But Mu En was not concerned about these, but what was in front of him.

"It's quite lively."

At this moment, in addition to Elaze and his companions wearing the robes of the magicians of the Tower of Origin, there were many people gathered.

Freya, and her dog-licking shadow.

Margarita, Paul.

Loli Anne and Reta, who glared at Mu En and Sever.

Even Fei'er, who had not been seen before, was yawning and waving at Mu En not far away. The adventurer named Thunder Gun behind her stood as straight as a javelin.

All the candidates for the saints were present.

And not only them, Mu En also saw some familiar faces, such as the ugly face that envied and hated him in the dark not long ago.

Although the number was at least half less than before entering here, and those people might still be lost in the dark and gloomy passage before, this scene was still beyond Mu En's expectations.

"What's wrong?"

After thinking about it, he walked through the crowd and came to Freya.

Although everyone was standing in a very scattered position, it could be vaguely seen that many people were guarding the most famous candidate for the saint.

Asking her was the simplest and most direct way.

"Look for yourself."

This time, Freya did not say much, nor did she ask any more strange questions, but just made way.

In front of her was a gate.

A magnificent gate that looked like a golden sculpture. Unlike the colorful murals around it, the gate had no extra decorations, but Mu En felt a needle-like chill on his skin just by approaching.

"The gate that the church mentioned?"


"Can't open it?"


Mu En winked at Liya beside him.

Liya nodded in tacit understanding and walked forward.

For this kind of thing, it is better to let the professionals here confirm it in person.

Liya put her little hand on the golden door, and a little magic spread out.

Soon, she withdrew her hand, and her pretty face turned pale.

"It's an extremely complex mosaic array. Not only that, it seems to combine alchemy, multiple continuous mechanisms, and ancient magic."

"Is it really impossible to open it? You can't do it?"

Seville asked curiously. After what happened before, she had an inexplicable trust in Leah.


Liya smiled bitterly and shook her head: "The things on this door are too complicated. Unless it reaches the truth level, it is impossible for a single person to crack it. It is even easy to cause a chain reaction, and then..."

"What happens then?"

"I don't know much about the continuous mechanism behind it, but..."

Liya pointed to the top of her head and swallowed her saliva:

"This is at least several hundred meters underground!"


Seville took a breath of cold air.


Generally, what will happen if there is a problem with the mechanism underground?

Based on Seville's exploration experience over the years, 60%... no, 80%, they will be buried alive by the hundreds of meters of rock above their heads.

There is no doubt that those ancient people were so boring and rigid, and even their ways of doing bad things were similar.

"I see, no wonder they are all crowded here."

Mu En touched his chin, but found that Freya was looking at him with an interested look.

"So, what would you do?"

"Hmm? Me?"


Freya lifted a strand of hair and gently put her head close to Mu En's ear:

"Tell me what you think."

The rich fragrance came again, and the hot wind blew on Mu En's ears, itching.

At this moment, Mu En could clearly feel the jealous eyes around him.

However, he just glanced at Freya indifferently, stepped back a few steps without leaving a trace, and then pondered.

"What to do... Well, let me think... Ah, I got it."

Facing Freya's expectant eyes, Mu En suddenly clapped his hands:

"Let's go back."


The holy smile on Freya's face froze.

"Go back?"


Mu En gave her a strange look:

"Since we can't open the door, why are we still here? Doing group sex together?"

PS: I might have an erection, so uncomfortable.

148. Answer

"Mr. Mu En is really good at joking."

The bright firelight flickered on both sides of the spacious platform, reflecting different faces of each person, but most of them showed a hint of sarcasm when looking at the blond man who said he would leave directly.

Freya's holy and pretty face seemed to outline an increasingly elusive smile in the interlaced shadows.

"What are you talking about going back now... As a knight of the divine servant, and also a participant in this trial, are you not interested in what's behind the door?"

"Yes, I'm not interested."


"This is the truth."

Mu En shrugged and said with a relaxed look:

"I participated in this ceremony, or the trial, for only one purpose, that is to help Leah become a saint. Other things like the treasures of the ruins, the lost truth, etc., I am not very interested, but I want to stay away from them."

Mu En secretly glanced at the girl beside him. The girl's cheeks were slightly red, but she did not avoid her eyes.

"As for the method of becoming a saint... I think Miss Freya should have known it with her intelligence."

"You mean purifying those poor remaining souls? Indeed, that seems to be one of the ways."

Freya suddenly took another step forward and approached Mu En, who had just distanced herself from her. She lowered her head slightly. She was about to deliberately make a gesture of intimacy, but suddenly found that her eyes flashed. Liya had inserted most of her arm. Staring at himself warily.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and then continued nonchalantly:

"But Mr. Mu En should have a deep understanding of how troublesome those monsters are. How many did you deal with last night? Three? Five? How long will it take to purify each one of them to symbolize the identity of the candidate saint? How about filling up the crystals? And the church has spent so much effort to send us in, does it really want us to do this kind of cleaning work, which is no different from the cleaners? "

Mu En turned slightly sideways in the direction of Liya, frowned and said:

"What do you mean?"

"Have you not discovered it yet, Mr. Mu En? What is recorded in that flawless crystal is the gratitude and goodwill released by the remnant souls when they are redeemed. In the words of the ascetic monks in the west desert, it is the so-called 'merits' , so those poor remaining souls that can be purified are just a reminder to us. Combined with the additional request made by the church to find the truth about the lost land, I think what the church really wants us to do is actually——

Save this broken country. "

Freya's murmur sounded in Mu En's ears, full of bewitching power:

"What merit is greater, more noble, and more worthy of the title of saint than saving a country on the verge of destruction and saving the remaining people here?"


If the saint is the one who leads believers and brings salvation to the world.

So how great a redemption can be compared to saving an entire country?


Mu En was silent, looking calmly at the candidate for the saint in front of her who was said to be the closest to the saint.

There was no emotion in his blue eyes, and he seemed to be sluggish because of Freya's words.

But in fact, he had already guessed about this.

The church cannot have no agenda.

It is impossible to really be unaware of this country being invaded by evil gods.

Even if nothing out of the norm has appeared in this country so far, apart from the fact that it is already on the verge of collapse, it is probably because of the church.

Saving the lost kingdom that was invaded by the evil god is indeed worthy of being crowned a saint.

If you want to win this crown, opening the door and finding the surviving aborigines of this country is the first step you must take.

But...even though everything was going so smoothly, Mu En still felt a faint sense of uneasiness deep in her heart.

Inexplicably uneasy.

"I always feel like... I really jumped into some huge pit this time."

With a sigh in her heart, Mu En looked at Freya again:

"Do you have a way to open the door?"

"Yes, but we need to join forces."

"Join forces?"


Freya smiled and said:

"Mr. Mu En's candidate for the saint also said just now that this golden gate cannot be cracked by a 'single' individual. But there are talented elites from all walks of life gathered here, so why rely on individual power?"

"Anyone can think of a way to join forces, but the problem is..."

Mu En glanced around.

These guys just did it because "someone touched their butt", "I can't stand the smelly dog ​​showing affection" and "that guy has a lot of girls in his team, and why don't I have any"? These outrageous reasons have almost knocked the dog's brain. Fight it out and let these people join forces...

It's better to hope to find a group of huskies, who might be able to use their natural instincts and tear down the door directly.

"Don't worry, it's not like everyone joins forces to force the door open. That would be too stupid."

As if seeing through Mu En's doubts, Freya chuckled and said:

"I am afraid that there are only a few people who are extremely accomplished in magic and alchemy who can really play a role in cracking the Golden Gate. The others only need to watch and there will be no problems."

"I see……"

"Why, does Mr. Mu En still have any doubts?"

Seeing Mu En's sudden silence, Freya asked curiously.


Mu En shrugged, "It's just that you said that only those who are extremely accomplished in magic and alchemy can be effective. Then it's not my place to make the decision."

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