtained with the blood and sacrifice of her companions. It was a symbol of the face of the country and the college. Even if she was the only one left, she could never...

"Sever, right?"

Moon came over and asked with a perfect aristocratic smile:

"Can you give me that thing?"

"Of course."

Sever took out a tattered book without hesitation, stared straight at Mu En's face, and said shyly:

"You saved me, so I will naturally not refuse such a small thing."

Not cowardly.

Not cowardly.

It is to judge the situation.

"...Ah, thank you."

Moon was obviously stunned for a moment, turned to look at Senior Sister Fanny, and shrugged as if you look so relaxed.

Fanny also had a strange look on her face.

When the two sides confronted each other before, this Sever was a hardliner.


"What is your conspiracy?" Fanny asked with a frown.


Liya suddenly widened her bright eyes, her eyes kept sweeping over Seville, looking... a little eager to try.

"No, no, no, now I'm the only one left, what's the use of conspiracy?"

Serville's eyes twitched, and waved his hand:

"I can give you the things, but I do have a small request."


"Yes, a very small request."

Serville lowered his head and said to Mu En shyly:

"I want... your... sound transmission stone..."

"Tell me what you want!"

Liya suddenly appeared in front of Seville again, blocking her sight, enthusiastically took the worn book, and smiled:

"I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Ah, no... I mean..."

"I will try my best to satisfy you."

Liya smiled brightly:

"Did you hurt your ears in the battle just now? Do you need me to heal you? My healing magic is very powerful, and I guarantee that there will be no sequelae."

"Oh... No, I don't have it, thank you."

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