The moment her palm came into contact with the golden door, Liya suddenly felt a sting from the spiritual level.

Complex, messy, disordered, and overwhelming information, mixed with traps and crises that made it impossible to see the full picture, poured into her mind.

This made Liya's heart sink slightly again.

The person who made this door seemed to have not put any hidden structure on the door at all. It was like an indestructible security door, but he generously placed the entire lock core structure in front of everyone.

Confidence, or arrogance.

Anyone can observe and try to crack it, but the maker of the door seems to have cast a sarcastic look on it.

You, no.

This kind of calmness makes people feel more and more troublesome.

With the gradual spread of perception, without any obstruction, the structure of the entire gate gradually became clear in her eyes. It seemed that it could be cracked directly, but those complicated formations and structures looked like they had just been played with by a cat. I passed the ball of thread and couldn't find a clue at all.

If you don’t even know where to start, how can you continue?

At this moment, she finally understood where the door maker's confidence lay.

This door is huge.

Yes, it's big.

Across this vast space, a single individual is as small as an insect in front of this golden gate.

It is precisely because of this that various useful or useless formations and structures can be inserted into the gate arbitrarily, casually, and without scruples.

These formations and structures are intertwined and restrict each other, creating the extremely complex joint structure in front of us.

You simply don't know which piece of structure is redundant and meaningless, and which piece of formation is slightly moved, will cause irreparable consequences.

"So, what to do when faced with this situation?"

Liya changed her posture and rubbed her hands gently to dispel the coldness in her palms.

She quickly turned around and accurately found the figure in the crowd, and she couldn't help but feel relieved, and all her panic turned into the little rabbit running away.

Then continue.

This time, under deliberate control, the picture constructed in the eyes was completely different.

An extremely huge and complicated pattern slowly spread out in front of Liya's eyes.

Countless lines of magical power, the lowest structure, and sophisticated and complex alchemy machinery were arranged in an orderly manner before her eyes.

Although still confusing, mixed with authenticity, and elusive, at least now these things a book.

And as long as it is a book, you can read, understand, and understand it thoroughly.

Just like what the girl did more than ten years ago.

"I didn't expect that you didn't help crack it?"

Mu En, who was wandering around while focusing most of his attention on Liya, slipped to the edge unknowingly, looking like an old fritter who was skilled at fishing at work.

Not far away from him, another old youtiao was even more extreme than him. He had even fallen asleep. He slept so soundly that his saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Huh? Huh?"

The intellectual beauty named Fei'er blankly wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth. It took her a long time to recover from her disturbed dream, and her beautiful eyes focused on Mu En in front of her.

"Why should I go?"

Mayfair yawned and stretched, and her excellent figure, which was only slightly inferior to Liya's, was highlighted under her robe:

"Although I am good at magic, I am not good at breaking that kind of thing. Not everyone has a way to deal with that kind of thing. Otherwise, there would not be so many crackers here with so many people here."

"That makes sense."

"Mr. Mu En, I'm a little surprised if you don't go."

"Huh? Me?" Mu En was stunned.

"Yes, you are that disciple, this kind of thing will definitely not be a problem for you!"

Feier looked at Mu En, her bright eyes flashing with the same strange brilliance as when they first met.

I always feel like... I've really been misunderstood.

The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched and she turned her eyes silently.

"Speaking of which, forget it Miss Margarita. I never thought that Anne with a bad temper would take the initiative to do such a thing." Mu En said, changing the subject.

There are a total of five people participating in the cracking at this moment, Liya, Narishiki, Margarita, Freya's knight Brian, and Anne.

In fact, the most surprising thing is Freya's divine knight Brian. Many people did not expect that he was also a highly accomplished magician. When the man in black came from Freya for the first time, When he walked out of Ya's shadow, many people's jaws were indeed shocked.

But Mu En didn't feel anything. In his opinion, it was even more unbelievable that a rotten loli like Annie would take the initiative to do such a thankless thing.

"Don't underestimate Miss Anne. As the best alchemist here, if she doesn't take action, I'm afraid the cracking work will directly fall into great difficulties."

Mayfair smiled and said: "After all, that gate is complicated, not just about magic."

"oh oh."

Mu En looked calm, which I actually understood a long time ago, and touched her chin and said:

"That means...the cracking work went smoothly, right?"


Fei'er frowned slightly and glanced suspiciously at Mu En's face, which was tense and expressionless...

You obviously know these things very well, but you still ask me on purpose?

What does it mean?

Although she was puzzled, Fei'er still answered subconsciously:

"For the time being, right?"

"For the time being?"

"After all, it is something that is carefully crafted, and it will not be used until the last moment... huh?"

Instantly, the laziness and leisure on Fei'er's face were swept away, and the solemn expression was like a dark cloud, instantly covering her entire face.

"What's wrong?"

"Something went wrong."


Mu En was a little nervous, but then he coughed dryly and pretended to be calm:

"It's impossible that Leah is the problem, right?"

"Of course it's not Leah."

Fei'er looked at Mu En strangely, then looked at the field and said meaningfully:

"The problem is the other one, the one who looks the least likely."



"What's going on?"

In front of the gate, Annie, who was concentrating on reverse-interpreting the operating rules of the alchemy mechanism, suddenly opened her eyes and locked her eyes on the tall and thin figure not far away from her side. A fierce murderous intent instantly appeared on her chubby little face:

"Narisigi, what the hell are you doing?"

Although five people were interpreting at the same time, and the directions of interpretation were different, after all, the goals were the same, so they would definitely be affected to a certain extent.

Annie was affected now, from Narisigi, a bad influence.

"I... No, no, it's just a small accident, a small accident! I will recover soon, very soon!"

Narisiji was sweating profusely, and his arrogance was no longer there. He stared at the door in front of him, and his hands, which were absorbing and exhaling magic power to crack, were already trembling slightly.


This is very wrong.

It shouldn't be like this.

He is the leader of the School of Revelation, a genius in this field. Everyone here is not as accomplished as him in this field, so he should take on the most important responsibility of cracking the core.

Logically speaking, everyone here should be his foil, the green leaves that set off the flowers. He will open the door and get everyone's praise and admiration. Anyone who wants to go further must bear his kindness.

He will also get Miss Freya, the favor of the future Saint, just like before, get, get her...



Why is it like this?

It's just a small oversight... No, it's not even an oversight. As a school of revelation, meticulousness and prudence are things engraved in their bones.

But at that time, facing that insignificant small magic structure, he habitually used the replacement method, that is, without understanding the essence of the magic structure, he temporarily replaced it with another magic with the same effect to ensure operation.

But it was just such a small replacement that made the seemingly insignificant small magic structure become the first domino to fall, and the chain reaction spread rapidly, and more magic structures began to gradually collapse.

If it goes on like this, it will soon touch the core, and then cause irreversible consequences.

Not only him, but everyone here will be dragged down by him!

At that time, let alone accepting his favor, even after leaving here, he will be torn to pieces by those angry guys!

"It's not over yet... It's not over yet!"

Narishiji's forehead was full of blue veins, and his eyes were already full of bloodshot, but he was still trying to bet on the gradually expanding loophole. No matter what, this loophole must not be from him, from him...


Annie's roar woke him up, and suddenly he found that everyone was looking at him.

There are no blind people here, so basically everyone has found something wrong.

"Hey... I'm not going to fail, am I?"

Before making this gamble, everyone was informed of the consequences of failure.

So some people turned pale and ran away.

More people looked at Narisigi with more eager eyes, hoping that this genius who was highly anticipated by everyone could stand up and turn the tide.

But soon, the eager eyes turned into despair.

Because... even Narisigi himself... gave up.

"Sorry... I can't do it anymore."

He let go of his hand dejectedly, and the collapse was still spreading rapidly. A low hum came from the gate, and some terrible murderous intent was brewing.

It's over, it's over.

No one can save him, and no one can save the people here.

The collapse can no longer be suppressed. Soon, all the magic arrays in this entire gate will explode at the same time. Under that huge power, no one can escape.

This game is over...

"It's not over yet!"

Narisji looked up in astonishment, and saw the girl he had just "reminded" suddenly left her original position and stood in front of him.

Without hesitation, he placed his hands on the door that had become hot because the magic began to collapse.

She was going to...


Narisji was stunned, then laughed at himself, "It's over."

How could she do something that he couldn't do?

Even if she was a candidate for the Saint, in his impression, this candidate for the Saint had nothing particularly outstanding except for her appearance and figure, so he said that at the time.

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