
Freya was stunned for a moment before she followed his line of sight and looked to the side.

There, Liya, who had just been on guard to prevent the two from getting too close, shuddered and blinked cutely, only then did she notice the two people looking at her at the same time.

"Eh? Me?"

"Of course, only you can make the decision on this matter."

Mu En smiled gently, looking at Liya's cute appearance, subconsciously wanted to touch her head, but when he thought of another person here, he withdrew his hand without a trace.

"Don't force it. Although this woman said it easily, there will definitely be risks. There are so many people here, and you don't necessarily have to take action, so just do what you can. With me here, no one can blame you."

Mu En's words, like the rising sun in winter, made Liya's heart warm.

She believed that just as he said, even if she refused, no one could blame her.


Liya bit her lip and looked over the huge golden gate.

She knew the risks of the gate better than anyone else, and according to her calculations, even if the best people here were gathered, the success rate of cracking the gate would never exceed 50%.

Once failed, everyone would be doomed.


"I, I can try!"

The anxious but firm voice echoed in everyone's ears.

Liya didn't care about the surprised eyes of others, but continued to look at the blue eyes.

Her knight was clearing the way for her, so she couldn't stand behind others.

Ps: I'm very sorry, I'm still dizzy, and the things I wrote are still so bad. I will adjust and make up for it as soon as possible.

149. I'm very good

The process of joining forces was smoother than Mu En imagined.

In fact, although most of the participants had a big grudge, and even the revenge of stealing buttocks not long ago had not been avenged, everyone knew that if they wanted to get the real precious things in this relic and get the rewards of the church, they had to pass through the golden gate in front of them.

Before this, all the fights were meaningless.

So under Freya's persuasion, more than half of the people chose to stay and crack the golden door together.

Of course, the only ones who were truly capable of cracking it were those who were recognized as proficient in magic, alchemy and ancient formations.

The others were responsible for preventing various accidents that might happen. Well... Although it was said in name, they were actually just watching. After all, brute force couldn't help much at this time.

But as long as it didn't cause trouble, it would be the best result for this loose and ulterior motive alliance.


"Please sign this."

"What is this?"

Mu En looked at the arrogant Platinum Princess in front of him in surprise, and the black document she handed over.

"This is the death contract document."

"Death contract document..."

Mu En raised his eyebrows. Now he was naturally not as ignorant as he was half a year ago, so he immediately realized what the so-called death contract document was.

This is a mandatory contract. Once signed, the signatory will be severely punished if he violates the above rules.

It is similar to the god contract commonly used by believers, but the executor of the death contract is not the illusory god, but the terrible curse attached to the document itself.

Feeling the cold touch clearly coming from the document with his fingertips, Mu En couldn't help but feel some hair standing on end.

"Take out this kind of thing..."

Mu En paused, then immediately reacted and looked into Margarita's eyes:

"Don't you believe Freya?"

Mu En remembered that this platinum princess was also very good at magic, and seemed to be one of the candidates responsible for cracking the door this time.

"I don't believe you either."

Margarita had a blank expression on her face, with a coldness in her eyes that kept people away from her.

There was also some kind of vague anger.

...It seems that my previous indiscriminate personal attack did offend others.

After forcing his eyes not to wander around and bring secondary harm to others, Mu En began to read the terms of the death contract carefully.

The general meaning is that during the cracking of the gate, they must not attack each other. The terms are very meticulous. Mu En thought carefully for a while, and after making sure that there were no loopholes, he skillfully signed his name in a very gorgeous noble cursive behind the long list of names that had already signed.

Then it was Liya. Out of trust in Mu En, she didn't even look at the terms and signed her name directly.

Then it was the other people around Mu En.

"Contract reached."

When the last person's name was signed, the entire death contract suddenly floated up, and the orange flames jumped and slowly swallowed it.

At the same time, Mu En felt something cold and gloomy, like a venomous snake, wrapped around his neck, giving him a faint sense of threat of death.

"Beheaded? I'm afraid even the church may not be able to save us before the head is removed."

Mu En stroked his neck and suddenly called Margarita who was about to leave:

"Wait a minute."

"Anything else?"

"What do you think of what you said just now?"

"What you said just now?"

There was a trace of doubt on Margarita's deep face:

"you mean……"

"Stop pretending."

Mu En's face was expressionless:

"That knight of yours has been secretly eavesdropping on Freya and I just now. I don't believe he didn't tell you what we just said."


On the side, Paul whistled unpleasantly and looked up at the sky indifferently, as if there was something rare and worthy of study on the ceiling.


Margarita glared at him, was silent for a moment, and said:

"I don't have any opinion. Just do whatever you want. It's not the only way anyway."

"This one is too easy to follow." Mu En smiled bitterly.


Margarita pointed to the side:

"Look at the saint candidate over there, she's almost asleep!"

Mu En turned around and saw that Miss Fei'er had secretly dozed off in the corner.

"..." The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

Who said he was bad at showing off? There was obviously someone who was better at showing off than he was!

"Moreover, even if we abandon those who have something and don't have it..."

Margarita took a deep look at the golden door and suddenly said meaningfully:

“Until now, we still don’t know what is waiting for us to ‘save’?”

"Mu En."

After Margarita left, Liya gently pulled Mu En's sleeve out of habit.

"Is the condition for becoming a saint really to save this country invaded by evil gods? It's up to us..."

"What, are you scared?"


Liya suddenly lowered her head shyly and twisted her skirt with her hands:

"No... I'm just a little uneasy. It's funny to say that in all these years of becoming a candidate for a saint, I've... never saved anyone. I'm completely incomparable to other saints, especially Miss Freya. I heard that She solved the plague and saved thousands of people..."

"Why don't you have confidence again?"

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention, Mu En secretly touched Liya's head:

"Don't worry. In fact, your hard study over the years is no different from what Freya has done."


"The more powerful you are and the more knowledgeable you are, after becoming a saint, won't you be able to save more people? Just like your saint teacher, she can just name a few medicinal materials. It is impossible to save the life of a seriously ill person without complicated study.”

"So, no matter what the real conditions for becoming a saint are or which path you want to take, what you have to do now is to believe in yourself and your past self."

"Your path has been paved over the past ten years."

Listening to Mu En's mellow voice, Liya raised her head, feeling the warmth coming from her palms, and there seemed to be countless brilliance blooming deep in her eyes.

"Go ahead."

Mu En looked at her and showed her usual reassuring soft smile:

"From now on, let them remember your name."


Liya came to the majestic golden gate.

There was no decoration at all on the door, like molten, silent iron, but Liya could clearly feel the cold murderous intent hidden behind it.

Countless complex matrices, structures, alchemical inscriptions and magic lines fill this dead door. Just one wrong step during the cracking process will cause extremely serious chain reactions.

Because the lightest result of this chain reaction... is probably that everyone will be buried alive together.

As for the most serious result...if the people who built this gate were ruthless enough, with such a complex mechanism, they might not even be able to be teleported away by the space scroll.

This pressure can be imagined.

"Don't hold me back."

Liya was stunned and looked at the person beside her.

This is a tall and thin man, wearing the magician robe of the Tower of Origin and a golden badge on his chest. His sideways glances are filled with arrogance.

School of revelation, Narishji.

As a school of magic that studies astrology and the laws of all things, cracking various mechanisms is their specialty. As the leader of the generation of the School of Revelation, Narishji naturally has arrogance in this regard.

Originally, with Liya's temperament, she wouldn't say anything at this time.

But this time...

"I won't hold back."

Liya looked into Narishji's eyes and retorted seriously:

"I am powerful."

After saying that, ignoring the surprised Narishji, Liya took a deep breath, got rid of distracting thoughts, took the lead, and put her hands on the cold door.

150. Bloom

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