"Then why does it have to be him!" Xavier pursed his lips.

"Mu En can protect me, can you?"

Liya said confidently.

After saying that, he seemed a little shy and quickly turned his head away.

Mu En saw the red clouds quickly spread to the girl's swan-like neck, and even the small earlobes were dyed red and became delicate.

so cute.


Sewell clicked his tongue in displeasure, but said nothing more.

In terms of strength, she is certainly not as good as Mu En.

Mu En naturally held Liya's little hand.

In fact, he had held this soft, boneless hand more than once. Even when he was running away just now, he subconsciously held it tightly.

But even after holding hands so many times, when the cold and soft touch came from the palm of his hand, Mu En still felt that his heartbeat was a little faster and his mouth was dry.

I believe the same is true for Liya. Because of the skin-to-skin contact, Mu En could clearly feel the girl's tight body and stiff movements.

But this wonderful touch still makes people extremely nostalgic.

It’s just that those meaningful glances behind him are a bit annoying.

Even though he said it was just because of the test, everyone looked at people like that.

Liya and I are innocent!

Just the relationship between the knight and the saint he serves.

That's all.

"Let's go."

Liya's tone was trembling, and she pulled Mu En forward cautiously.

Underground, there are still dense magical threads swimming around. This trap has not been completely touched, but Liya has used her superb skills to pry out a loophole.

Therefore, both of them were cautious and walked slowly.

The passage, which was less than ten meters long, seemed longer than the dark cave before.

It wasn't until Sewell yelled impatiently over there and asked them if they were done testing that the two of them separated their hands as if they were electrocuted.

"Okay, come follow us."

"Very good."

Liya secretly touched her palms, feeling the gradually dissipating warmth, and glanced at Sevier who was happily passing the trap...

Sure enough, this woman is very annoying!

Sewell's neck suddenly shrank, and he felt a little cold in the back of his heart for no reason...

After everyone passed the trap, they were about to move on, but Mu En noticed that Liya's eyes were still on the trap, her little hand supporting her chin, as if she was thinking about something.

"What's wrong?"

"No...nothing, I just had some thoughts suddenly."



Liya answered, and then she squatted down and started drawing on the trap, sketching something.

"What is this doing?"

Mu En could only understand what new magic circle she seemed to be covering on top of this trap.

"To put it simply, because this kind of magic circle is extremely difficult to cancel, just in case, when setting up this kind of compound multiple magic circle, the organizer will leave a backdoor, which is the so-called pass condition that will not be triggered. "

"And I am making slight modifications to this backdoor so that as long as the installer returns to this place, he will reap the consequences."

"Not only that, I also extended the trigger distance by one meter, so that even a distance that was originally thought to be safe would still be hit..."

"Also, I have also made some adjustments in other aspects, simplifying some negative effects that would conflict with each other, making them... more powerful!"


Seeing Liya chatting and changing traps with fascination, not only Mu En, but also Fanny and Vicky, who were senior students, subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

Sewell took a few steps back and began to think about whether he had offended this beautiful girl who looked so cute that he wanted to take a bite of her tender face...

All in all, it's inexplicably scary.

After passing through several traps, it was a long and boring exploration.

I don’t know if the route I chose is too remote, or if I am behind too much, but I haven’t seen anyone else after walking for so long.

In order to conserve strength along the way, it was repaired several times.

Mu En took out his pocket watch and looked at it. The time had already passed eight hours during the day, and it was already late at night.

"But... there are no traces of decay here, and I haven't encountered that kind of monster."

Mu En grabbed a handful of sand and gravel. It was dry and ordinary, without any abnormalities.

"Is it because the pollution hasn't reached here yet, or is it true, as the diary said, that the 'wall' can isolate pollution?"

"Muen Muen, look here!"

While thinking about it, Mu En heard Liya's slightly excited exclamation.

Following the charming figure that made people unable to take their eyes away, Mu En suddenly became enlightened when she saw the space around her under the gradually spreading light.

They seemed to have finally passed through the narrow passage and arrived at an extremely wide space.

But the happiness didn't last long. The next moment, the light dispersed.

A series of majestic shadows appeared in everyone's field of vision. The strong sense of oppression made people like Mu En, who had seen big scenes, unable to help but hold their breath.

Just around there, huge statues stood neatly in the form of a square array, seeming to fill the entire vast space.

Those statues are not humanoid, but look like ferocious hounds ready to attack. Each one is at least three meters tall, with lifelike muscle lines and full of explosive power.

Mu En thought of the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang in his previous life, but these statues undoubtedly gave people much more terrible psychological pressure. Even Mu En felt like his scalp was numb.

"These...couldn't they be some kind of mechanism?"

Sewell's voice trembled as she thought of the machine dolls that were most commonly encountered in ancient ruins.

That kind of mechanism doll is extremely difficult to deal with. The terrible magic technology of ancient times has given them powerful power that has been preserved for a long time. Each one will bring huge trouble to the explorers.

And here... there are so many that they can't even be counted.

Sewell could already imagine himself being chopped into pieces by these machine dolls.

147. Door

"No, this shouldn't be a machine doll."

After the brief shock, Mu En quickly calmed down.

"If it were a machine doll, I'm afraid we would have been attacked long ago, and it would be impossible to easily step into this place."

After carefully scanning the surrounding phalanx with strong visual impact, Mu En's eyes narrowed:

"Moreover, if you look closely, these dog-shaped statues don't even have joints, so it's impossible for them to move."


Vicky boldly stepped forward and knocked gently, and the metal dog suddenly made a dull sound.

"Bronze? No, it should be some kind of alloy. It seems to be cast in one piece. There is no magic smell. It is impossible for this kind of thing to move no matter how you look at it."

As the daughter of a large chamber of commerce, Vicky's knowledge is far beyond ordinary people, and she quickly made a preliminary analysis of materials and structures.

"Then these...are just simple statues?"

Sewell marveled, "Wasting so much valuable metal just to create this kind of ornamental statue is worthy of being a lost land. I can't understand the thinking here at all."

"Maybe it's leisure time."

Mu En suddenly remembered some words in the diary and said casually:

"In this world where you can easily have enough food and clothing, and no disputes are allowed, people here have to find something to do for themselves, otherwise sooner or later they will go crazy with idleness."


Sewell thought for a moment and said, "That's right."

If she eats and drinks all day long but can't do anything, she will definitely try something new.

"I can't understand it either!"

Liya followed up by waving her little pink fist, rarely agreeing with Sevier.

In her opinion, wasting the goddess's power to do such selfish things is completely blasphemy to the goddess.

"Save these words until you actually meet the indigenous people."

Mu En looked at Liya's side face and smiled unconsciously.

"Looking at the traces here, there are already many people ahead of us. Let's keep moving forward."

After passing these huge phalanxes of statues, several people finally got rid of the gloomy and dark passage before and saw a corridor engraved with strange lines.

Under the corridor is a set of steps.

The stairs spiral downwards, deep into the darkness.

Several people cautiously explored and moved forward. After the traps and scares just now, they all seemed much more cautious. Who knew what other ghosts there were here.

Leah's exploration magic is always on to cope with unknown dangers.

Even Sewell took out a prop that looked like a small mouse and let it chatter and climb down the stairs.

But the further down they go, the uglier their faces become.

"We...have walked at least a thousand steps."

Vicki's face turned slightly pale. She was a pure magician and her physical fitness was not as good as others. She was also embarrassed to let Liya's holy light be used on such a trivial matter. Her feet were already weak at the moment.

But looking down and forward, the spiral stairs still extend with no end in sight.

Damn it? Even if we know that the aboriginal people in this world are very idle, how can anyone be so idle as to build such a long ladder underground?

"If we haven't seen a ghost, it means... someone is causing trouble."

Mu En touched his chin and glanced around. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he tentatively shouted:



In the dark, silent.

But Mu En seemed determined at this moment, her eyes fixed on something.

Beside him, black metal pieces with holy threads were floating around Liya's body, and she looked unkind.


Suddenly, a sigh came.

The scene in front of Mu En and others suddenly changed, and bright fire light entered the eyes, making people squint subconsciously.

"See, I said I couldn't stop them."

Elager shrugged helplessly at the surprised companion beside him.

Mu En finally adapted to the sudden light, raised her eyebrows and looked not far away.

It was another relatively open space, but it was different from before. The fire was bright, and the walls were carved with grand paintings, but they were even more difficult to understand than the murals Mu En saw in the cave last time.

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