"You're looking for death!"

Annie stood up from her shoulder, her killing intent bursting out instantly. At her feet, the tall weirdo Leita's muscles swelled and his veins jumped, as if there were black snakes crawling under his skin.

His arm, made of molten steel, made a fierce mechanical collision sound, like a landslide, and was terrifying.

Mu En also silently tightened his blade, his expression gradually becoming solemn...

"You two, are you sure you really want to fight here?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice, like a spring breeze, blew over his face, but it blew away the murderous intent very strongly.

Mu En smelled the rich fragrance of flowers.

Freya, dressed in a white dress, walked between the two fearlessly, and smiled like an admonition:

"This is not a good time to fight."


Annie, who was about to go berserk, did not speak, but her little face froze, and her eyes subconsciously swept around.

At this moment, the participants who survived the change last night and gathered here are looking at this side with interest, some with expectation, some with cold eyes.

Like a group of hyenas watching a lion duel.

Waiting for both sides to be injured and eat each other.


Annie looked at Freya who was standing in the middle again, gritted her teeth, and actually held back the blue veins on her forehead.

"Humph! Good luck!"

She snorted coldly, commanded the weirdo, and turned around and left.

But when she left, she glared at Seville fiercely, as if she wanted to dig her chest off with her eyes.

"Sooner or later, I will tear you apart!"

Seville: ? ? ?

What did I do?

Seville was confused, feeling that he had done nothing, but he had an inexplicable enemy of life and death.

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Can you bear this?"

Mu En looked at the tall back of the weirdo, touched his chin, and said to himself with regret.

"Although he looks irritable, he doesn't seem to be that stupid."

But it's okay. At this time, I don't want to...


Just thinking about it, Mu En suddenly felt another cold gaze falling on him, with the same stern murderous intent, which made his scalp numb.

Strange, did he provoke other people?

Turn around and see that Mu En just happened to meet the eyes of another saint candidate.

Platinum Princess, Margarita.

Feature, also flat chest.

...I almost forgot that the move just now was AOE damage.

Sin, sin.

Mu En forced his head back, as if he didn't feel the coldness, and nodded to Freya in front of him:

"Hello, Miss Freya, see you again."

"Hello, Mr. Mu En."

Freya twisted a fragrant petal in her hand and smiled:

"Now, do you like my flowers?"

This inexplicable question again.

"Sorry, I still don't like it." Mu En shook his head.

"How heartless! I've helped you."

Freya's tone was full of coquettishness, but her expression was still so holy. Although her appearance was not too outstanding, it was hard for people to look away.

"By the way, do you want to join us?" She suddenly said, changing her tone.

"Join you?"

"Join forces."

Freya whispered:

"In this special situation, maybe it would be better for us to join forces."

"Why me? I'm a soft persimmon, a little lamb in the eyes of most people."

Mu En raised his eyebrows:

"There are as many people who are better than me as you want here."

"Who knows."

Freya said meaningfully: "Aren't the two words excellent subjective? In short, I am very optimistic about you, Mr. Mu En. Before we fight for that only position, I think we have the possibility of joining forces."

Mu En's eyes flickered.

Although Freya obviously released goodwill, the weird feeling still persisted.

"Sorry, I already have teammates." Mu En refused directly.


Freya did not continue to persuade, but sighed softly:

"What a pity."

The sigh was gentle and sad, as if it fell on the softest part of Mu En's heart, making him almost unable to help but change his mind.

But a burning heat flashed in his heart, and Mu En's consciousness regained clarity.

"This is..."

Mu En frowned, but when he looked up again, he only saw Freya's back leaving.

She did not stay for Mu En for too long, but the shadow behind her cast a cold look again.

And a cold and piercing sneer.

Mu En thought about it and raised his middle finger to the shadow again.

"What are you looking at, dog licker."




In the only eight hours of the day, when they were almost halfway through, someone finally couldn't help but take the initiative to enter the passage first.

And since someone was the pioneer, the rest of the people naturally no longer had any scruples. They had obviously hesitated for a long time before and were unwilling to be the pathfinder, but now they seemed a little impatient.

After what happened last night, most people's mentality has changed a bit. They probably don't want to waste any more time in this ruins that is full of stench at night.

Those terrible monsters also make people feel scared.

"Let's go too."

Seeing that more than half of the people have entered, Mu En and his group also restrained their breath and followed the crowd in a low-key manner.

The passage is very spacious. Even if hundreds of people enter at the same time, it does not seem crowded. It is just extremely dark, without a trace of light.

Someone cast lighting magic, and a huge artificially opened space appeared in front of everyone. At the center of the space, there was a deep pit leading downwards. On the edge of the pit, rusted metal formed a huge lifting platform. .

Mu En glanced down from the edge. It was too high to jump directly.

"Do you need to fly?"

"I can conjure magic," Vicky said.

Mu En looked around and saw that some people were already eagerly casting flying magic, or summoning flying magical beasts to fall into the pit.

"Need not."

He shook his head and pointed to the elevator aside:

"Let's sit here."

"Can it be done?"

Senior Sister Fanny said in surprise:

"It looks like this."

Mu En and his party are now considered to be lagging behind, but no one has been using this elevator. The rust on it shows its long history, as if it will fail to support it at any time and collapse to the ground.

"It should work. Magic-driven gadgets are not that fragile."

Mu En walked to the operating table next to the elevator and pulled the control lever. There was no response. After thinking about it, he kicked it suddenly. The magic thread finally wandered on the table, and the roar of mechanical operation suddenly sounded on the elevator.

Mu En turned around and shrugged at the stunned people, "I told you, it can still be used."

On the elevator, watching the extremely slowly moving downward screen, Sevier yawned out of boredom and said:

"By the way, I would have gone down long ago with magic. Is this necessary?"

"In my experience, it's safer."


Sewell pointed to the heavily rusted metal materials that were struggling to support the mechanical operation and asked:

"you sure?"

"I guess so."

Mu En nodded, and from the edge of the elevator, he looked down at the people below who had already landed and began to explore the surroundings seemingly peacefully.

"Caution is the rule."


Sewell curled his lips and did not comment on Mu En's words.

She didn't know what to be cautious about. Everyone had just entered this strange place, could they still think about provoking a dispute at this time?

Thinking about it, Sevier looked enviously at the man circling in the sky on a mighty vulture.

If Mu En were to take him with him, sit on the back of a griffin and fly in the air, he would then hug his waist from behind and whisper in his ear...

Honey, hurry up...

Ah, no, he is so handsome, just thinking about this scene will make my nose bleed!


Sewell felt a little regretful again.

Even such a handsome person will make mistakes in decision-making. At least this kind of overly cautious behavior will slow down...


A crisp sound broke the extremely tacit silence and put an end to Sevier's imagination.

She cast her gaze downwards in astonishment.

"Asshole, who the hell touched my butt!"

With an angry roar, a powerful magic was suddenly released.

The magic illuminates the darkness, but I don’t know where it falls.

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