"That evil god is...[blacked out]!"

"The power of the evil god is so terrifying. We can feel that the world is constantly being eroded, and another village turns into that kind of monster at night."

"The rot is getting worse..."

"You can't eat at night, or you'll get sick."

"Ha, I'm sick. How to treat the disease? I forgot."

"It's getting more and more chaotic. Oh, Goddess, please save us. Please guide us, the lost lambs."

"Damn it, someone else has been corrupted by the evil god's pollution. No, I have to find a way. We only have Canterville as a shelter. We can no longer adapt to the chaos and conquests of the outside world. I have to protect it!"

"Those guys, can't they understand what I'm doing?"

"They are also contaminated by evil gods!!! [Blacked out]"

"The only way is to [paint it black] [paint it black] [paint it black]"

"Some people have different ideas. Those people are traitors! Traitors are heretics and will never be tolerated!"

"Successful, haha, I succeeded. Facts have proved that I am right!"

"Walls might be able to keep out pollution."

"What is that round thing at night? I really wanted to have some impression, but I forgot."


"I may be dying, but I'm not afraid at all because I will be back in the arms of the goddess."

"The embrace of the goddess, ah, so beautiful."

"Those guys were also contaminated by the evil god and turned into monsters. Haha, they deserve it. They actually believed the evil god's words. They deserve it! They deserve it!"

"Praise the goddess."




"That's what it's all about."

After flipping the last page back and forth as if to confirm, Liya let out a long breath, slowly closed the diary, then raised her head and looked at the people around her.

"Interpretation completed."


Several people looked at each other, as if they were still digesting the contents of the diary, and could not speak for a long time.

The words in the diary can't be said to be too shocking. Most of the valuable things have not been identified, such as who the evil god is that is eroding the world.

But it always gives people a weird feeling.

In the end, Mu En pinched her eyebrows and broke the silence:

"Judging from these words, it can be determined that the Aboriginal people of Canterville believe in Emile, the goddess of life."

"There is such a word in the diary, it should be." Fanny nodded.

“But I feel like this so-called golden country is not so beautiful.”

Sewell came over shamelessly and said that she was sensitive to some of the words.

"You can clearly feel the irritability of the owner of the diary later on. Although he didn't say it clearly, from the lines, he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with this so-called perfect world."

"That's because they don't use the power of the goddess for the right purpose!"

Liya clenched her pink fist and retorted:

“It’s not that easy to create a world where you can live happily without labor!”

"They actually succeeded, didn't they?"

Vicky's face looked much better and she added:

"They were only invaded by evil gods and ended up like this."

"That only shows that their faith is pious enough."

Liya pursed her lips and whispered:

"Because of piety, the goddess would generously give down so much power. Who knew they would use their power to do such a thing, and the goddess doesn't care."

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to argue."

Mu En glanced at Liya in a funny way, feeling that she was getting cuter and cuter, but in Fanny's weird eyes, she immediately turned back and continued:

"However, I think the truth behind the loss of this ancient ruins is not as simple as the invasion of evil gods. There must be other reasons."


"Because the time doesn't match up."


"That's right."

Mu En explained:

"According to the descriptions in those ancient classics, Canterville disappeared from history and became the so-called Lost Land during the latter part of the great turmoil thousands of years ago.

But from some of the clues we found and the descriptions in the diary, the evil god’s invasion should be around these decades. "

"I see."

Liya also remembered the information she had explored with Mu En before.

"Then what happens next?"

"What else can I do, of course, keep moving forward."

Mu En looked not far away, and the wall that blended into the sky was still standing, as if it could really isolate everything.

"Our trial has probably just begun."

"Is this the so-called passage?"

Mu En looked at the hole in front of him that looked like the entrance to a mine, couldn't help but touched his chin, and sighed:

"It feels a bit unpretentious."

As he spoke, he secretly glanced around.

Not just my group, there are many people gathered here at this moment.

Most of them were in groups, looking tired, but still alerting each other.

It seems that the changes last night have forced this group of proud people to get together and hug each other for warmth.

This unintentionally increases the difficulty.

Mu En also saw Elag. He had a different badge from several other magicians on his chest, but he was obviously also from the Tower of Origin. He only looked at Mu En for a moment, and then he immediately avoided her guiltily.

Mu En smiled and said nothing, and continued to collect...

"Oh? You are not dead yet?"

A disgusting arrogant voice sounded, and the crowd suddenly made a commotion and made way.

A huge shadow fell on Mu En.

The tall weirdo named Leita walked silently. On his shoulder, a loli-like girl crossed her arms and cast a condescending look.

"Oh? So that's it. Have you also learned to keep warm together like those weak people?"

Candidate Saint Anne glanced around Mu En and sneered:

"This is indeed in line with the positioning of you and your candidate saint, but I still advise you to withdraw early, there won't be so many luck next time."


They are both arrogant loli, why is this guy so annoying?

Mu En thought about it seriously, and glanced around.

Leah... Forget it, at this moment, she doesn't need to do anything.


"Eh? Something?"

"Come here."

Mu En waved his hand, and Seville came over with a confused look.

"Stand here, face this way, cross your chest with your hands, yes, this position, hold it tight, and shake it, very good."

After the action was done, Seville's bulging chest, although not too big, was enough to kill most people in an instant, and Annie could see it perfectly. Mu En extended a middle finger from the side and said:

"It's none of your business, dead steel plate."

145. Safe way

Annie sat on Reta's shoulder, from the top, just able to completely see the two bulging and plump masses that she had never had.

Of course, there was also that middle finger.

The world seemed to be quiet for a moment.

At this moment, Annie felt that she could only hear the sound of blood rolling in her brain, and that sentence... "Dead steel plate."

Dead steel plate?

Dead steel plate?

Dead steel plate?

No one has ever dared to call her a dead steel plate in front of her!

And she is not a steel plate at all, she is obviously a little bulging.

A hill is still a hill!

A ditch is still a ditch!

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