What happened to this woman?

Is she really a candidate for the Saint?

very scary.

"Forget it...forget it, since you don't want to."

Sewell thought for a moment and made the request again:

"I want to move with you."

"Together we will?"

Mu En raised her eyebrows.

Judging from Senior Sister Fanny’s description just now, they can be regarded as enemies.

"Yes, you are very strong. Working with you may yield unexpected gains."

Sewell bit his lip: "I finally qualified to participate, but now I am eliminated. I am so unwilling."

"And don't look at me like this. I am still somewhat confident in my own strength. I will definitely not hold you back, and I can also give you some help. In this crisis-ridden situation, it's better to stick together for warmth."

As if afraid of Mu En's rejection, Sewell added a few more words.

"That's it."

Mu En nodded, but did not answer directly. Instead, he turned to look at Senior Sister Fanny.

"Then Senior Sister Fanny also wants to act together?"

"This...won't bother you?"

Fanny's eyes swept over Mu En and Liya, her tone was playful.

"No, we should be the ones who are embarrassed. After all, we are supposed to represent the college, but in the end we made it difficult for you..."

Mu En smiled and looked aside, "Are you right, Liya?"

"Um...ah, yes."

Liya was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously and agreed.

However, when everyone looked away, she hid behind Mu En, her cute cheeks puffing up little by little.

I had just driven away an Erager, but then another Sevier came.

It seems like last time, there is no other way to be alone with Mu En.

And this time, two seniors were added.

Of course, she also knows that the current situation is different. At a time when the level of danger has increased significantly, having a companion is the best choice.


They are all girls.

Liya glanced secretly.

Leaving aside the obviously impure-minded Sewell, Fanny and Vicky are both seniors, and they were together when they came here, so they should be fine...


Liya suddenly remembered the person who did shameful things with Mu En in the classroom before at the academy...

She's also a senior, I guess.

Not only her, but also Mu En's nominal fiancée, Her Royal Highness the Princess, age aside, she is also...a senior.

Could it be...

Does Mu En like the attributes of senior sister?

Liya lowered her eyelids, her long and thin eyelashes trembling slightly with the night wind.

Girl, worry about gains and losses.

Mu En picked up the tattered book that Sewell gave him just now and looked at it carefully.

Only then did he realize that this was not a book, but more like a diary.

The words above were obviously handwritten.

A diary is better and may help us understand the world better.

Mu En thought.

Just as his eyes glanced at those words, his brows subconsciously wrinkled.

"This is……"

"The ancient writing is still very unfamiliar."

Sewell curled his lips and said:

"Actually, when we grabbed this thing, we regretted it. There was no talent in the team who could translate this thing. We spent all the efforts of the boss, but we only got a useless book."

"Ancient writing?"

Mu En touched her chin and thought about it, then she couldn't help but smile.

It might be troublesome for others, but for him...

"Liya, I'll leave this to you...Liya?"

"Ah...um, what's the matter?"

Hearing Mu En's second call, Liya came back to her senses and immediately blinked delicately as if nothing had happened.

Mu En looked at her for a moment and suddenly said:

"Everyone... let's take a rest first."

"Huh? Why don't you decipher the diary first?"

"Not urgent."

Mu En shook his head and said:

"I see that Senior Sister Vicki is feeling a little uncomfortable, so everyone should take a good rest first."

Vicky blinked, confused.

She was feeling a little uncomfortable just now, but it wasn't serious...

Mu En smiled slightly, closed the diary, and said to Liya beside him:

"Let's go out and relax."


Liya was a little surprised. With the rotten stench outside, it was really not a good time for a walk.

"Well, now."

Mu En took out his pocket watch, took a look at it, and said mysteriously:

"If I guess correctly, you will see a good picture soon."

The bright moon is bright and clear, and the night wind is biting.

The rotten earth is filled with disgusting scenes.

The two of them were on the top floor of this building and found that this place was indeed different from what Fanny said.

Most of the buildings in this town only have two or three floors, but this building has a full seven floors and covers a wide area. In this world that is almost entirely plain, even if it is only a few floors high, you can still see a lot. Far, far away.

"Nice picture...what exactly is it?"

Liya asked curiously.

"Well... let me take a look."

Mu En glanced at her pocket watch, then raised her head.

"It's now."


Liya subconsciously followed his gaze and looked up, and then she saw...

A white line appeared at the edge of the sky.

The white line expanded rapidly, bringing light and warmth.

The blue sky and white clouds, like a spread-out painting curtain, dispelled all the darkness.

The shadows of the moon and stars, together with the night, sank into the earth.

It was dawn.

The soft light fell on the shoulders, warm and comfortable.

Unconsciously, Leah had withdrawn the holy light that isolated the stench.

So the breeze with the fragrance of flowers and plants quickly penetrated into the nose, like a gentle hand, caressing the forehead.

All the rot disappeared in an instant, and the new plants stretched their branches and leaves, bearing bright flowers and abundant fruits.

The whole world was like an oil painting, and the two, as the closest audience, appreciated the process of the birth of this oil painting stroke by stroke.

Finally, the white river separated the wilderness, and used it as a pen seal, leaving the most charming lines in the oil painting.

"So beautiful."

Leah couldn't help but murmur.

It was a scene that she had seen yesterday, but after the long night, the strong contrast between her vision and smell made her feel that the scene was amazingly beautiful.

After all, this country was originally a golden country praised in countless ancient books, so how could it not be beautiful?

"Mu En, how did you know it would be dawn now?"

Liya asked curiously.



"Yes, I guessed."

Mu En lowered his head and looked down at the entire town.

"Although these buildings look very different from the outside world, there is no essential difference in structure and material.

Not only that, the plants, terrain, and even the furniture arrangements in the buildings still have the shadow of the outside world."

"Although the Lost Town of Canterville is an ancient ruins isolated from the outside world and buried deep underground, I think the people who built it should still refer to the outside world."

"So it is not difficult to guess that it is still 24 hours a day here."

Mu En shook the pocket watch in his hand.

After entering the night, the short hand of the pocket watch has turned more than a full circle.

Sixteen hours.

"It's really a long night."

Mu En sighed, and then looked into Li Ya's eyes:

"Are you feeling better now that you can see the beautiful side of this world for the first time?"


Li Ya was stunned, "You hurriedly pulled me up just to make me feel better?"

"Of course."

Mu En smiled:

"You are my Saint Lady. As a knight, although you need to take the lead, I will be very distressed if the Saint Lady is not in good condition."

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