Then there were several more roars.

"Who! Who attacked me!"

"Damn it, whoever touched my breasts is a man!"

"Despicable, you bastards don't follow martial ethics, so you agreed to live in peace for the time being!"

Then, whether it was a premeditated plan or an angry revenge, more magic and martial arts blossomed one after another like fireworks at night.

and soon spread into a huge chaos.

The battle begins.

Almost everyone quickly put several layers of BUFF on themselves, and then, under the cover of their companions, launched attacks on the people around them indiscriminately.

There is no need to worry about hurting innocent people. In this chaotic war, everyone besides your companions is the enemy.

Among the chaos, the most conspicuous ones were naturally those guys who were swaggering by on flying monsters, and even showing off their affection with a stench on top.

Damn it, didn’t you know that most of the people here are single?

So, while Sewell was stunned, the vulture she had envied just now was quickly burned into a bare roast chicken by the angry flames of the crowd, and the people on it were eliminated without even having time to scream.

At this moment, the elevator happened to fall steadily to the bottom.

There is no extra magical aura, and it is not conspicuous at all in the chaos and darkness.

Mu En took the lead to walk out of the elevator, straightened his collar amidst the gorgeous background, and turned back with a smile:

"See, I just said it's safe."

, "..."

146. Trap (two in one)

"Mu En, what should we do next?"

Liya grabbed Mu En's sleeve, glanced at Sewell playfully and proudly, and asked softly.

My own knight is the most powerful, how could I go wrong!

"Ahem, next, you still have to be careful."

Mu En gave a low-key dry cough.

Pretending is a pretense, but this kind of melee will affect Chiyu who knows when.

According to his experience, the more chaotic the situation, the more cautious it is.

If you insist on pushing forward blindly, you will get a bloody head.

"We try to walk around the side and reduce our sense of presence. If we are dragged into the quagmire of chaos now, it will be extremely...fuck!"

The second half of the sentence is about being scared.

Because before Mu En finished speaking, he saw an ugly face with thick eyebrows and big eyes in the darkness, with eyes as wide as copper bells, staring straight at him.

Motionless, like a statue.

Just when Mu En was wondering if this was another gay guy who was fascinated by his handsomeness, the face turned slightly, his sinister eyes glanced behind Mu En, and then... his face was instantly distorted.

It was as twisted as a traveler who had just returned from the desert and was about to die of thirst when he saw someone luxuriously soaking his feet in the spring water.

"I recognize you, you are that pretty boy, Moon Campbell!"

"Damn it, why, why are your team full of girls, and they all look so cute? But a real macho like me can only team up with some stinky men?"

"You even have a fiancée!"

"Is it just because you are handsome?!"

An emotion called jealousy burst out suddenly, turning into blue veins on the forehead of that ugly face.

Mu En's body stiffened slightly and her heartbeat stopped.

Because with this deafening roar, he obviously felt that the chaos and noise around him had become much quieter.

More eyes, burning red with jealousy, gathered under the ugly man's roar after turning the bastard who showed affection in the air into ashes.

For a moment, Mu En almost thought he had stabbed the bat nest.


Wait, isn’t it? In this situation, your focus is still on this kind of thing?

Shouldn’t what men pursue be blood, fame, strength and treasure? Why should you care if there are girls in your team?

Are girls important?

Are women important?

Don’t you know that women will only affect the speed at which you draw your swords?


Mu En's inner roar could not be conveyed to anyone.

On the contrary, he was calm, elegant and handsome at the moment, and the cute girl behind him looked adoring, which touched many people's nerves.

So, just for a moment when he was stunned, there were more than a dozen powerful magics slamming at him.

"Die to me!"

"I'm going, are you serious?"

No matter how fierce a man is, it is impossible for him to face the siege of so many people, let alone maintain his pretentiousness and elegance under such circumstances. Mu En's face turned slightly pale, and he quickly grabbed Liya's little hand, pushed several others, and decisively The choice collapsed and sold out.

"What are you doing standing still? Run!"

A few minutes later, when the chaotic crowd, like passing locusts, finally left and headed deeper, the light in an inconspicuous corner suddenly distorted for a moment.

Several embarrassed figures appeared, clinging to the wall.

"They should all be gone."

Mu En looked around for a while. After making sure it was safe, she finally had time to breathe out.

Scared to death.

He failed to succeed and was almost beaten to death.

If my lighting skill points hadn't reached an unprecedented level, I might have really failed.

Those bastards can't stand this kind of excitement. If they tell me that they not only have a fiancée, but also a sexy and charming girlfriend, as well as a dignified and obedient personal maid, why don't they just explode on the spot?

How can you be a strong person if you have no ambition at all?

Fortunately, I am a good man with a broad mind.

"Junior Mu En, why do I feel that acting with you is not a good thing?"

Fanny held a few damaged scrolls in her hands, thinking about the precious props she had just handed over to save her life, and her body ached so much that she almost shed tears.

But then he thought that the money he spent to buy props seemed to have been won by betting on Mu En before, and he felt much better, so his tone was just teasing.

"If this continues, we may all be regarded as one of the girlfriends you tricked this playboy into."

"No way, how could those guys really besiege us for such a thing? Anyone who can come here is not stupid. They just know that this kind of melee is meaningless, so they just find a reason to divert the conflict and cease the war."

Mu En shrugged helplessly and said with a smile:

"And to be able to make someone as beautiful as Senior Sister Fanny my girlfriend, I still... hiss, it hurts..."

Mu En suddenly gasped in pain, lowered his head, and found that Liya was secretly pinching his palm with her nails.

He had been holding her little hand just now, but he hadn't had time to let go.

"Mr. Moon."

Liya stared at him cutely, and said angrily in a rare serious tone:

"My companions are all girls, which seems to make you very proud."


Mu En immediately shut up. Experience told him that anything he said at this time was wrong.

After some repairs, a few people continued to explore forward.

Knowing that his progress had fallen behind, he accelerated his progress a little, but he still did not relax his vigilance.

Mu En walked in the front, using illumination to illuminate the surroundings. Liya followed closely behind him. Little lights spread around her like fireflies, and she cautiously explored the surrounding environment.


Liya suddenly pulled Mu En's sleeve.

"Is there a situation?"


Liya stretched out her hand, not far in front of Mu En.

After hearing Liya's words, everyone's spirits suddenly became tense.

Although her appearance is too cute to be taken seriously, even Xavier has to admit her attainments in magical knowledge.

Mu En patted Liya's little hand, pulled out Elizabeth, and moved forward steadily.

He carefully came to the boundary pointed by Liya, looked back at her, and after receiving her nod in response, he took out a dark metal ball and rolled it gently on the ground.


There was an inaudible sound of mechanical movement.

As the metal ball rolled, the ground, which had no abnormality at all, began to swim out with faint magical threads, intricately intertwined, like layers of ivy. It looked like a special kind of beauty, but it was fascinating. My heart goes crazy.

Mu En felt it a little bit, and cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

Who the hell is so vicious and creates such an insidious mechanism?

Although Mu En was unable to cast any magic, he had been able to roughly discern that there seemed to be a complex, multiple magic circle hidden beneath the ground as he supplemented his magic knowledge during this period.

It is extremely concealed, so the infused magic power and lethality are not particularly outstanding.

But the effect…

Dizziness, hallucination, sleep, aphrodisiac, violent transformation, magic dispersion... and the thoughtful application of fabric dissolution.

So if you accidentally step on it... I'm afraid it won't just be as simple as being eliminated.

I'm afraid it will leave an unspeakable psychological shadow for the rest of my life.

"Can it be cracked?"

Mu En turned around. From just now, Liya had been carefully observing the magic threads and calculating something.

Soon, a charming smile broke out on her pretty face, and she nodded vigorously: "Okay."

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although brute force cracking is possible, it would take a lot of effort, and no one knows that other hidden traps are waiting for them.

Mu En got out of the way, watched Liya tinkering for a while, and finally stepped on it first.

"You must follow in my footsteps."

Liya turned back and stretched out her little hand towards Mu En. The color of her cheeks was like the red clouds in the evening, so cute:

"But... just to be on the safe side, it's better for Mu En to come with me first and give it a test."

"Then I'm the third one!"

Sewell came over excitedly, also wanting to hold Mu En's hand.


Liya glared at her: "Let the two of us pass the test first, and then you just step on our footsteps."

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